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Pakistan, China ink deal to develop long-range radar

Neo The problem might be solved if both of them operated in link 16 which Nato Does.
anyways the problem can be quite common but then again the erieye guys will do it for you.
afterall money money!

I'm unaware of this problem, could you please elaborate what problems you're erferring to?
PAF doesn't have an Erieye nor J-10. :confused:

Well the problem is to integrate the J-10 with Eireye, Both nations are not willing to share their technology with each other.

AEW&C/AWACS capability
The Pakistan Air Force had sought an Airbrone Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) system since the mid-1980s; although it had failed to acquire what it wanted (the E-3 Sentry) - it eventually did procure a system. On May 25, 2006 the Government of Pakistan approved the acquisition of up to 6-7 Saab-2000 Erieye AEW&C aircraft; the value of the deal is about 1bn U.S Dollars. This acquisition was in response to a long standing AEW&C requirement as well as the Indian Air Force's procurement of three Phalcon AWACS mounted on Russian IL-76 aircraft.

Currently it is unclear what datalink system the JF-17s and J-10s will use; however if the PAF's JF-17s are eventually equipped with Western radars, avionics, etc - they will likely use a Western datalink system with the Erieye.

However the J-10 may not be able to datalink with the Erieye (at least not without heavy modification and integration on part of PAF); this is mainly due to China and Swedens' reluctance to allow their respective systems to be exposed to each other's engineers and scientists. Because of this - the PAF may have to procure a Chinese AEW&C system; recently, Chinese firms have demonstrated their Y-8 based rotodome AEW&C in Pakistan. It is possible that the PAF will procure a few Y-8 AEW&C systems in the near future.


I read the same thing on couple of other places as well.

But i am also a bit confused here:rolleyes: , that the Air Chief has also mentioned in his recent interview, that the may use some kind of a "bridge" to tackle that problem. Well that bridge is not link 16, so what is it then:confused: ? Moreover PAF has already tested Chinese awacs system as well to find the solution.
I don't think that it is difficult for pak to write interfaces... They have linked all radars together and were certainly not restricted because of different manufacturers did not give details. I doubt that they will not link J10 to Erieye and it is not huge change...
Thats correct Munir.

Some time ago on GEO official from PAF stated that all aircrafts in the PAF will be heavily linked with the air borne early warning systems, and will have no problems.

Its not something that PAF let go, it will integrate by any means.
Erieye AEW&C aircraft software on board is a classified language in order for pakistan to make it talk to j10 u need the source code.which is very unlikely that Swedes will give it us.and same goes to chinese giving it to the swedes.not likely.
Great news, I hope we will see the product as soon as posible.
Erieye AEW&C aircraft software on board is a classified language in order for pakistan to make it talk to j10 u need the source code.which is very unlikely that Swedes will give it us.and same goes to chinese giving it to the swedes.not likely.

i disagree. its a commercial defence product compatible with wide range of platforms.
Great news! Glad China found such a great partner and it's equally good for Pakistan as any technical experience from the program will help it's future military aviation technology tremendously.
No offence or any thing brother as you Respect A Q KHAN i do too ..but I dont think its goood to credit him alone for all the work evey scientist and engineer have done in Pakistan from the start of our Nuclear program till we become a Nuclear power ... We should be thankfull to all ..and to all those who we dont even knw ...A Q KHAN have done a lot but still some major steps are done by some other People ...You should consider all NEXT time i think my friend.... as for AWACS news its really great acheivement for both countries I cant wait too see that piece in pakistani colours ....GOD BLESS PAKISTAN
Before AQ-Khan came, there was an organization working on poject already,, their state was no better than state of a dusty branch of a nationalized-bank... AQ-Khan brought with him the expertice that made the REAL difference & got the project at its paces...

Had there been NO AQ-KHAN , all the engineers & scientists that u want to credit as well, will still be trying to figure out the equations... & would be struggling as to where to buy the parts for fuges...

So we ARE thankful to all,,, but AQ-Khan deserves a SPECIAL mention ...

Let me put it another way,,, NO one could have done what AQ-Khan did... all other personel had replacements... AQ-Khan did NOT...
Erieye AEW&C aircraft software on board is a classified language in order for pakistan to make it talk to j10 u need the source code.which is very unlikely that Swedes will give it us.and same goes to chinese giving it to the swedes.not likely.

No one ever gives the source. You reverse engineer it by decompiling the assembly language. I dont think the swedes can do any thing about that. Though doing a big task such as writing up an interface would be challenging.
I think the "fruit" of this deal has already came out in the form of AWACS which Pakistan has received from China. Howerver Paksitan needs long range Radars, similar or more powerful than Phalcons Radars which our Eastern Neighbour has.
People Nations are defended by means and not by hopes and dreams.

Chinese military hardware will never be as cutting edge as that of NATO.
NATO spends trillions developing new technologies.

We need EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY and not the BLOODY CURSED BOMBS that have brought nothing but misery upon Pakistan.

May be we need to realize as a country that we are trying to fight above our weight. Making Peace with India is the only viable solution for a safer South East Asia.

Soviet space programs were run at a fraction of the cost of NASAs but were more advanced in some ways. I don't see why Chinese military hardware can't compare with NATO. There's many examples of this. Moreover China will have much more spending money in future.
Before AQ-Khan came, there was an organization working on poject already,, their state was no better than state of a dusty branch of a nationalized-bank... AQ-Khan brought with him the expertice that made the REAL difference & got the project at its paces...

Had there been NO AQ-KHAN , all the engineers & scientists that u want to credit as well, will still be trying to figure out the equations... & would be struggling as to where to buy the parts for fuges...

So we ARE thankful to all,,, but AQ-Khan deserves a SPECIAL mention ...

Let me put it another way,,, NO one could have done what AQ-Khan did... all other personel had replacements... AQ-Khan did NOT...

I don't think that's true. AQ Khan probably didn't figure out any equations as he was a metallurgist by profession. It was during his management though that Pakistan developed nukes. He deserves credit but he's given too much imo.
USA alone spends $687,105,000,000 while china spends $114,300,000,000 according to internet sources.

Now combine NATO the figure is mind boggling and the odds are staggering.

Thats no surprise. You can get the same work done in China for a fraction of the cost. It doesn't mean less development.
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