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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

in many threads i wrote that it was just a temporary hault. Now its back on the run as the matter cools down.
in many threads i wrote that it was just a temporary hault. Now its back on the run as the matter cools down.

aby foolish read carefully :lol::lol:

---------- Post added at 04:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 AM ----------

Sell them to the highest bidder at Empress Market/Sher Shah Market.....:P

wow, man, this is very dangerous for karachi dude lolzzz
"they have stopped the deliveries of our F-16s after all. "
We would like to inform you that the news sources which have reported that the F-16 program has been stopped are false. No such decisions have been taken by Pakistan or the U.S. The F-16s, which were part of the last “new buys,” are scheduled to be delivered by the end of January 2012. The remaining F-16’s purchased by Pakistan are going through mid-life upgrades; their delivery will begin later this month and continue throughout this year and next.

"I have come across reports stating that you have been transporting contraband and non authorized items through these transit routes. Surely as per international law if this occurred you would expect Pakistan government to confiscate and destroy those items?"
Dear Aryan_B,

We would really appreciate you providing us with the credible sources that are making these allegations against us. To what reports are you referring? To be clear, NATO cargo containers carry supplies for our troops to assist and support them in their mission to provide security and battle the insurgency in Afghanistan.

MAJ David Nevers,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command
this blockade is just a drama,, there i no such blockade in reality,,its nly closure of one route in favour of others,, the us is getting all supplies through north waziristan/miranshah/khost link,, read news ,,they r getting their supplies..
Ban on Nato supplies
Ban on Nato supplies

Mushtaq Yusufzai
Friday, December 09, 2011

PESHAWAR: North Waziristan has become a favourite alternative route for smugglers to transport fuel and edibles for the US-led forces in Afghanistan after Pakistan blocked Nato supplies via Torkham in Khyber Agency and Chaman in Balochistan following the November 26 attacks on the Pakistan Army border posts in Mohmand Agency.

Well-placed sources in North Waziristan Agency said that about 350 to 400 oil-tankers and containers carrying fuel and different type of edibles for the Nato forces passed through the volatile tribal region via the Bannu-Mir Ali and Miramshah-Ghulam Khan routes every day.

They said all the government functionaries responsible for discouraging illegal transportation of fuel, food items and construction material to Afghanistan are getting their share and had thus turned a blind eye towards the issue.

According to sources, Pakistanís bold decision to suspend Nato supplies had initially caused some negative impact on the routine activities of the US-led forces in Afghanistan, but now the situation seems to have changed. They said the Nato forces are no longer keen to officially request Pakistan to resume their supplies as they are getting the needed fuel and food through North Waziristan and possibly other routes.††

Senior government officials said 90 oil tankers, each carrying 40,000 to 50,000 litres fuel, entered Afghanistanís Khost province every day via Bannu and North Waziristan.

They said 400 trucks carrying food items including sugar, flour, ghee, cooking oil, rice, etc. and construction materials were also being transported to Afghanistan through this route. ìGovernment officials in North Waziristan and Peshawar are aware of the goings on but are silent as everybody is getting their share of the booty,î said an official.

Pleading anonymity, he said there had been a considerable increase in transportation of fuel and edibles to Afghanistan through the alternate routes after Pakistan banned Nato supplies via Torkham and Chaman.

He said that every oil-tanker was required to pay Rs60,000 to Rs70,000 as bribe to officials deployed at the roadside checkpoints. The checkpoints established on Mir Ali-Miramshah and Miramshah-Ghulam Khan roads, he added, were manned by the paramilitary Tochi Scouts, a wing of the Frontier Corps (FC), along with the Khassadar Force or tribal police. Besides ignoring the transportation of fuel and edibles to Afghanistan, the political administration in North Waziristan, officials of the Frontier Corps (FC) and the Khassadar were also getting paid for issuing permits.
this blockade is just a drama,, there i no such blockade in reality,,its nly closure of one route in favour of others,, the us is getting all supplies through north waziristan/miranshah/khost link,, read news ,,they r getting their supplies

So just a theater has being played all this time?

The Pakistani government tells the supply routes are closed but they still allow them through other routes? If that is really the case, Pakistani people has a right to know of this deceit.

While taking the edge of Pakistani folks and catering to their anger, they still continue the business as usual in the background...
yes its very sad sitiuastion the gov and its agencies are totaly lying to its people,,
pak army has heavy presence in north waziristan and yet such things are happening freely,,
it can be possible because there is still army operation going on in khyber agency
this is just to fool around people calling me foolish that blockade is permanent. Zardari government has got no backbone to stop american supply.
None of us and the common civilian is there to see the supply crossing border or stopped . what is happening is happening and no one here can prove if the supplies are totally stopped. It's only the articles we are reading and news on tv.
this blockade is just a drama,, there i no such blockade in reality,,its nly closure of one route in favour of others,, the us is getting all supplies through north waziristan/miranshah/khost link,, read news ,,they r getting their supplies..
Ban on Nato supplies

it'll be worth bringing to light people from which areas do most of the trucking in Pakistan, those of us who have lived in Pakistan know the answer, it’s always amusing that such facts allude the likes Mushtaq Yousafzai ( author of the article ) and while they regularly throw poo at the Pakistani state they don’t have the moral courage to look within and see the rot that in many way they themselves are a part of and have been cheer leaders of since the begining of this conflict.
it'll be worth bringing to light people from which areas do most of the trucking in Pakistan, those of us who have lived in Pakistan know the answer, it’s always amusing that such facts allude the likes Mushtaq Yousafzai ( author of the article ) and while they regularly throw poo at the Pakistani state they don’t have the moral courage to look within and see the rot that in many way they themselves are a part of and have been cheer leaders of since the begining of this conflict.

If you read history, most of the Yousafzais made followers of Bacha Khan, a strong anti-pakistani nationalist who choose to be buried in Afghanistan!
Dear all,

Must view this link to understand US conspiracy against pakistan!


For the last 11 years, NATO's supply lines have been provided through Pakistan. The previous government as well as this government's betrayal has been that no one has asked why these supplies are being allowed, why this is being allowed free, why taxes are not applied to these supply lines...

If for 11 years, Pakistan had taxed America's supply lines to Afghanistan, including the overflights of NATO aircraft to Afghanistan - first thing is that Pakistan should never have participated in this war - but even if we got involved, at least these goods passing through Pakistan should have been taxed, and if it had taxed, Pakistan could have earned 3-4 Billion US dollars in tax revenues. This could have gone to pay for the immense destruction, use of gas, electricity, infrastructure, many budgets made without taxation...

The first thing is that it is now time for Pakistan to stop being part of this war. Since now we know clearly that Af Pak means an attack on Pakistan, we will not be a part of this war. What Pakistan Army has achieved through courage and strategy, what sacrifices they made by which the enemy's fourth generation war has been pushed back against them, all this achievement would be wasted if we again open NATO's supply lines.

Right now, in Pakistan there are over 3,000 NATO armoured vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, artillery, communication equipment, anti-aircraft guns, and there are at least 5,000 other containers that are willed with NATO weapons and ammunition. America is saying it is leaving Afghanistan, they are talking about peace with the Afghan Taliban, they are opening an Afghan Taliban office in Qatar, if all of this is being done for peace, then why are there 5-7 division's equivalent worth of equipment being taken to Afghanistan? For whom?...

Or is this weapon going to be used against Pakistan in their Af Pak strategy?

In Pakistani military history, in world military history, there will be no greater blunder than if we allow these thousands of vehicles and thousands of weapons to go through to Afghanistan, so that they can attack Pakistan from there.

Pakistani political leaders are lying, Pakistani media is sold out. No body will tell you about Af Pak, fourth generation war and Cold Start. Our voice in the main stream media has been blocked, we are not allowed to speak to the main stream media. But despite this, our voice by the Grace of Allah is reaching the people, the young Pakistanis are listening and the enemy is also being countered. By Allah's mercy, keep faith. There is no need to be afraid because Pakistan's patriots and those who love Allah are now certain and have understood this message, are standing with the Army, and the Army has made sacrifices to again achieve Pakistan. And all the claims made by the enemy against us is one by one being defeated.

Pakistan army needs to wake up and smell the coffee!

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