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Pakistan bans Valentine's Day celebrations in Islamabad?

You elected them not me
I didn't "ban", the elected government of Pakistan "banned" it. You should take that matter up with them. :coffee:
there is no ban..

“I’m surprised why electronic media are airing such baseless news,” Islamabad Deputy Commissioner Captain (retd) Muhstaq Ahmed said.

Regarding reports that Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar was chairing a meeting to consider banning Valentine’s Day celebrations, the official said, “The minister called a meeting to review the law and order situation of the capital, and it was attended by officials of the administration and police.”

“The minister did not pass any directions particularly to ban the Valentine’s Day celebrations,” he added.

Further an interior ministry spokesperson, Muhammad Sarfraz, confirmed that they did not pass any direction in this regard. “The meeting was supposed to review the performance of police and Federal Investigation Agency,” he said.

Valentine's Day celebrations banned in Islamabad? - The Express Tribune
12 pages even after the news was declared baseless and probably invented by the media to cover a slow news day?
Yeah i do. So? you got a problem?? Walk the talk my friend, otherwise don't bark.
For your kind information they hate our kind and want to carpet bomb Makkah
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For your kind information they hate our kind and and want to carpet bomb Makkah

The Kaaba is just reference point where Allah has ordered Muslims to face when praying nothing more. It is has been rebuilt several times even after the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). If anyone thinks that by attacking Makkah they will destroy Islam then they are severely misguided. As for the mosque Allah has made the whole world a mosque for Muslims.
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The Kaaba is just reference point where Allah has ordered Muslims to face when praying nothing more. It is has been rebuilt several times even after the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). If anyone thinks they by attacking Makkah they will destroy Islam then they are severely misguided. As for the mosque Allah has made the whole world a mosque for Muslims.
I was trying to put in his head the true agenda of white supermists he supports them just cuz they are right wingers
Nothing has been banned i repeat nothing has been banned our local Baker has already announced V day discounts on Cakes and Biscuits :D
For your kind information they hate our kind and want to carpet bomb Makkah
Aww, you care about Makkah? But isn't your qiblah hollywood. Don't you worry your liberal brain over Makkah lest your hair turn grey.
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I was trying to put in his head the true agenda of white supermists he supports them just cuz they are right wingers
I support all enemies of liberalism be they Christians, Jews, Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Buddhists, Japanese, etc...

Liberalism is on the decline even in the West thanks to none other than Liberals themselves. Liberals have turned Europe into a rapists paradise (Sweden is now the rape capital of the world).
"Banning" Valentine's Day would be pointless; people will do what they want to do in private if not in public
rather then talk about bans, as a society that is family oriented, celebrate "Family Day"; and if you are married, doing something nice for your spouse as well as other close relatives would be a more wholesome and inclusive alternative

not to mention it would be an appropriate accommodation and way we can participate on ground we feel fits our cultural values

Day ban ho giya to kiya gum hai?

Apni jaib main bhi fun hai

This bubble gum has crossed borders , due to T20 broadcast
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I support all enemies of liberalism be they Christians, Jews, Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Buddhists, Japanese, etc...

Liberalism is on the decline even in the West thanks to none other than Liberals themselves. Liberals have turned Europe into a rapists paradise (Sweden is now the rape capital of the world).
Um you dont really understand the term liberal do you?
The white supermists want your kind out of their countries and want to ban Islam are you ok with that?

Sweden blames Muslums for high rape

Aww, you care about Makkah? But isn't your qiblah hollywood. Don't you worry your liberal brain over Makkah lest your hair turn grey.
A bit judgey arent we?
Yes it should be banned in Pakistan, anything that promotes non Islamic culture should be banned. As this paves way for only sins.
Um you dont really understand the term liberal do you?
There's Liberal, and then there's pseudo so called "Pakistani liberals". The difference being that the latter is a movement of people suffering from a severe case of inferiority complex and only copy the former in all its stupidity.

The white supermists want your kind out of their countries and want to ban Islam are you ok with that?
My concern is Pakistan because im a born and bred Pakistani.

Sweden blames Muslums for high rape
Sweden became the rape capital of the world under Liberalism. Go back 6 decades when Sweden was still a traditionalist and conservative country there was no rape to this extent.

A bit judgey arent we?
The prophet (S.A.W.) said, "You will surely follow the ways, steps, or traditions of those who came before you, span by span and yard by yard (very closely) even if they entered into a lizard's hole you will enter it." The companions asked, "O prophet, you mean the Jews and Christians?" He replied, "Who else!?" [Reported by Imaam Bukhaari] In another hadeeth, he clearly prohibited imitation stating, "If one imitates another nation or people, he will be from them." [Reported by Imaam Abu-Daawud]
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