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Pakistan: Christian women are considered the booty of war

i agree that leaders are reflections of nation.but in our case we don't choose leaders,they are appointed on us.

come on buddy, it is the pakistani people who elect either the bhutos or sharifs. who is gona be president in the next general election?
my point is not shia and sunni rivalry, but to point out that even Ahadith are not imune and some agree on one part and the other dont.

yar thats who this world works.remember the promise of Allah with hell.
I will fill you with stones and humans.if some one believe on hadith he him self get benefit from it.and same is the inverse case.
but a little research and sincerity will reveal truth to you.
but which hadith, the shia or sunni ones? i know that there are ahadith that they agree on, but there alot of others that they dont agree with each other. Imam bukharai's hadith collection book is not accepted by the shias while sunnis believe it is the most authentic and they place it after the quran.
come on buddy, it is the pakistani people who elect either the bhutos or sharifs. who is gona be president in the next general election?
Bro this world is becoming bad place day by day.what we see with our eye is not what is happening in the world.rabbit hole goes deep than that.
second our enemies are way to powerful.actually this is a topic that require a whole thread to discuss.
my views on politics:mara indians accuse us that we attack on their parliament.but to be honest they are coward,have no shame and honor.mean why they don't take revenge by attacking on our parliament and killing our politicians.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
but which hadith, the shia or sunni ones? i know that there are ahadith that they agree on, but there alot of others that they dont agree with each other. Imam bukharai's hadith collection book is not accepted by the shias while sunnis believe it is the most authentic and they place it after the quran.

yar what is the significance of all this.mean what we can get by discussing it.goli mar.
my views on politics:mara indians accuse us that we attack on their parliament.but to be honest they are coward,have no shame and honor.mean why they don't take revenge by attacking on our parliament and killing our politicians.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

what type of discusion is this brother, dont embaras other pakistani members.
You are posting Bull Crap. .:angry:

There is NO such evidence of blasphemy and deaths in era of Prophet (PBUH)

Ideally we should report you for spreading lies

Abu Afak and Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf were the two Kafir who were killed by Sahaba - e - Karaam (RA) for doing Blasphemy on Holy Prophet (SA), ... The killing was done because of the request of Holy Prophet (SA) to the Companions of Prophet (SA)....

But I will not state the whole story right now because I don't exactly know the Hadith book from which it is taken.. Just wait for two days because I am not in the contact of the person right now who knows the name of Hadith book from where it taken...

Please wait for two three days. I will send the story and the source to you on your personal page as well as on this thread...
Please wait for two three days....
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The Ayat and Hadith I have quoted are not vague. If you are claiming so, then please prove it rather than just claiming it….

Secondly, Islam as an Ideology will live undoubtedly forever because of Allah’s Will and Allah is alone its Defender as you said. But Quran declares man as Khalifah of Allah in Surah Al Baqarah. Khalifah means the one who is representative of Allah and his Religion. As a Khalifah of Allah it is Obligatory on us to struggle for Islam and to defend the right Islam when any Fitna arrises , rather than just sitting and claiming that Allah will come and solve our problems on Earth. Allah has given us Quran and Sunnah as guidance and every answer to our problem is contained in these two.

I am not stating that the Ayat and Hadith are vague but rather its interpretation by a large number of Muslims who cannot actually grasp the meaning and complexity behind Islam itself.

Let me take your Quran declares man as Khalifah part and elaborate on that a bit more. Firstly, the passage of religion is only through an appointed person by Allah himself, appointed as a Prophet and Messenger for the people. A Khalifa on the other hand is a person chosen by the people themselves who acts as an intermediatory between word of Allah and the people, not on Allah’s behalf.

Declaring a Khalifa to be akin to a representative to Him is a major error on behalf of believers in itself because Allah is without error so how can a Khalifa act on behalf of Allah and not be able to perform actions or undertake doings unknown to a man.

Not all and one subject of a religion is a Khalifa, I do not know where you have learnt this because not every Muslim is a representative of Allah.

Islamic tradition is a complex matter especially in relation to the conception of Allah.

Hadhrat Ali narrated this in the early years of Islam to delve deeper into the concept of Allah and the attributes wrongly labeled to him by followers.

“The foremost act in religion is the acknowledgment of Him. The perfection of acknowledging Him is believing in Him; the perfection of believing in Him is acknowledging His oneness; the perfection of acknowledging His oneness is pledging loyalty to Him and the perfection of pledging loyalty to Him is denying attributes pertaining to Him, because of the qualities of His creation that could be attributed to humans. Everyone of them is a proof that it is different from that to which it is attributed and everything to which something is attributed is different from the attribute. Thus whoever assigns attributes to Allah recognizes His like, and who recognizes His like regards Him as dual, and who regards Him as dual recognizes parts of Him, and who recognizes parts of Him has mistaken Him.”

Such a flawed concept of acting on behalf of Allah is an error of major proportions causing the true message of Islam to be limited from the onset.

There is no conflict between various Muslims sects on the Issue of Finality of Prophethood. So who ever claims to be Prophet is indeed not a muslim. This is agreed by every sect. So why are you willing to Give Ahmedis right to call themselves a Muslim?????

That is excellent, finally something that is actually agreed upon. After all according to you each and every Muslim is a representative of Allah.

Thirdly, I will say you again that, some Hadiths are unreliable and not every Hadith. This is agreed by Islamic Scholars of every age. Many Islamic Scholars have devoted their life to separate the Unreliable Hadith and Reliable Hadith. And Many Hadiths identified by them as unreliable.

Scholars have spent their energies on the wrong aspects of religion, had they concentrated on promoting equality, tolerance and education, Muslims would not be the most deprived, illiterate group on the planet.

There are many matters on which Quran has just stated one Ayah, but that matter is further described in Hadith and Sunnah of Prophet (SA)…

When one cannot even comprehend the complexity of Quran, why further complicate things by going deeper into supporting scriptures or history.

Those Hadith that are declared reliable by Islamic Scholars, gives us the true sayings of Prophet (SA) and reflects the true Sunnah that we have to follow…. So it is Obligatory on us to follow the reliable Hadith... You are no one to say that all Hadith are unreliable……. Where we are unable to find the guidance in Quran, then we have to follow Hadith and Sunnah….

The same politically inclined scholars who are looking after their wallet rather than the religion, you should continue to follow them as long as possible because they seem to be the guiding light in this hour of need.

The Ayat you have here that says “To you be your religion and to me my religion” it is Taken for Surah Al Kafiroon (Surah no. 109), that relates specifically to Kuffaar . So by quoting yourself this Ayat for Qadiaynis, you yourself have declared them kafir. That is what I wanted to prove, that Qadiyanis are kafir and not Muslims. so they have no right to call themsleves Muslims...

So when the Quran states this then why do you not leave the others alone and let Allah judge them.

Brother Allah doesn’t wishes any new religion to come, as you have said here.. If He had wished so, then Allah wouldn’t had declared Islam as the final Religion and Holy Prophet (SA) as the Final Prophet of Allah…. Any new religion that comes now is fake and it is the duty of Muslim to struggle against it , rather than just sitting in their houses and enemies of Islam like Qadiyanis destroying the True Islam ….

Seriously brother, you are committing one major blasphemy after another in this argument. First of all Allah does not wish, he does. If he so deemed something to be final as you proclaim he has, then it is an error that you are attributing to him.

As for enemies of Islam, the only enemy is within.

Finally, In your last line you said that “Btw, the only real damage to Islam is not some blasphemy or Kafir sects but Muslims themselves”.I truly agree with you that that we suffered a lot from our own Brothers. But I want to ask you that then why are you supporting these Qadiyanis to be called Muslims, when they claim to be Muslims, and instead they don’t Believe that Prophet (SA) was the Last Prophet of Allah?. Are they not destroying the Fundamental Belief of Islam that Prophet Muhammad (SA) is the Last Messanger of Allah?

The fundamental belief of Islam is the following

“There is no god but Allāh, Muhammad is Allāh’s Messenger“
utterly shameful

Pakistan is a free country ....all minorities r free in their religionz and practices...no questions asked.....If anybody have some reservations they can come and observe by their own eyez and then talk:agree:
Alhamdolillah:the greatest country in this world ...:pakistan:
:tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown: you are violating rules of this forum despite being a mod. You should not resort to personal attacks.

Don't like it, report it.

You have the right to express your views as well as other members have the right to express their opinion. You have NO right to call someone militant or OBL as his or her ameer.

Others should also not demean my country and religion with their fanaticism. I cant stand it.

None of us have called you kafir or non-Muslim despite the clear declaration according to constitution of Pakistan and Basics of Islam.

Does it make a difference?

Call me what you want, but do not expect me to stand back and just ignore a remark.

So fairness call for unbiased and fair treatment of members by you as well.

Doesn't stop you from being unfair and unbiased.

We are sick of free hands given to mods and some members calling all others as talibani who disagree with some people for their speeches against Islam.

I am sick of the free hand being given to so called 'Elite Members' who do nothing but trolling and flaming all over the forum.

It is not us who label our opposers as extremists but them who initiated this campaign, gotta play fire with fire.
Abu Afak and Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf were the two Kafir who were killed by Sahaba - e - Karaam (RA) for doing Blasphemy on Holy Prophet (SA), ... The killing was done because of the request of Holy Prophet (SA) to the Companions of Prophet (SA)....

But I will not state the whole story right now because I don't exactly know the Hadith book from which it is taken.. Just wait for two days because I am not in the contact of the person right now who knows the name of Hadith book from where it taken...

Please wait for two three days. I will send the story and the source to you on your personal page as well as on this thread...
Please wait for two three days....

Rameez Islam, hadith says that for a person to be a liar its enough that he promotes something without verifying it.

In your case its you have heard from someone and you posted the claim with conviction without verifying it.

"Admi ka jhota honay ka liay yahi kafi ha k wo suni sunai baat ko baghair tehqeek ka agay barha day."

And i believe anything that contradicts Quran and character and actions of the Last Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH) then that quote that statement and that narration can NOT be authentic.
In the life time of Holy Prophet (SA) , the kuffars and Jews, who did such blasphemy, were ordered by Holy Prophet (SA) to be killed.. Brother please read some History of Holy Prophet (SA) in this area......

At the time of "Fateh Makkah" Holy Prophet (SA) forgave every Mushrik, but a jew was killed inside Masjid Al Haram by the orders of Holy Prophet (SA) ... His crime was that he once did Blasphemy to Holy Prophet (SA) ....

So according to Shariah the one who does Blasphemy , is liable to be killed.... So if any one is saying that this law should be removed and any other law made by man should be applicable is indeed committing Shirk in the attributes of Allah, because it is Allah alone who gives Laws and Allah's Laws are SUPREME than any other man made law....

the most disgusting support for murder.......

anyway explain this . if allah is the only one who decides to decide....then why do you guys step into allah's shoes and give death sentnces?....if allah wants the person dead ...he would end it by himself and being the supreme being he would not require a human to do his job.....so if you are doing anything---be it judging another person or condemning another person to a death sentence then arent you doing a greater sin of steeping into allah works without his bidding ...that by itself is the greatest sin of all .......this is what the terrorists are doing...in the name of islam they have no right to decide/judge/punish in the name of allah.......and if you support the killing of that woman then you are no different for you will have comitted the greatest sin of all---trying to step into gods shoes by offering judgement
Isn't the authur a pakistani citizen living in pakistan?If christian's are oppressed as he says then will he have the freedom to write what he wrote?I am against minorities getting treated badly but the people who throw mud at their motherland in front of others disgusts me more.
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