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Pakistan-Bangladesh Friendship Forum launched


Nov 3, 2008
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Pakistan-Bangladesh Friendship Forum launched - Karachi, Pakistan - Din News.

Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:45 PM GMT+5

Karachi -- The Pakistan Bangladesh Friendship Forum (PBFF) was launched on Monday by prominent figures from both countries, with the aim of bringing the brotherly nations closer.

PBFF Chairman Justice (Retd) Saiduzzaman Siddiqui expressed hope that the forum will strengthen trade and economic ties between the two countries. He spoke about people in both countries who still experienced a strong nostalgia for the past.

He remembered the contributions made, before and after the establishment of Pakistan, by the leaders of the former East Pakistan and said that their great contribution could not be forgotten.

He also lauded Grameen Bank President Muhammad Yunus for the expansion of the middle class in Bangladesh, and said that Pakistan could benefit from the experiences of the former.

Other speakers also said that the people from both the countries held feelings of brotherhood and shared a common destiny. They extended congratulations to the people of both countries and said that the forum had become a reality after continuous input and efforts from both sides.

Speakers said that the forum would provide unique opportunities to both countries in the fields of education, trade, commerce and industries. The High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Pakistan, Yasmeen Murshed, expressed gratitude to the people of Pakistan. �Pakistan and Bangladesh possess very deep and close ties based on common memories, common heritage and values. Moreover we stand together at an international level and have almost common policies towards international affairs,� she said.

Murshed reiterated that the two countries needed to go further not only as brotherly nations but as economic partners as well. �Concerted efforts are required for the development of economic and trade exchange between the two countries. There is a need to explore new avenues of trade and commerce since this is one area in which there is much room to be done more,� she said, adding that even though the current trade between the two countries had reached US$340 million, it was, however, far behind the target: US$1 billion.

She said that the governments of both the countries were going through transitions which might be a reason why things had turned slower during the last couple of years. Both countries are actually going through a cycle of development, the high commissioner said.

�It is an important day for Pakistan as the country has reached another watershed in its history,� Murshed said while she extended her wishes for a more stable and consistent government that would enhance the potential of Pakistan. �Bangladesh is not too far behind Pakistan and we will also have a democratic government with your support,� she said.

The High Commissioner said that trade and commerce development could be ensured through the enhancement of private-to-private organisations. These partnerships, however, had to be supported by the two governments, she said.

A regular shipping link is the first step to increasing the volume of trade between the two countries, she said, adding that the set up of the shipping link and the volume of trade were two actions that would take place simultaneously.

Sindh Information Minister Shazia Marri said that Bangladesh had been part of this country and people still had that connection with them. �What�s done is done. Let�s move on. We still want to be close to the people of Bangladesh,� she said.

The Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Karachi, Saquib Ali, said that the current period was the best in the history of Pakistan-Bangladesh relations and the people of the two countries were more candid now than ever before. He said there were certain matters that had become a taboo and were therefore not discussed easily but he hoped that a time would come when this would be overcome and the people of the two countries would support each other without blaming each other for the past.
The Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Karachi, Saquib Ali, said that the current period was the best in the history of Pakistan-Bangladesh relations and the people of the two countries were more candid now than ever before. He said there were certain matters that had become a taboo and were therefore not discussed easily but he hoped that a time would come when this would be overcome and the people of the two countries would support each other without blaming each other for the past.

Forget about the Past think about the present and the future and i am really proud to say that Bangladesh's relations with Pakistan are much better than Indo-Bangla relations. Whatever happened in 1971 was really very bad and atrocities were committed by both the sides, we better leave our differences behind and we should set a new era of good relations and progress.
I hope a similar program will be done in Bangladesh. This is the first I heard of this initiative.
man I hope a similar program is launched in India, everyone here seems willing to let go of the past, so then lets get on with it and begin a new era of reconciliation and friendship!
Forget about the Past think about the present and the future and i am really proud to say that Bangladesh's relations with Pakistan are much better than Indo-Bangla relations. Whatever happened in 1971 was really very bad and atrocities were committed by both the sides, we better leave our differences behind and we should set a new era of good relations and progress.
Agreed.Mistakes were committed by both sides (More from our side) but we should forget the past and become friends again.
Agreed.Mistakes were committed by both sides (More from our side) but we should forget the past and become friends again.

It is easier to say this for those who do not know the ground realities in Bangladesh and the activities of the RAW agents. No matter how sincere some Pakistanis might be in their effort to build a brotherly relation with Bangladesh but in Bangladesh the friends of India will make sure that Pakistan unofficially remains an enemy entity in the public and government circle. Officially the leaders of Awami League and its intellectuals may shake hands with the Pakistanis but one should not be fooled by that, Pakistanis should try to listen to what they say among themselves.
It is easier to say this for those who do not know the ground realities in Bangladesh and the activities of the RAW agents. No matter how sincere some Pakistanis might be in their effort to build a brotherly relation with Bangladesh but in Bangladesh the friends of India will make sure that Pakistan unofficially remains an enemy entity in the public and government circle. Officially the leaders of Awami League and its intellectuals may shake hands with the Pakistanis but one should not be fooled by that, Pakistanis should try to listen to what they say among themselves.

It couldn't have been said better. Policy makers of GOP and friends/brother here should no way be fooled by Bangladeshi COAS's smile/smooth talk or over expect anything besides the extent of measured/visible perimeter of 'Give and take'. What my Pakistani friends and GOP should do is too teamed up with other well-intended Muslims and Chinese intelligent agencies to counter balance RAW, MOSSAD's evil activities. It was proved wrong in the past that the material exchange, Islamic brotherhood and even massive economic incentives could overwhelm Ideological/nationalistic doctrinarians, especially when closer geographic proximity of BD land toward IND than PK and culturally its people were similar to W Bengalis of IND. So, massive counter drive against current indoctrinated-youths by RAW was the need of the hour. And the first step in that process should be presenting Pakistani part of facts of 71s tragedy to those youths, correct their perceptions by inviting them in rational discussions and pointing on Indian's daily oppression toward their country's people that has been multiplying regularly due to their helplessness whilst during PAK era IND hadn’t demonstrated such audacity. ISI/Other well intended intelligent agency's next to nil activities against conniving RAW's involvement in every fabric of BD society is the main recipe of disaster IMO, which needs to be addressed as priority no. 1 in confidence building paradigm along with other niceness.
My point has already been proven by the one of the Indian trolls. Indians may pretend that they are ready to forget the past animosity and build a friendly relation with Pakistan, but the realiy couldn't be farther from the truth. Just one good example of India's true attitude towards Pakistan is how it continuously villifies Pakistan in the minds of the Bangladeshi people. Of course, Mr. Ten Percent and his yesmen don't have the time or the good judgement to ponder upon this.
If actors/actresses of RAW, a Film edited by RAW and its sole purpose to discredit W Pakistani army was your proof to prove PAK federation's crime then why didn't you take it up with international court? When Pakistani diplomats challenged 3 million's death/genocide figure to Bangladeshis in Washington DC a couple of years ago, why did BD diplomat hunker down then and admitted the figure was concocted? Remember lie, damn lie, statistic, recurrent lie to build pyramid of lies can fool many but not all. And get this in your head, PAK army didn't start genocide after 70s election. It was AL criminals that started to kill, maim and rape Biharies, non-Bengalis and PAK army started to retaliate AL goons, chanakya Malauns 3 months after it and fell in trap of millennium.

Answer me if we invited RAW in our land to work on us? If not then shouldn't your GOVT. compensate for destroying every institution, fabric of my country? It if doesn't then don't we possess the right to call for might just counter your evil aspiration?
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That is pretty gross. Surely much more than a simple breakdown of discipline.

It was a deliberate policy to punish the Bengalis as a race. And it was massive.

Time to move on, yes. But kudos to our soldiers who sacrificed their lives to stop this barbarity.
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That is pretty gross. Surely much more than a simple breakdown of discipline.

It was a deliberate policy to punish the Bengalis as a race. And it was massive.

Time to move on, yes. But kudos to our soldiers who sacrificed their lives to stop this barbarity.

sadly, bangladesh seems to have forgotten the immense help of india.........
bd is now supporting the terror activities in india........
sadly, bangladesh seems to have forgotten the immense help of india.........
bd is now supporting the terror activities in india........

Well, I will say that the few people here and the BD government don't necessarily represent the people of Bangladesh.

There are still many people who love India and are grateful and for their sake India should not forsake the country.
Well, I will say that the few people here and the BD government don't necessarily represent the people of Bangladesh.

There are still many people who love India and are grateful and for their sake India should not forsake the country.

I agree......but there seems to be politics of india-hate working in bd........
like parties competing with each other to show that they are against india, its companies and its policies.........
china seems to be stoking the situation.........

terror from their land is really unacceptable and india should put pressure on the govt to stop them from supporting the terrorists........
also the illegal immigrants is a big issue........
Well, let us get back to the topic. It is indeed good if the old chapters of hate are closed and people start to move on.

That is the only way forward. The world is progressing and we in SA can't afford to miss the bus. We have missed it all too often in the past.
atleast india is in the right direction.......I cant say the same about rest of SA.......

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