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Pakistan Assists Sri Lanka In War Against Tigers

LTTE's strategic bastion Mallavi falls to security forces:

Remaining LTTE terrorists were beaten off and Mallavi town was liberated by the advancing troops today (Sep 2), according to latest military reports received.

The troops of the 57 Division led by Major General Jagath Dias triumphed overrunning the LTTE's most important strategic bastion at Mallavi, located along the Vellankulama- Mankulama main road following weeks long heavy confrontation, security sources said.

The military advances towards Mallavi came under heavy resistance from the LTTE as the outfit was engaged in a desperate attempt to save its strategic hub.

Earlier, on 22nd August troops took control over Thunkkaki and Uyiliankulama towns in the eastern Mullaittivu battlefront.

The Army Chief, Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka during a visit made to Wanni this morning, appraised the valiant troops for their latest achievements including the seizure of Mallavi and Palamoddai general areas.

I'm going to stay neutral on this one because this clearly should never have been made public. We all know Sri Lanka doesn't have the same strategic value to Pakistan that it once did, so no need to take potshots at the Indians or even the Tamils. Selling arms is key though, I don't care if Pakistan sold weapons to LTTE as well, just don't sentimentalize business and have the whole world sniffing at your pies.

this may seem very deviating and off topic but, pakistan's foreign policies r not good, pakistan shuld build up relations with many countries eg the central asian states and russia, pakistan can get huge benefits if it invests its full devotion in foreign relations, pakistani politics is just good for eating away the nation's wealth, no good impact comes out of it. the pakistani politics is "crap" n "crap n "crap" and nothing else at all!!!!

am i speaking crap???
Air Force destroys LTTE aircraft - Mullaittiuvu

Sri Lanka Air Force has shot down one of the aircraft belonged to LTTE terrorists this morning (Sept 9).

Air Force spokesperson Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara speaking to defence.lk said, the aircraft has been shot down in the Mualaithiuvu skies while running away following a failed mission.

He said Air Defence Radars have picked up two LTTE light aircraft while they were approaching to the Vavuniya area around 4 AM. Then the fighter jets launched from Katunayaka airbase, have intercepted the terror aircraft and destroyed one of them, he added.

Speaking further he said , the aim of LTTE in this air mission was to target the Vavuniya airbase. However, the terrorist have failed to deliver their bombs on the target , he added.

Meanwhile, Military spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the terrorist have launched coordinated artillery attack at the Forward Defence of Vavuniya to support the attempted aerial mission. Troops have retaliated with heavy artillery and brought the situation under control, he added.

LTTE believed to have suffered heavy losses when Air Force carried out spoiling attacks at LTTE reserves in Kilinochchi during last couple of days. In a series of air raids, Air Force targeted number of terror marshalling points causing a severe damage to the enemy fighting capability.

More information will follow...

Air Force destroys LTTE aircraft - Mullaittiuvu
Indian radar operators wounded in attack

Indian radar operators wounded in attack

Tuesday, 09 September 2008 14:44

Two Indian radar operators working for the Sri Lanka Air Force sustained injuries in the attack carried out by the LTTE on the Wanni security forces headquarters in Vavuniya, 'Tamilnet' reported.

Quoting army sources in Vavuniya, the website said the wounded Indian radar operators were airlifted to Colombo for further treatment.
Lanka to hand over Prabhakaran to India if caught: Rajapaksa

Colombo, Sept 16: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said his government will seriously consider any plea from India to hand over LTTE supremo Vellupillai Prabhakaran if he is caught, asserting that his troops were advancing towards tiger nerve centres.

At the same time, Rajapaksa ruled out the possibility of any ceasefire with the rebels, implying that the current offensive would be taken to its logical end.

On the elusive LTTE chief, he said, "You should realise Prabhakaran was involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the Sri Lankan government will consider any request for his extradition if he is caught".

"The law of the land will take its own course if and when he is nabbed," the President, who is also the Defence Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, said.

India and Sri Lanka only have an Extradition Arrangement short of a treaty and apparently any deportation of wanted people can be undertaken only on grounds of mutual requests.

At a dinner with foreign correspondents at his heavily guarded official residence last night, Rajapaksa talked at length on the ongoing army advance against LTTE strongholds in the north, especially their nerve centres at Killinochchi.

Describing the advances made by his forces as "unprecedented in the last 20 years," the Sri Lankan President said his troops were running past LTTE outposts one after the other.

However, he declined to give any time frame for fully defeating the LTTE, saying the security forces were moving forward successfully for liberating the areas under the rebel control.

Rajapaksa said the top brass of the Sri Lankan defence including the service commanders were satisfied with the progress in their campaign.

"We will completely crush the LTTE, but I do not want to set a time frame for it. It can be done though it will definitely take some time," the President said.

During his interaction with the media, the Sri Lankan President ruled out any question of declaring a ceasefire with the LTTE, saying there could be nothing short of total surrender acceptable to it.

On reported feelers from LTTE for a ceasefire, Rajapaksa said, "they have not contacted us in this regard but the LTTE should surrender along with their arms and ammunitions".

"They (LTTE) will be allowed to surrender, but there is no question of having another ceasefire agreement (with them). I don't think there is any need to hold talks with the LTTE in the future," the President said.

"Prabhakaran and (LTTE intelligence chief) Pottu Amman will have to surrender with the weapons," he added.

Rajapaksa assured protection to the Tamils in the rebel controlled areas and asked them to come to the "liberated" areas.

"You will see that this will also be fully accomplished (when the whole lot of people in LTTE areas move to the government areas)," he said.

Rajapaksa said the government rejected the ceasefire declared by the LTTE during the SAARC Summit "because we knew they could not do anything".

So confident appeared the Sri Lankan President of the success of the campaign by his troops, he said in reply to questions that post-LTTE, provincial elections would be held in the north after clearing the area.

"Of course we want to do that to allow the Tamil people to elect their own leaders and representatives democratically as they did in the east," he said.

Rajapaksa said he always favoured neutrals to be appointed chief ministers of any provinces and referred to the election of Pillayan as the chief minister of the eastern province, who had the maximum backing.

On his reaction to Indian Defence Minister A K Antony's remarks that India has concerns over the plight of Tamils caught in the war between the army and the LTTE in the rebel controlled areas, Rajapaksa merely said "our defence authorities would have been contacted in this regard".

On relations with India, Rajapaksa said he was "very happy" with the assistance being rendered to Sri Lanka, while not elaborating.

It may be recalled that the Sri Lankan Army Chief Sarath Fonseka recently said that though India was not giving arms to the Island nation due to its own compulsions, nevertheless it was providing training to about 800 Sri Lankan security personnel every year free of cost.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::
Troops capture Karambakulam tank bund - Kilinochchi

Troops of the Task Force I, getting another mileage in their quest for peace, captured the entire 1.5 km-long Karambakulam tank bund, about 11 km northeast of Nachchikuda Wednesday (17) afternoon, consequent upon a close fire fight that saw twenty-five Tiger terrorists killed and a similar number badly injured.

Four brave soldiers of the Army sacrificed their precious lives in the encounter that lasted for over three hours in Karambakulam. Fifteen more soldiers wounded in the fight were immediately evacuated to hospitals. At the time, this report was being filed, columns of heroic troops were steadily dominating the tank area after setting up their positions, as Engineer troops simultaneously began removing booby traps and other explosive devices at hand.

Meanwhile, Tiger terrorists operating in the east of Akkarayankulam areas struck against the troops thrice throughout Wednesday (17) before the dusk fell. Confident troops bravely resisted and directed hard blows on the enemy and chased them away, gunning down at least fifteen Tiger terrorists during the three encounters, Wanni Security Forces confirmed.

In the meantime, troops of the 56 Division following the sighting of two LTTE terrorists who were moving towards their bunker in Navatkulam area opened fire at them using small arms and rocket propeller grenades Wednesday (17) morning at about 10.25 a.m.. The bunker was completely destroyed and two terrorists were confirmed killed as a result.

Around 9.50 a.m. on Wednesday (17) again troops attacked another LTTE bunker in the general area of Vilakkvittakulam causing severe damages to it, occupied by three terrorists. It is believed all three terrorists were feared killed in the attack.

A soldier on clearing operations in JANAKAPURA area in Welioya in the meantime sustained injuries due to explosion of an anti personnel mine.

Troops captured Karambakulam tank bund - Kilinochchi
These Tigers terrorists need to be eliminated, and Pakistan should co-operate whatever it can to make Sri Lanka free of terrorism.
These Tigers terrorists need to be eliminated, and Pakistan should co-operate whatever it can to make Sri Lanka free of terrorism.

i agree but we should do it in a very quiet manner - no bravado!
Security forces on the doorstep of Kokkavil - Mullaittivu front

Security forces personnel engaged in Wanni liberating operation in Mullaittivu front are on the eve of another significant victory against LTTE terrorists as the troops of 57 Division advancing into the Kokkavil general area this afternoon, 26 September.

According to the latest information received from the forefront, the troops of 57 Division are in close vicinity to the Kokkavil railway station complex.

More information will follow ..

Security forces on the doorstep of Kokkavil - Mullaittivu front
Kilinochchi a 'ghost town'

Kilinochchi is now a 'ghost town' with the LTTE withdrawing all its offices, business establishments, hotels and media centres following the rapid advancement of the security forces towards the region from various directions in the Wanni, informed sources said. The LTTE had even abandoned its 'Peace Secretariat' and the adjoining buildings where most of the meetings with key figures of the international community had taken place with the LTTE's late political wing leader S. P. Thamilselvan and its late theoretician Anton Balasingham, sources said.

The 'Peace Secretariat' of the outfit built with several millions of rupees was equipped with the latest communication facilities. The Secretariat was also furnished to international standards and Pulithevan, one of the lieutenants of Thamilselvan was the head of the Secretariat. The buildings put up by the LTTE in Kilinochchi for its political activities were built soon after the Norway mediated Ceasefire Agreement was signed in February 2002, the sources said.

According to sources the Norwegians had also helped the outfit financially to construct its new buildings in Kilinochchi for political activities. As the civilians began to move out from Kilinochchi, police stations, court houses and other administrative centres that had been set up by the LTTE collapsed with the outfit's henchmen running helter skelter in the region, the sources said.

Meanwhile, innocent civilians in the region are between the 'devil and the deep blue sea' struggling to escape from the clutches of the LTTE who have made them scapegoats for their final show down with the security forces.

Civilians have now moved towards the eastern direction from Kilinochchi to areas such as Akkarayan, Viswamadu and Puthukudiyiruppu which are located east of the A-9 highway. With the LTTE forcibly preventing civilians moving into Government controlled cleared areas, they would face severe hardships in getting essential supplies when the battle enters its final phase, the sources said.

Kilinochchi a 'ghost town'
Over 25 civilians including Maj Gen Janaka Perera killed in LTTE suicide bomb attack- Anuradhapura

An LTTE suicide bomber blew up himself targeting a function organized by the United National Party (UNP) in Anuradhapura this morning (Oct 6).

According to the defence sources, over 25 civilians including, Opposition Leader of the North Central Province (NCP), Major General (Retired) Janaka Perera and his wife were killed in the bomb attack that was taken place around 8.45 AM.

Also, over 90 civilians were injured, out of which 15 are in serious conditions, said the sources. Among the diseased, UNP district manager for Anuradhapura, Mr. John Pulle , his wife and several other prominent opposition party activists were also there , the sources added.

The bomb attack was taken place at a ceremony organized to open the newly built UNP office situated near old bus stand in the Anuradhapura town.

Major General Janaka Perera joined Sri Lanka Army as cadet officer in 1966 and retired after 34 years of service in 2001. After retirement he was appointed as the Sri Lankan Ambassador in Australia. In 2008, he contested for the NCP as the Chief Ministerial candidate of the UNP.

Major General Janaka Perera (Retd), RWP, RSP, VSV, USP, rcds, psc also served as the Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army (2000-2001). He was educated at the St. Joseph's College. He received his basic training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Ceylon Engineers. Maj. Gen Perera is a graduate of the Royal College of Defence Studies.

LTTE is a ruthless terrorist organization that has been engaged in a brutal terrorist war against Sri Lankan citizen since 1983. Influenced by their psychopathic leader, Prabhakaran, LTTE terrorists have been unleashing violence against Sri Lankans by way of suicide bombings, bus bombings, train bombings, ethnic cleansing raids , village massacres etc during last 3 decades. Over 70,000 people have been killed due to the terrorist war during this time.

Also, LTTE has assassinated number of political leaders who took strong stance against terrorism including late President Ranasingha Premadasa, former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , UNP Presidential candidate in 1994 Gamini Dissanayake , and many others.

Over 25 civilians including Maj Gen Janaka Perera killed in LTTE suicide bomb attack- Anuradhapura
Sri Lanka fighting kills 85 Tamil rebels

* Govt minister says offensive to continue despite financial turmoil
* Australian minister says military force not lasting solution

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan helicopters fired rockets at Tamil Tiger rebels constructing a trench during three days of clashes that killed at least 85 people, the military said on Monday.

Soldiers are 2 km from Kilinochchi, capital of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam's (LTTE) quasi-government, after an advance that since July has intensified into the bloodiest period of the war since a ceasefire ended in January. The latest fighting along a frontline of heavily mined jungle thick with concrete bunkers and trenches, killed 76 rebels and wounded 92, the military said. Nine soldiers were killed and 52 were wounded, it said. Mi-24 attack helicopters rocketed rebels using heavy equipment to build a trench line near Akkarayankulam reservoir on Saturday, just southwest of Kilinochchi, the air force said.

The LTTE says it is fighting to create a separate homeland for Sri Lanka's minority Tamils, who have complained of marginalisation by successive governments led by the Sinhalese majority since independence from Britain in 1948. The rebels were not immediately available for comment. The death tolls are nearly impossible to verify, with both sides engaging in regular distortions for propaganda reasons and the war zone being closed to most journalists.

Offensive to continue: Sri Lanka's war on separatist rebels will not be slowed by international financial turmoil placing pressure on the government's military budget, Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said on Monday. Bogollagama, speaking in Australia where he was urged to seek a political end to the 25-year conflict, said Sri Lanka's military would continue to press its latest bloody offensive against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or LTTE.

“We are coming to the final stages of taking on the LTTE. We are quite confident our financial resources can sustain the current engagement,” Bogollagama told journalists.

Bogollagama said President Mahinda Rajapaksa had no option but to continue an offensive that gathered pace earlier this year when the government formally annulled a 2002 ceasefire, accusing the rebels of using it to re-arm. “As far as the LTTE is concerned, we need them to lay down arms and start talking, and it's time the LTTE does that,” he said. Australia's foreign minister, Stephen Smith, said Canberra had “long-standing concerns” about the intensifying conflict and accusations of human rights violations on both sides.

“There was a very clear understanding that no long-term enduring solution can be found simply through the use of military force,” Smith said, adding more talks were needed on ideas for a semi-autonomous region in LTTE-controlled northern areas.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Options in Sri Lanka: India should review its policy and exert pressure on Sri Lanka to seek a political solution for the ethnic conflict.
T S Gopi Rethinaraj

Sri Lanka has been building parallel defence co-operation tracks with China and Pakistan, and the island has been brimming with Chinese and Pakistani intelligence operatives for a long time. India has gone out of way to help maintain Sri Lanka’s territorial integrity knowing well about these developments which can turn out to be a major security problem for the Indian Navy in future. India cannot allow this situation to persist while simultaneously putting pressure on the LTTE and providing military assistance to Sri Lanka. A credible case could be built that an independent Tamil Eelam will be—for ethnic-linguistic-religious reasons—friendlier towards India than the Sinhalese dispensation harbouring a deep contempt for India and its interests.

India’s current military assistance, understandably low-key for domestic reasons, comes at a time when some western countries have begun to take a more nuanced position toward the ethnic conflict in light of the gross human right violations committed by the Sri Lankan state against Tamils. Although LTTE is banned in many countries there is also simultaneous realisation that any political solution ignoring the militant outfit will not be viable in the long run.

Keeping in view these long-term interests, India should review its policy and exert pressure on Sri Lanka to seek a political solution for the ethnic conflict. Ironically, India’s own clout with the Sinhalese dispensation in Colombo will vapourise once the LTTE is defeated militarily. Why would the Sinhalese leadership care about India’s sensitivities after obtaining a favourable military solution?

Unless India is able to lock the Sri Lankan government in a broad bilateral security relationship, the Sinhalese will have no qualms allowing China or Pakistan to get foothold in a way detrimental to Indian interests. This is the real danger of India’s current detached policy, facilitating the military defeat of the LTTE. This view is of course not congruent with mainstream Indian thinking about the Sri Lankan ethnic issue.

But if India were to take a hard-nosed view of long-term interests, a subtle shift in its position against the LTTE will go a long way in safeguarding the country’s strategic interest in the Indian Ocean region besides securing the interests of ethnic Tamils in the island.

What is Sinhalese? every next line writer is quoting them as some sort of untouchables!
Sri Lanka claims smashing ‘final’ Tiger defences

* Rebel attack with ‘poison gas’ thwarted, 14 bunkers captured
* President Rajapaksa tells army to avoid civilian casualties

COLOMBO: Troops and Tamil Tiger rebels were locked in intense fighting in northern Sri Lanka on Sunday after government forces smashed through the “last major defences” of the guerrillas capturing 14 Tamil Tiger rebel bunkers, the military said.

The rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched “poisonous gas attacks” to blunt the military offensive aimed at capturing the rebels’ political capital of Kilinochchi, the defence ministry said in a statement.

Soldiers stepped up their offensive on Saturday and captured a two-kilometer stretch of the defence line set up by the Tigers near Kilinochchi, the ministry said.

It said the fighting was at Akkarayankulam, about 13 kilometers southwest of Kilinochchi.

“Army’s 57 division troops yesterday pierced the LTTE-built earth bund in Akkarayankulam, the terrorists’ last major defence south of Kilinochchi,” the defence ministry said in a statement. Military sources said that the Tigers had used a type of tear gas commonly used during riot control. “However, troops withstood the chemical attack and beat off the terrorists,” the ministry said.

It gave no details of casualties for both sides, but added: “Several soldiers made their ultimate sacrifice for the nation while many others suffered injuries during this battle.”

Tamil base: In separate statement, the ministry said soldiers along two other fronts in the north of the island had also stepped up attacks against Tamil Tiger positions over the weekend.

Soldiers had encircled a sea base of the Tamil Tigers along the northwest coast while troops on the other side of the island in northeastern Mullaitivu had also stepped up attacks, the ministry said.

“Troops also suffered casualties during those confrontations and were being evacuated for treatment,” the statement said. Government soldiers fell victim to booby-trapped devices, anti-personnel mines and mortar fire, the ministry said. “Battlefield sources confirmed that the terrorists suffered significant attrition in terms of men and material,” the ministry said. Military officials said both sides continued to trade gunfire and long-range attacks throughout the weekend, but monsoon rains had left heavy weapons ineffective. Neither side could also use trenches for cover as most were flooded with rain water.

Civilian casualties: The fighting was reported after President Mahinda Rajapaksa said the military was trying to minimize civilian casualties in its campaign against the rebels. Rajapaksa gave the assurance on Saturday in a telephone conversation with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the foreign ministry said in a statement. “Security forces are under strict instructions to avoid causing any civilian casualties during this operation,” Rajapaksa told Singh. agencies

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