Exercise Cambrian Patrol
Exercise Cambrian Patrol is an annual patrolling competition that takes place throughout the Cambrian Mountains of mid-Wales. An internationally recognized military exercise, previous participants have included numerous European states, in addition to Commonwealth countries and the United States.
The competition consists of teams of 8 men carrying up to 55 kilos each across some of the most unforgiving terrain. There have been account of teams trudging through bog land up to their waist for 4 hours only to cover 1.5 km. It's a test of leadership, self discipline, courage and determination. The exercise usually starts with teams arriving at a Rendezvous before having their equipment checked to make sure they have everything required. Missing equipment will be replaced by dead weight and will mean points will be deducted. From there the team leader will be taken to orders while the rest of the team set up a quick hide, start their battle prep and prepare to receive orders i.e. prepare a model of the ground which will be covered during the patrol.
The Exercise is a test of Military skills which include;
* Firing of personal weapons
* Obstacle crossing
* First Aid and Casualty Evacuation (casevac) procedures
* Recognition of aircraft, vehicles and equipment
* Artillery target indication
* Patrol Techniques
* Helicopter drills
* Media handling
* Conduct after capture
* Communications skills
* Handling prisoners of war