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Pakistan considers imposing tax on Nato supply trucks

Aid doesn't help Pakistan, only helps the corrupt leaders.

Asim.. Thats so not true. I understand the corruption angle, and its same everywhere in the subcontinent, but a large % of aid goes into the economy. Even if 50% is gone into leakage, you still have the balance 50% going into economy. On the other hand 100% of Zero is still zero

But Thumbs up for the tax on NATO trucks
Govt may demand Rs60b from NATO as road network compensation
By: Farzana Shah | Published: October 09, 2010

PESHAWAR – The government of Pakistan is considering demanding billions of rupees from NATO in terms of road network compensation pending for the last 7 years besides imposing tax on owners of containers used for supplies across the border.
TheNation learnt from reliable sources that government is seriously considering demanding Rs60 billion from NATO in terms of road network compensation for damaging roads it has been using for the last seven years for carrying supplies across Afghanistan.

The heavy trucks and containers carrying NATO supplies have badly damaged the Indus Highway and other roads used all these years. Many roads in FATA are also seriously damaged due to it.

The National Highways Authority and Provincial Highways Authority in their reports sent to the federal and provincial governments have pinpointed the roads badly damaged due to frequently used for NATO supplies.

The supply trucks and containers pass through the roads of main cities of country Karachi, Haiderabad, Shikarpur, Kashmor, DG Khan, DI Khan, Peshawar and crossing the border into Afghanistan.

According to sources currently almost 500 containers carrying oil from Mehmoodkot near Karachi-Muzaffargarh Road and Attock Refinery are entering Peshawar. These passing through Nowshera, DI Khan, Kohat, Jamrud, Landikotal and Torkham cross into Afghanistan.
Supplies from Punjab also passing through different roads reach Islamabad and from there enter into Khyber Pukhtunkhwa again further going through different roads to reach Afghanistan. Similarly oil and other goods are being transported from Balochistan into Afghanistan.

Govt may demand Rs60b from NATO as road network compensation | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.
It was not considered before because , I believe, earlier Pak considered itself to be an ally in the WoT whereas now, it is more and more shifting towards being an 'acquaintance'.

Some policy changes vis a vis WoT are on the cards I believe.

Pakistan is still ally but the west consider Pakistan as Ungrateful Servant & they says to stop aids to Pakistan which indirectly goes only to corrupt polititions so its not benifit for Pakistan. If tax is imposed on NATO & US trucks so it will no more be called aid.
Tax must be heavy because these trucks are problem for Pakistan, for security reasons & Pakistan have to rebuilt the destroyed highways roads bridges which are destroyed due to these trucks.
Govt may demand Rs60b from NATO as road network compensation
By: Farzana Shah | Published: October 09, 2010

PESHAWAR – The government of Pakistan is considering demanding billions of rupees from NATO in terms of road network compensation pending for the last 7 years besides imposing tax on owners of containers used for supplies across the border.
TheNation learnt from reliable sources that government is seriously considering demanding Rs60 billion from NATO in terms of road network compensation for damaging roads it has been using for the last seven years for carrying supplies across Afghanistan.

The heavy trucks and containers carrying NATO supplies have badly damaged the Indus Highway and other roads used all these years. Many roads in FATA are also seriously damaged due to it.

The National Highways Authority and Provincial Highways Authority in their reports sent to the federal and provincial governments have pinpointed the roads badly damaged due to frequently used for NATO supplies.

The supply trucks and containers pass through the roads of main cities of country Karachi, Haiderabad, Shikarpur, Kashmor, DG Khan, DI Khan, Peshawar and crossing the border into Afghanistan.

According to sources currently almost 500 containers carrying oil from Mehmoodkot near Karachi-Muzaffargarh Road and Attock Refinery are entering Peshawar. These passing through Nowshera, DI Khan, Kohat, Jamrud, Landikotal and Torkham cross into Afghanistan.
Supplies from Punjab also passing through different roads reach Islamabad and from there enter into Khyber Pukhtunkhwa again further going through different roads to reach Afghanistan. Similarly oil and other goods are being transported from Balochistan into Afghanistan.

Govt may demand Rs60b from NATO as road network compensation | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

The GoP should demand the money from NATO & Tax the supply trucks too, thats better to remove the AID mark on the face of Pakistan.
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.

:lol: We?????? who are you? if i am not wrong You are an Indian right.
:lol: We?????? who are you? if i am not wrong You are an Indian right.

You are wrong. Happy?
Now you got any answer to what I wrote or thats it, you just good at typing your half-brained retorts.
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.

I never knew Obama is also present on defence.pk. Lolzzz

@On topic

Great decision. Impose tax in $$...
Asim.. Thats so not true. I understand the corruption angle, and its same everywhere in the subcontinent, but a large % of aid goes into the economy. Even if 50% is gone into leakage, you still have the balance 50% going into economy. On the other hand 100% of Zero is still zero

But Thumbs up for the tax on NATO trucks
I agree, but you're being overly kind to Pakistan's leaders by saying 50% goes into the economy.

Even if 50% went in, then its a net loss for Pakistan. Aid is usually a transaction. For example we help the Americans in exchange for their aid. We get bombed weekly/monthly (depending upon Taliban's mood), we incur heavy losses, direct and in lost investment. So technically aid is making us lose money not gain it.

We're making poor policy decisions because of aid and there's no price you can put on that.
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.
Go through the thread, most Pakistanis are arguing the same thing. We want the aid to end and you have to start paying for specific things. As America said "No more blank cheques". Please pay up for an itemized bill.

This should be better for the American people. Your leaders would have to justify where your money is going and no longer can there be a huge amount under the heading of "Coalition Support Funds", you will specifically know that you're paying 100mn for Parking, 300Mn in toll, 50mn in salaries and so on. Who knows maybe you will end up paying a little less since there can't be an item "Bribe money".
We don’t really need billions of dollars in aid when we can easily earn or save loosing billions of dollars in WOT. See by yourself.

Karachi-to-Torkham Toll Charges:

Super Highway
4/5/6 axle trucks 155 Rs.
National Highway
4/5/6 axle trucks 155 Rs.
4/5/6 axle trucks 580 Rs. (Islamabad to Peshawar)
Kohat Tunnel
4/5/6 axle trucks 275 Rs.
Toll Rates

Now calculate the toll of Super Highway + National Highway (5 toll points roughly) + Motorway + Kohat Tunnel, it becomes 1780 Rs./truck…….so, 300 containers/day (lowest no.) mean 535500 Rs. ($6223/day or $2.240280 million/year)……Add the cost of National Highway Authority’s project with World Bank by the name of Pakistan Highway Rehabilitation Project (PHRP) due to road damage caused by these heavy trucks’ decade-long travel…….$282 will provide World Bank (keep this in mind that the amount is payable in return with interest)…..add octroi tax, usage fees/maintenance fees that we are not charging them as of yet, Rs 2.082 trillion loss in WOT in the form of exports, foreign investment, industrial output and tax collection etc. and minus all these figures from what we are gaining as aid and see by yourself is it profitable or not.

About diplomacy leverage……..well what fruitful benefits we have gained as of yet, I don’t know.

1) It is hard for me to imagine what kind of roads you had that were damaged due to overloaded trucks !
2) Unless you build world class roads, they are prone to getting damaged from things like rain, normal usage, etc.
3) Why was Pakistan sleeping when the overloaded trucks were actively using the Roads ?
4) WoT was not supposed to affect Pakistan. It is parts of ISI and Army that are supporting extremism despite other parts fighting it. This is one huge confusion. If ISI and Army dedicate to eliminating terrorism, I am sure it can be achievable before US withdrawal.
5) What will happen after US withdrawal ? The world will laugh and point fingers at US for not achieving success in and being defeated by few thousand Islamic militants. What will those militants do after there is no US to resist them ? They will obviously spread towards Pakistan. This is the biggest security threat for Pakistan, not India. Just like many years ago the soviet fighting Mujahideen were supposed to be the "good guys" who have now turned into the "bad guys".
6)Even if we assume your theory is true, it is puny compared to the damage Pakistan would incur if it had not submitted to WoT.
7) You are not accounting corruption, mismanagement, home grown terrorism, unemployment, lack of industrialization, etc into the equation. Simply blaming USA for all your troubles is easy.
if this wasn't part of the aid package, then pakistan should have charged this tax from day one! c'mon.. heavy trucks in large numbers grinding the highway on regular basis & not having to pay a penny towards it? doesn't sound a good deal!!
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.

US gives aid to many countries, including india, and the aid is meant to go to education, health care, etc...

Pakistan didn't sign up for its roads and highways to get destroyed by those massive NATO trucks. Its time NATO pays up for the damages it caused to Pakistan's roads and highways.
WTF...what happens to the US aid we give you guys for this...if you start charging this be ready to give up the aid we give you for being our allies.
This should be fair, you charge us and there is no more aid and the fancy stuff you guys get from us.

You give us........? that is aid and what we give you is partnership allowance! Nice logic.
I hope you know the cost of building 3 motorways from Gawadar & Karachi to Helmand and Kabul.
As you see, Pakistan's aid is not limited to the free transit, infect the Pakistan aid is extended to tax exemptions at the cost of infrastructure and security loss.
Whereas, US, Indian and Afghanistan tricked Pakistan and used that tax free items to resel in Pakistan and kept financing not only its own wars around the globe but paid terrorists in side Pakistan.
US embassy is very well known to bribe govt. officials and politicians to get waivers and policy dictation.

I agree to the part that aid should not stop but checks should be made to prevent the misuse of the transit aid and its use against Pakistan.
people of Pakistan should request govt. of Pakistan to resume aid to the trio nations but only once Pak govt. is done with building dams and flood repair.

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