@PAR 5 it's starting to seem that the PA ordered a package: VT4 and SH15. But in 2018, NORINCO said it won tests for the 8x8 AFV and mobile SAM too, but the mobile SAM went elsewhere. So, did the PA only shelve the AFV?
IIRC it was a maintenance/rebuild/upgrade contract for the T-80UDs and additional 1,200 hp engines for the AK1.
No need to re-engine the VT4. It's a tight and integrated package, so swapping the engine out would be a chore. The PA wouldn't have ordered it if the VT4 as-is didn't make the cut, so it ordered exactly what NORINCO brought to the tests.
Pakistan Army has ordered around 300 VT-4 Tanks. 176 of these tanks have been purchased (along with support equipment and spares etc) and the initial batch is currently loaded onto a ship and on its way to port Karachi. Army has paid around US$859M out of its own pocket to NORINCO at this time. The second batch of VT-4's will be delivered in the next few years as well.
Pakistan Army has also ordered the Chinese SPH (155mm) recently tested (against the South African SPH) and qualified. I do not off hand have the numbers and the amount paid to NORINCO for this project.
I do not currently have an update on the Chinese mobile SAM and AFV