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Pakistan: Bhutto's Son Launches Political Career



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Sep 4, 2012
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The 24-year-old son of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto launched his political career Thursday with a fiery speech before thousands of cheering supporters observing the fifth anniversary of his mother's assassination.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's speech comes several months before national elections are expected to be held. He is too young to participate in the elections himself — the minimum age is 25 — but is likely to be a key asset for the ruling Pakistan People's Party. The party's popularity has plummeted since it took power nearly five years ago as the country has struggled with a weak economy and bloody Taliban insurgency.

Before dawn on the same day, dozens of militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons attacked two tribal police posts in Pakistan's northwest, killing two policemen, officials said. Twenty-one other policemen are missing and presumed kidnapped.

Zardari was made chairman of the Pakistan People's Party after his mother's death but has mainly played a background role until now while he completed his studies at Oxford University in Britain.

"I want to tell you that thanks to God he has completed his studies, but now is the time of his training," his father, President Asif Ali Zardari, told the crowd of supporters Thursday in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh village in southern Sindh province, site of the Bhutto family mausoleum. "He has to study Pakistan, he has to learn from you and he has to work according to your thinking,"

The Bhutto family has played a prominent role in Pakistani politics for much of the country's 65-year history. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's grandfather, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, founded the Pakistan People's Party and served as both the country's president and prime minister in the 1970s. He was eventually hanged in 1979 after Gen. Zia ul-Haq seized power in a military coup.

Benazir Bhutto twice served as prime minister in the 1980s and 1990s but never completed a full term. Her governments were dismissed both times under the cloud of corruption allegations by presidents who were close to the country's powerful army. She was killed in a gun and suicide bomb attack on Dec. 27, 2007, shortly after returning from self-imposed exile to participate in national elections.

After her death, the Pakistan People's Party rode a wave of public sympathy to garner the most seats in the 2008 elections, and Asif Ali Zardari was elected president. But the popularity of both the party and the president has fallen significantly since then as the government has failed to address pressing problems, such as Pakistan's shortage of electricity and stuttering economy. The government has also struggled in its fight against the Pakistani Taliban, who have killed thousands of people in attacks throughout the country.

Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a political science professor at Lahore University of Management Sciences, said it was not a surprise that the Pakistan People's Party unveiled Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in an attempt to boost its fortunes in the upcoming elections, which are expected by June at the latest.

"This is Pakistan and dynastic politics is the norm," said Rais. "Bilawal is perhaps the only card left in the chest of the Pakistan People's Party."

Both Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and his father sought to whip up the emotions of the crowd Thursday by shouting "Long live Bhutto" and "Bhutto is alive." Many of the supporters waved the red, black and green flag of the Pakistan People's Party and held pictures of Benazir Bhutto and her father.

"If you kill one Bhutto, one thousand more Bhuttos will emerge," said Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

He took a swipe at the judiciary, which has clashed with the current government, by asking why people arrested for suspected involvement in his mother's murder have yet to be convicted.

But some critics have questioned why Zardari has not done more to push forward the investigation during more than four years as president.

The president at the time of her death, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, blamed the Pakistani Taliban for the attack, and five suspected militants are facing trial for alleged involvement in the killing. The Pakistani Taliban have denied targeting Bhutto.

A Pakistani court issued an arrest warrant for Musharraf last year over allegations he played a role in the attack, which he has denied. Arrest warrants were also issued for two senior police officials accused of negligence in the assassination. Prosecutors accused one of the officials of failing to provide proper security for Bhutto and the other of cleaning the crime scene before evidence could be collected.

A U.N. investigation into the assassination said it could have been prevented and blamed all levels of government for failing to provide adequate security. It also accused intelligence agencies and other officials of severely hampering the investigation into those behind her murder.

The attack on the tribal police posts before dawn Thursday took place in the town of Darra Adam Khel in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, government officials said. The town is located near Pakistan's tribal region, the main sanctuary for Taliban militants in the country.

Security forces have launched an operation to try to recover the 21 missing policemen, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, but suspicion will likely fall on the Pakistani Taliban.

Page 2: Pakistan: Bhutto's Son Launches Political Career - ABC News
Correction : Zardari;s son launched political career rather just cosmetic career.

Asifa Zardari will be a good candidate for it in coming future. Bilawal is not suitable

this nonsense dynastic politics needs to end. hopefully pk and in awam throws these idiots out.

well awam did not throw Bhuttos/ Gandhis/ Hassinas/Khalidas not even Bushes :P
Correction : Zardari;s son launched political career rather just cosmetic career.

Asifa Zardari will be a good candidate for it in coming future. Bilawal is not suitable

Asifa or Bilawal, why we SUBCONTINETIS (borrowing ur term ;)) have the tendency to stick to a particular family just b'coz there ancestors did a decent job for our countries??

Have they achieved anything themselves?? Do they have a PROFILE that can make them stand out from the masses apart from the SURNAMES they are using?? Now Bilawal using his mother's surname instead of his father's can be said to be height of opportunism.
Asifa or Bilawal, why we SUBCONTINETIS (borrowing ur term ;)) have the tendency to stick to a particular family just b'coz there ancestors did a decent job for our countries??

Have they achieved anything themselves?? Do they have a PROFILE that can make them stand out from the masses apart from the SURNAMES they are using?? Now Bilawal using his mother's surname instead of his father's can be said to be height of opportunism.

we subcontinetis specially in rural feudal areas are still slaves. Trust me if you go to interior Sindh and ask about God they wont even know about it because for them Saeeen/Wadera is a no short of being a god.

in Cities Rs500 or 5000 note is enough to vote be it for Bhuttos or Nawaz shareefs.

same is the case of Punjab gadinasheen feudals.
this kid is total phaphay kutni. saw clips of his speech. Was also taking shots at judiciary.
Pity is on us, all these crooks from nawaz to bhutto and so called lords of regions are preparing their children now to take over !!!!

Pity is on us, all these crooks from nawaz to bhutto and so called lords of regions are preparing their children now to take over !!!!
This is democacy for ya in Pakistan. Period.
See, The People in Pakistan do not associate with individuals but families. I assure ya, no family would bring forth their children if it wasn't what The People would want. Curse The Dynastic Politics as much as ya can, but at the end of the day, that's our political culture. Do not impose foreign cultures on The People of Pakistan. Pakistan for a reason is not called The USA/UK.
This is democacy for ya in Pakistan. Period.
See, The People in Pakistan do not associate with individuals but families. I assure ya, no family would bring forth their children if it wasn't what The People would want. Curse The Dynastic Politics as much as ya can, but at the end of the day, that's our political culture. Do not impose foreign cultures on The People of Pakistan. Pakistan for a reason is not called The USA/UK.

Every family since history be if the Pharoas of Egypt, the european Barrons, or the feudals of subcontinent have prepared their young for power.

The subcontinent is still bring ruled as per the feudal divisions that have existed for decades, and it is time this system is abolished.

Land reforms MUST be enforced, and these feudals, their blood line along with their half brained supporters should be shown the gallows.
Every family since history be if the Pharoas of Egypt, the european Barrons, or the feudals of subcontinent have prepared their young for power.

The subcontinent is still bring ruled as per the feudal divisions that have existed for decades, and it is time this system is abolished.

Land reforms MUST be enforced, and these feudals, their blood line along with their half brained supporters should be shown the gallows.

Well, that's typical anti-democratic mindset. 'Abolish' any and everything you don't comprehend. First of all, who is to 'abolish' this system, when The Most cruel of Dictators, Molvi Zia, couldn't?
Secondly, ya do realize there's political parties out there like MQM who're against this system. All the people have to do to aboish this system is to vote them. But as elections suggest, People are actually quite satisfied with the on-going political culture of Pakistan.
Every time he spoke I wanted to take out my chappal and throw it in his face , and shave his head and send him packing

I mean he was in corwed filled with uneducated farmers and he used big words like in english
and the speech was not even written by him .. lol some other joker wrote the speech .. Is this the leader who Pakistan need who Kan`t even .. express his god damn ideas to people

Constitution , Rights ...

Roti , Capra Aur Makan yeah right ...

Took away Roti
Took away capra
And Makan is out of reach for most people who rent

Meanwhile our Astrocrat Son , who Kan`t even put the wrapper on his dinger .. with out abba`s help is suppose to lead Pakistan

Just is disgusting really , pure utter disgust .. someone would use the anaversary of his mother to launch their own political career

DEMOCRAZY in pakistan means , family business

Lets look at his Abba`s Karname`s

a) Failed Economy
b) Failed PIA
c) Failed Railways
d) His Jiala groups burned 100 -200 boogies for Pakistan railways
e) Cancelled the Projects approved by Musharraf , such as Universities and Schools
f) No major Hosital worth mentioning that opened
g) Renamed airport , how hard is that just costed tax payers money to change all signs
h) No real Military Deal .. nothing ... ZERO .. zero .. achivement
j) FAILED TO GO TO iran to sign the IP pipeline
l) Failed to get financing from Russia
m) Failed initiative on Kala Bagh Dam after Pakistan Flood
n) Brought shame on post of Prime Minister of Pakistan with issue with Supreme Court

Kis moo se vote lene ja raha hai ye half admi
Here we go, Pakistan is ready to be ruled by third generation of politicians family. Sometime i think Pakistan is a corporate company, and these politicians hold shares in it to make a good sum of money. It is so profitable that the grand sons of investors are now ready to invest in it.
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