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Pakistan conducts test of Shaheen 3 missiles - ISPR .

Is it a Fireworks Celebration Gift to Joe Biden. Why Pakistan conducted test on Biden oath taking ceremony.
India wasnt the one who threaten to bomb you back to stone age if you dont bend over
Point being there are no permanent friends or enemies in international arena. Saying we dont have any other enemy is naive.

Exactly. People have short term memories, or just suffer from outright cowardice. Long term we need to have ICBM's, but they need to be part of a strong developed military which is self sufficient, able to research and develop market leading technology and not reliant on others. These things cannot be done with IMF loans. We need to be a robust first world economy able to withstand external pressure.

If the world powers want to destroy you they'll weaken you through sanctions first. Then they'll come for your armed forces. No point in being North Korea, they only exist because China props them up.

I don't know why so many on this forum are afraid to speak the truth. Maybe afraid of a knock on the door from the NSA.

ICBM today would make us the weapons equivalent of this;

This should be now on newsweek front page, not India today.

What a message send to Biden and his admin. Timing cannot be ignored.
Dude this was Indian media telling their government to stop fooling Indian public and face the music and reality.
These two systems have nothing to do with each other

S400 antiblastic capability is over rated..it isnt THUD

Whenever you have time, can you please provide some more details related MIRV/S-400. As per my understanding, MIRV is to counter the ABM system.
mashallah. having a range of 2750 Kms. we can push an extra 533km and hit the target accurately.

i think actual range figures have deliberately been fudged so that "target" does not start making noises on world stage, rest we know and they know what's going on :)

Congratulations my fellow Pakistani's :)
MaShaAllah congratulations to all Pakistanis and condolence to all the --- hurt indians-----
2. And to the people who wanted Pakistan to test MIRV, bhai agar MIRV test kartay tw kuch log aa k kehtay k mAzà NaI aIA jANi ICBM tEsT kaRnA chAiya tha. Chill karo aur khush raho.
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Probably means 100 fails haha
PA doesn't admit it's failures we all know that

One thing is really important. I am still amazed and a bit curious about one thing. If you want to test a long-range missile like this, you must send a NOTAM warning across the globe (informed Global Civil Aviation esp). If we test something secretly and failed in the past, it is extremely HARD to hide. The world definitely knew if any of such thing like test happened before conducted by us. India won't spare us at least on this that we have conducted a test and it was FAILED. Point to be noted.
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