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Pakistan communication satellite PAKSAT 1R lauched - August 11, 2011

When it will start its operations?
Is the 1st of RSSS series satellite will be launched in 2011 or 2014?
Confused becuz of some news articles.
PAKSAT-1R to bring revolution in edu programme: Gen Bilal

DESPITE having remarkable achievement of successful launch of Pakistan’s first Communications Satellite PAKSAT-1R, as a part of Pakistan’s Space Programme-2040, Maj. Gen Ahmed Bilal was cool and composed while elaborating the exciting features emerging on the education, telecom, electronic media and Information Technology landscape of the country.

Talking to Pakistan Observer in an interview, the Chairman SUPARCO was confident that the recently launched PAKSAT-IR has the capacity to bring a revolution in the national education programme especially in promoting quality education in the primary and secondary schools through distant learning which could be provided to schools located in nook and corner of the country.

It’s a gift to the nation which can effectively contribute through dissemination of lessons and lectures by reputed teachers in every subject to the school children though out the country, hence the handicap of providing good teachers in remote areas would no more be a problem in the way of quality education. The youth of the nation are quite capable to benefit from this technology in the developed countries. However successful application of the technology calls for a well thought out education program to spread the light of knowledge among our youngsters which is the key to socio-economic development.

He disclosed that the Punjab government has already acquired the services of SUPARCO for digitization of schools both in public and private sector in the province which will help to initiate a cohesive education program in Punjab.

The PAKSAT-IR has attracted a bee line of the end users including TV channels and telecom companies operating in the country and over 60 percent of the slots at the communication satellite hav already been booked. Though a large number of customers also interested from other countries however as a national policy the first priority is being offered to the companies operating in Pakistan.

It may be mentioned that PAKSAT-IR was launched on board China’s Satellite Launch Vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre. Besides others, launch was witnessed by Secretary Defence Lt Gen Syed Athar Ali (R), Secretary Foreign Affairs Mr. Salman Bashir, Director General, Strategic Plans Division Lt Gen Khalid Ahmed Kidwai (R) and Ambassador of Pakistan to China Mr. Muhammad Masood Khan.

PAKSAT-1R has a total of 30 transponders, 12 in C-band and 18 in Ku-band. The satellite will be deployed at 380E in the Geo-stationary orbit and it will replace the existing satellite PAKSAT-1. PAKSAT-1R has a design life of 15 years and will provide TV broadcasting, Internet and data communication services across South and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, East Africa and the Far East.

This satellite now enables extending of communication services to all areas of Pakistan. It may be recalled that the National Command Authority (NCA) has approved Pakistan’s Space Programme-2040 during its meeting at the Strategic Plans Division (SPD).

It may be mentioned that he contract for the development of PAKSAT-1R was signed between Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) and China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) in October 2008 during the visit of the President of Pakistan to China. Pakistani engineers have worked closely with their Chinese counterparts during all stages of development of the satellite in China.

Some experimental units developed at SUPARCO have also been integrated on the satellite for technology evaluation. China and Pakistan have enjoyed more than 20 years of cooperation in Space Science, Technology and Applications. The launch of Paksat-1R Satellite is a major milestone for both countries towards strengthening of this cooperation. Gen. Ahmed Bilal resolved that SUPARCO will continue its efforts for launching of other satellites including Remote Sensing Satellites, to ensure that the space technology applications fully contribute to socio-economic development and national security in Pakistan.

Education in space science: Regarding education in space science and technology in the country, the SUPARCO Chief said that although 200-300 people acquired Ms degrees from abroad and most of them are back to the country yet there was no fulflledge education program at the higher education level in the country except a few universities like Karachi University, Lahore and Punjab Universities used to impart education in space science yet classically speaking there was no specific facility for space related education in the past. However recently universities have started picking up space technology as a subject with the assistance of SUPARCO. In this respect NUST has picked up segments of the space science as a major subject. We are working closely with NED university in Karachi, Punjab University in Lahore with a focus to change the curriculum in a way that these nerseries should start feeding up the space program at SUPARCO. The establishment of Institute of Space Technology(IST) Islamabad is a degree awarding university which is an effective link to bridge the gap of human resource in space sciences. IST is focusing on core subject to meet our immediate requirement and functioning for providing training in space related fields at national level. IST currently conducts degree programs and training courses in fields related to space technology, with the long term objective of becoming a world class graduate and post graduate institute in space technology. Moreover, this institute in due course of time will become a center of excellence having international recognition to provide outstanding quality education at the graduate and postgraduate level. At the same we have in interaction with the universities which are also improving and gearing up their curriculum in accordance with our needs.

Agriculture: SUPARCO is also contributing significantly towards agricultural growth system of crops through application of satellite remote sensing and GIS technologies. For this purpose, SUPARCO UTILIZING DATA from sensors. Seasonal data are acquired twice in fine resolution and used to monitor standing crops and carry out their change assessment. This space technology application is of strategic importance for sowing, growing and harvesting major crops including wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane etc besides providing information regarding rains, floods, use of fertilizer and warning about attack of white fly or development of diseases in crops etc. Certainly the timely information playing a vital role regarding health of the crops.

Certainly the achievements in space technology is a milestone in the socio-economic growth of the nation which depict a bright future for development of human resource in Pakistan.

PAKSAT-1R to bring revolution in edu programme: Gen Bilal
When it will start its operations?
Is the 1st of RSSS series satellite will be launched in 2011 or 2014?
Confused becuz of some news articles.

the RSSS is planned for 2011 (end of the year) and a SAR satellite is planned for 2014.
the PAKSAT 1R also carried some components developed by SUPARCO for technology evaluation and these components are supposed to be related to SAR satellite in pipe line.

Pakistan is all set to follow the Space program 2040 and this includes major development sin Pakistan Space programs and ventures.
PAKSAT 1R is also reported to have been operating on experimental basis and commercial activities and operations will start soon.

PAKSAT 1R have successfully been positioned at 37.8 east longitude . .

1 37779U 11042A 11254.78921056 .00000135 00000-0 00000+0 0 205
2 37779 000.1312 275.5142 0002523 304.6977 092.1550 01.00262077 395

chinese news link

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According to some points released from SUPARCO, the space program 2040 intends to the launch of many more satellites from 2011 to 2040. The earliest on this series will be an optical satellite planned to be launched in 2011, (one communication satellite PAKSAT 1-R has already been launched in 2011 and have been discussed here).

The stated goals of the program are to expected gain significant experience in satellite development, practicing of Space medicine, and to promote socio-economic sector in the country. While, the program intend to learn to developed the military and space technologies and to conduct experiments on fundamental sciences in space frontier, the Government maintained that Space Programme-2040's prime purpose to bring the benefits of the full spectrum of space technology to the people of Pakistan.

According to Suparco, five GEO satellites and six LEO satellites will be launched in between 2011 till 2040.

the first satellite PAKSAT 1-R has been launched as per plan. this first GEO satellite of the 5 planned in Space program 2040 is also reported to be carrying some experimental payload for future projects, some sources hint toward a SAR!
the next satellites under development include:

all these will be GEO satellites.

Suparco plans to launched her first Optical satellite in the end year of 2011 from People's Republic of China. The satellite is reported to have payload of 2.5 meter PAN in 700km in SSO. It is the first satellite that is locally manufactured by the Suparco and to meet the national and international user requirements in the field of satellite imagery.

Other then this,the space program also have clearly announced the future Remote Sensing Satellite projects. There are six remote sensing satellites are expected to be developed and launched under this program. Suparco is intending to launch her first remote sensing satellite in 2014 and it is named as PRSS-O1. According to Suparco, the planned and manufactured satellites are list below:
Congrats to all Pakistani members and to Pakistan ... and thanks to our great friend China for helping us achive this GOD bless both nations.
Yes! it wouldn't have been possible for Pakistan without our great friend China.
According to some points released from SUPARCO, the space program 2040 intends to the launch of many more satellites from 2011 to 2040. The earliest on this series will be an optical satellite planned to be launched in 2011, (one communication satellite PAKSAT 1-R has already been launched in 2011 and have been discussed here).

The stated goals of the program are to expected gain significant experience in satellite development, practicing of Space medicine, and to promote socio-economic sector in the country. While, the program intend to learn to developed the military and space technologies and to conduct experiments on fundamental sciences in space frontier, the Government maintained that Space Programme-2040's prime purpose to bring the benefits of the full spectrum of space technology to the people of Pakistan.

According to Suparco, five GEO satellites and six LEO satellites will be launched in between 2011 till 2040.

the first satellite PAKSAT 1-R has been launched as per plan. this first GEO satellite of the 5 planned in Space program 2040 is also reported to be carrying some experimental payload for future projects, some sources hint toward a SAR!
the next satellites under development include:

all these will be GEO satellites.

Suparco plans to launched her first Optical satellite in the end year of 2011 from People's Republic of China. The satellite is reported to have payload of 2.5 meter PAN in 700km in SSO. It is the first satellite that is locally manufactured by the Suparco and to meet the national and international user requirements in the field of satellite imagery.

Other then this,the space program also have clearly announced the future Remote Sensing Satellite projects. There are six remote sensing satellites are expected to be developed and launched under this program. Suparco is intending to launch her first remote sensing satellite in 2014 and it is named as PRSS-O1. According to Suparco, the planned and manufactured satellites are list below:

PAKSAT 1R will soon enter its final orbit and will be completely handed over to Pakistan (SUPARCO).
currently the satellite is in a test orbit and in-orbit tests and evaluation are underway.

China on Tuesday said the communications satellite it launched for Pakistan has reached the test orbit. PAKSAT-1R, which was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in the southwestern China's Sichuan Province on Aug 12, entered its test orbit on Sunday and will soon begin an in-orbit test, China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) said on Tuesday.

The satellite is expected to enter its final orbit located at 38 degrees east longitude before delivery to Pakistan, citing CGWIC, Xinhua news agency reported.
Pak satellite launched by China reaches test orbit - Hindustan Times

PAKSAT-1R will provide a range of services, including broadband Internet, telecom and broadcasting, covering regions in Europe, South Asia, Middle East, and eastern Africa.

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