No hatred - just i
No hatred, just amazement at the irony - I know you are smart enough to understand it.
Your armed forces give enough time for 500,000 civilians to evacuate the area - I am not sure why the terrorists (unless they were really really dumb) would stay back knowing full well that one's of the world's largest professional fighting forces is coming to get them. If this is all it took - give a notice to civilians to vacate an area and then bomb the hell out of everyone else that's left, i.e., the terrorists, I am sure this strategy would have been followed widely. Personally, I wish all the best to Pakistan against terrorists of all stripes. Somehow, I just can't convince myself that your army/ISI is going to act against their own proxies/strategic assets. I am really sorry to have to say this, but I think your country has been hijacked by the establishment and its proxies. This selfsame establishment is now criticizing others for similar actions.
It seems somewhat odd to me to see the pot calling the kettle names. There can only be two logical explanations - either your government is behaving in an intellectually dishonest manner or unlike Israel, they are killing no civilians. I chose to go with the latter option.