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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

Violence is violence. People who cannot control their actions should stay home.

I know what violence is, I am not asking to damage public property like people usually do in anger, in Pakistan. I am asking to turn their goods into a "waste", okay, don't burn them down, distribute them in poor people :P jk!
Civil disobedience in this matter is good. It will get a number of things done. For starters it will be a moral booster for our lower ranking officers and jawans to know the people have their backs.

It will show the west and Pak politicians that the people are fcukin angry. It will put our point forward that Pakistan wants out from this war of terror. No more drones, no more supply routes, 9/11 haapend ten yrs ago, youve killed millions of ppl in return and gotten your man, now go home.

As for the act of disobedience, all ideas posted are good. Also take note the staging areas be less in remote locations and more closer to towns, cities. That convinience will come in handy when the protest prolongs. It will also help in getting the locals out to participate.
I don't think that ultimately without the decision makers, getting involved the result of permanent blockade can be achieved can it? I mean u can do all the naara baazi but only the govt and armed forces can take that intended decision of permanent blocakde.

The blockade can be done by people physically blocking the roads, like Imran Khan's dharnas.

The army would probably welcome the blockade secretly.

The politicians will fight it but, if there is a 24/7 media coverage (or webcam coverage), then they will think twice before using force. They would probably hire some goons to start violence and then shut it down by claiming it was a law-and-order situation.
most fatories are owned by pak army and powerful people. so if you exert pressure through them it will work. In india it does.
and i am asking the road roko to be on the highway to Afg.

We are not protesting the Pak army; we are supporting them against unprovoked murder.

Also take note the staging areas be less in remote locations and more closer to towns, cities. That convinience will come in handy when the protest prolongs. It will also help in getting the locals out to participate.

The important thing is to block the supplies; wherever that's most appropriate. As I understand there are two main routes that need to be blocked.
The important thing is to block the supplies; wherever that's most appropriate. As I understand there are two main routes that need to be blocked.

Okay, if you don't agree with my way, then Karachi is the best place to start this. Second is Peshawar, protests/Dharnas in these cities will catch media attention easily.
Blockades will be like lemonades. Soon Pakistan will succumb to US pressures.

Wanna Bet?
The blockade can be done by people physically blocking the roads, like Imran Khan's dharnas.

The army would probably welcome the blockade secretly.

The politicians will fight it but, if there is a 24/7 media coverage (or webcam coverage), then they will think twice before using force. They would probably hire some goons to start violence and then shut it down by claiming it was a law-and-order situation.

Exactly the Armed forces will definitely support it albeit secretly. What i am trying to convey is that, once your civil disobedience reaches certain level of maturity and garners quantitative support, you should start pressurizing the civil govt and Armed forces to come out in open with their stance on permanent blockade.

If this movement in any way tries to be anti govt, like rally cries of "nikamma govt get down now" or "hai hai govt rule" etc they will quickly try to defame this movement as an opposition gimmick and clamp down the movement. So you have to take every body along and not antagonize any body. You just have to put up passive resistance saying you will not accept or tolerate these incidents anymore.
Exactly the Armed forces will definitely support it albeit secretly. What i am trying to convey is that, once your civil disobedience reaches certain level of maturity and garners quantitative support, you should start pressurizing the civil govt and Armed forces to come out in open with their stance on permanent blockade.

If this movement in any way tries to be anti govt, like rally cries of "nikamma govt get down now" or "hai hai govt rule" etc they will quickly try to defame this movement as an opposition gimmick and clamp down the movement. So you have to take every body along and not antagonize any body. You just have to put up passive resistance saying you will not accept or tolerate these incidents anymore.

Yes, we need to make people understand that this movement is to show solidarity with the rank and file soldier. The politicians may score points by 'standing up' to the generals, and ordinary people may have their doubts about the military elite, but few people would find fault with a movement supporting the ordinary grunt.
It should be blocked on Permanently bases and If Nato or America threaten than Jihad should be declared
This thread is intended to share ideas for maintaining a PERMANENT civilian blockade of NATO supply routes through Pakistan.

It is not intended to debate the blockade itself -- if you disagree with the blockade, please avoid this thread.

We know that the politicians will reopen the routes once the heat is off; already they are backtracking from earlier claims of a 'permanent' blockade to a '10 day' blockade now. The military will also be under pressure to deescalate the situation. Therefore, it is up to civilians to enforce a permanent blockade.

Some suggestions:
- Green ribbon campaign to raise awareness and funds (PTI, college campuses).
- Set up a fund to support volunteers (expats can help).
- 24/7 webcam at each crossing site (Pakistani web server).
- Enlist national media to promote and monitor the blockade.
- Celebrity endorsements for the campaign.


This could be a very good way of empowering the average civillian and making their voices heard amongst the mire of corrpution at the top.

Few ideas of mine ...

1) Protests at ports are required and insider knowledge is needed when shipments will arrive.
2) Convoys of supplies should be slowed down by drivers on highways by actively encouraging a national go-slow.
3) When convoys are not moving and in traffic, release type pressure in them.
4) Name and shame lorry drivers.
Yes, we need to make people understand that this movement is to show solidarity with the rank and file soldier. The politicians may score points by 'standing up' to the generals, and ordinary people may have their doubts about the military elite, but few people would find fault with a movement supporting the ordinary grunt.

Good points.

Your thinking is on the right track here.
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