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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

I think the general who planned and executed ZeA ops should be the chief. We need a forward thinking general not laid back types who cannot make up their minds as to what to do.
Transportation of a Dozer by Mi-17

One dozer was required by the engineers for the improvement of track in Shaqma Sector. Shifting of the said dozer was not possible by road due to snow bound areas en route. The only possibility left to shift the dozer was through helicopter lifting by MI- 17 helicopters.
The mission was assigned to MI- 17 Flight Skardu during 1st week of May 1997. After desired deliberation, it was recommended to Headquarters FCNA that the said dozer be stripped in parts prior to shifting. On 15 th May 1997 the shifting of dozer to Dheri started and the mission was completed on 11 th June 1997.

Major NaveedAkbar and Major Warraich were the crew members and flew a total of 17.4 hours in this mission.
Anti Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) Operation

On 24th January 2002, during the daily evening brief in the field area, Captain Amir of 499 EME Battalion pointed out that he had observed an Indian UAV making patterns overhead the camp. The news was both interesting and alarming The staff of the headquarters and other officers remained concerned during the evening walks but overruled it as an illusion later the threat proved to be real. All concerned were alerted and course of action to shoot an UAV was decided.

To thwart reconnaissance missions of hostile UAVs likely to intrude into Pakistan air space, combat elements remained on Air Defence Alert for 60 hours at a stretch.

Two scramble practices were also conducted with the PAF

One Puma No. 1528 of 21 Army Aviation Squadron was modified to carry machine gun and be able to fire from air.
One Allouette was also similarly tasked for this.

Later these helicopters were placed at Sialkot and Bahawalpur for this purpose. 33 Squadron (AH-1) also flew Ground Control Interception missions during this time. However, coincidentally no UAV came during this period.

Indonesia offers defence sales to Pakistan

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry

21 September 2016

The Indonesian government has offered to sell a range of defence equipment to Pakistan, Indonesia's state-run news agency Antara reported on 21 September.

The country's co-ordinating political, legal, and security affairs minister, Wiranto, who goes by one name, said that Indonesian defence officials are discussing with Pakistan counterparts potential sales of platforms including the CN-235 medium-lift transport aircraft and the 6x6 Anoa armoured personnel carrier (APC).

The CN-235 is produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) under licence from Airbus, while the Anoa, which is very similar in appearance to the widely deployed French Renault Trucks Defense Vehicule de l'Avant (VAB), is manufactured by PT Pindad.
Infantry Weapons

AAD 2016: CATIC shows TY-90 SAM variants

Christopher F Foss, London - IHS Jane's Missiles & Rockets

22 September 2016

Key PointsTY-90 SAM system shown on a Dongfeng 4x4 light vehicleMock-up of a tripod-mounted system shown at AAD 2016

China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) has released additional information on its TY-90-equipped short-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems.

The TY-90 is essentially an air-to-air missile modified for a surface-to-air application under the designator Shen Gong-2.

Equipped with a passive infrared seeker, the TY-90 measures 90 mm in diameter and has a launch weight of 24.5 kg. A 3 kg high-explosive fragmentation warhead is activated by a laser proximity fuze, delivering a maximum lethality radius of 4 m. The missile features four control surfaces towards the front of the missile and a four-fin tail assembly. The TY-90 is understood to have a maximum speed of Mach 2.0, with CATIC quoting a minimum range of 800 m and a maximum range of 6,000 m, with altitude coverage from 15 m to 3,500 m.

The baseline TY-90-equipped SAM solution is mounted on a twin 23 mm gun anti-aircraft trailer platform, with the weapons and turntable mount removed and replaced with a power-operated SAM system station. This features fully enclosed operators position, with an electro-optical sensor package equipped with automatic target acquisition and tracking mounted on the left, and four TY-90 missiles mounted on the right.

CATIC has shown a TY-90 SAM application based on a Dongfeng 4x4 light vehicle, which is essentially the Chinese version of the US AM General High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). This features a roof-mounted remote-controlled pedestal with a pod of four TY-90 missiles mounted either side of an electro-optical sensor package equipped with automatic target acquisition and tracking.

Recently the company has shown another TY-90 SAM application based on a 4x4 truck. This features a forward control cab with a fully-enclosed retractable body.


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The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.


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Military Capabilities

Russia, Pakistan hold first-ever joint military exercise despite Indian concerns

Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

26 September 2016

Senior Indian military officers and diplomats said that Russia had "disregarded" Indian overtures to Moscow to call off its 16-day long 'Friendship 2016' exercise with the Pakistan Army: the first-ever joint drill between Russia and Pakistan.

India had hoped that Moscow would 'show solidarity' with New Delhi following the 18 September militant attack on an army base in Kashmir, which New Delhi blames on Islamabad, sources told IHS Jane's on 26 September.

The joint exercise, which began on 24 September and is set to last until 10 October, is taking place in the mountainous area of Cherat in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.


Havildar Jumma Khan who embraced shahadat at LoC hails from Astore. He was married , has one son and 2 daughters.
Naik Imtiaz who embraced Shahadat at LoC today hails from Faisalabad. He was married, has 3 daughters.


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I noticed that the troops on western side are better than armed than those who are at eastern side
In Zarb e azb
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Troops on LOC
Sir jee those on west their pics are right before ops obviously they have better gear , but in regards with bpj all units have them but those on west are in an active war but those on east are not thus only wear them in patrols etc
@DESERT FIGHTER @Sarge why Pakistani troops on LOC doesn't wear Bullet Proof jackets

yar it takes time to equip half a million troops with equipment. The troops on western border are involved in direct combat situations especially assaults on enemy hideouts so have been equipped first and also there are elite units like SSG and LCB amongst them which usually carry the best available equipment.

The troops on LOC are on border but not facing assault situations where they need to cross into enemy territory to launch an attack. The equipment will come but it will take some time.
The Stars of Tirah
Published in Hilal English


Written By: Hadia Tariq

A tale of two martyred friends who lived and fought together.

Part 1

“Sir Gul, what’s the reason you seem happier than usual?” Captain Qasim Zia asked Major Gulfam Hussian with a raised eyebrow as the thirty two year old man walked in the mess with a slight swagger in his steps and a very excited grin on his face. Major Gulfam was generally a very happy person, but since receiving the news of the birth of his first son a few days back the man was on cloud nine. But now as he walked towards the table Qasim was sitting on, he looked happier than ever before.

“Of course, I am happier than usual Qashi,” Maj Gulfam replied pulling out a chair and sitting across the fellow junior officer. He then proceeded to take off his glasses and wipe them with a white handkerchief, very slowly as if he was completely oblivious of his unit-officer waiting for an explanation on the other side of the table.

Qasim, now quite used to Maj Gul’s love for the dramatic pause, remained quiet waiting for him to take his time before revealing the good news. He often pretended that he found Sir Gul’s habit of sometimes being over-dramatic annoying but truth be told he found it quite amusing and wouldn’t change his friend for the world.

After a few minutes of Maj Gul wiping his glasses and Qasim calmly sipping water while watching the senior officer with an amused grin, Maj Gul was finally satisfied with the cleanliness of his spectacles. And so putting on his glasses he turned to the younger man and finally said, “I just came from the CO’s (Commanding Officer) office after getting my leave approved.”

“Congratulations Sir!” Qasim exclaimed with happiness, “This calls for a celebration.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” Maj Gulfam replied with a bright smile.
And then something very strange happened. Maj Gulfam’s big bright smile turned soft and short. It was as if he had suddenly stopped smiling from his lips and started to smile from his eyes. His brown eyes hidden behind the gleaming spectacles became radiant like never before. The same eyes that had spent so many hours in the bone-numbing cold guarding this precious motherland twinkled with a light like never before.

“I am finally going to get to meet my son, Qasim.” Maj Gulfam said, his voice thick with emotions that only a father could understand.
“Insha’Allah Sir,” Qasim replied in an equally soft voice. And even though Qasim had never experienced the joy of parenthood he knew just by looking at the father sitting across him how big of a deal this was.
“I am finally going to hold my little baby. I will get to kiss his little forehead, hold his little fingers, touch his soft skin. I have prayed and waited for him for eight years. Qasim, after eight long years of longing Allah has blessed me with my Salar,” Maj Gulfam expressed himself in a happy tone.

And then the thirty two year old man let the twenty eight years old man witness something he hadn’t allowed anyone to see before that day. The new father allowed a single tear of happiness mixed with gratitude escape his eye.

The next morning Maj Gulfam walked in the field hospital reporting room (commonly known as MI Room) fully dressed in his operational attire. He casually leaned against the wall opposite the bed on which Qasim was lying looking pale and exhausted after a long night of nausea and vomiting. Qasim had been due to lead an S&D (Search & Destroy) operation in the heart of Tirah Valley but unfortunately he had come down with a stomach bug. So now Maj Gulfam was to take his place and lead his men into the enemy territory.

“Qashi I know you are jealous of my fifteen days long leave but did you really have to pretend to get sick to avoid today’s operation?” Maj Gulfam asked with a teasing smile.
“Sir I did this all for you,” Qasim replied with a weak smile.
“How so?” Maj Gulfam asked rolling his eyes playfully.

“You see Sir, I knew that in a few days you would be leaving for two weeks and knowing you I am well aware of your love for action so I thought you must be given a chance to have a little fun before leaving,” Qasim explained.

At this Maj Gulfam threw his head back and laughed out loud before stepping away from the wall and taking a seat on the stool placed besides Qasim’s bed.
“I shall never forget the favor you have bestowed upon me,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.
“I hope not sir because it is causing me a lot of pain lying here,” Qasim replied
“How are you feeling now?”
“A lot better than I did an hour ago, I should be out of here by tonight.”
“In the meantime take rest and don’t worry about the operation. With Allah’s grace we will succeed,” Maj Gulfam said getting up and patting Qasim’s shoulder.
“Insha’Allah sir, best of luck and may Allah keep you in His protection,” Qasim said with a smile looking up at his dear friend and mentor.
“Amen, do pray for us,” Maj Gulfam replied with a soft smile making his way towards the exit.
“I will Sir,” Qasim replied and then suddenly tried to sit up and called the departing man, “And sir?”
Finding urgency in his junior’s voice, Maj Gulfam became still and turned to face the younger man, “Yes?”
“Take care of my men sir,” Qasim said looking right into Maj Gulfam’s eyes.
“Always!” Maj Gulfam replied with a nod letting the other man know that his fellow soldiers were in safe hands.
“Allah Hafiz sir,” Qasim said while saluting with a certain frailty.
“Allah Hafiz Qashi!,” Major Gulfam Hussain saluted back with a soft smile before turning around and leaving the make-shift MI Room. As Qasim watched the man’s silhouette disappear into the falling night surrounded by a strange mystical light Qasim couldn’t help but feel like he just had his last conversation with the man.

“Sir we have lost connection with Major Gulfam!” Maj Waqar announced taking off his ear piece and looking at the CO with somber eyes, his words, causing a sudden halt of activity in the operations room. For a moment no one dared even to breathe as everyone waited for someone to put their worst fear into words. Qasim who had stepped into the room just a few minutes back felt like someone had grabbed his trachea with an iron fist and refused to ever let air into his lungs.

“What do you mean you lost him?” The CO enquired, his voice strong yet the underlying tension visible.
“He just disappeared, Sir!” Maj Waqar replied his eyes telling all that his tongue refused to utter....

Qasim squeezed his eyes shut and all he saw was his dear friend leaving the MI Room surrounded by the light he assumed was a trick of his eyes. But now he realized what he saw was his friend leaving with the farewell a martyr receives before leaving to lay down his life in the path of Allah.

And just as suddenly as the image came before his eyes it left. It was now replaced by the face of a little baby who was waiting for his father to come and finally meet him. But his father would never come home for he was now in a home that was so much better than any home on this earth. Salar Gulfam’s father had laid down his life orphaning the few weeks old baby so that many other Salars could experience the love of a father.

A love which the little boy would never know, just like he would never know how it felt to be held in a father’s warm embrace. Just like he would never know what his father sounded like when he smiled or what he did when he was nervous. Salar would miss his father all his life. When he takes his first step, when he wins his first race, when he loses his first fight, every step he takes in his entire life he would miss his father. Salar would miss his father when he opens his eyes at each new dawn and closes them again at every dusk.

Captain Qasim Zia stood well hidden in the shadow of an old tree watching the CO talk to the two men that had been part of today’s operation. He remained still when they told him how the area had been secured when a bullet from a sniper hiding somewhere deep into the terrorist territory came and took Sir Gul’s life.
Qasim still didn’t move when one of the men narrated how he saw a bullet hit Maj Gulfam as he was explaining the next move. The slight tremor in his right hand was the only clue that Qasim was listening when the men further explained how because Major Sahab was standing at the edge of the hill when he was hit and his body rolled down and disappeared in the vast valley covered in thick wood.
After the area was secured, the two men had tried looking for the martyr’s body but the forest as well as combined evil of darkness and terrorists had made the task impossible.

That night Qasim couldn’t sleep no matter what he tried. As soon as he closed his eyes. Maj Gulfam’s face appeared before his eyes. He would remember the smile the man had just a few hours back before leaving. The idea that some bloody terrorist might as much as touch the man’s body with his filthy hands was sickening. Qasim knew that he needed to go and bring his friend back. He owed it to the person who had taken Qasim’s place without a second of hesitation knowing fully well how dangerous the operation was.

“Have you lost your mind Qasim?” the CO asked standing up abruptly.
“No Sir!” Qasim replied looking straight into the older man’s eyes.
“You do realize that this is a suicide mission, the terrorists have a clear view of the landing. If a single leaf rustles they would know that. They have a goddamned sniper ready to shoot!”
“I am well aware Sir.”
“And you still want to go?”
“Yes Sir, Maj Gulfam was my mentor, my best friend, my brother and I want to bring his body back so he can get a farewell he deserves. And Sir more than that Maj. Gulfam was a son, a husband and a father. He has people waiting for him back home and the least we can do for his mother and wife is make it possible for them to say the last goodbye. Sir we owe it to them.”

The young officer’s words broke the older man’s heart deep inside. At that moment all he wanted was to forget about everything and drown in his own misery. As a CO, he treated every single person under him as his child no matter what age. And losing them was as painful as losing a child.
"Very well, you must go after dark and return before the first ray of sun touches the horizon," the CO said after taking a moment to control his emotions, “And take two men with you, I am not letting anyone go out there alone.”

“Yes Sir!” Qasim replied clearly before breathing out a soft, “Thank you so much.”
“And son don’t get your hopes up, we might never get the body back. The woods are too dense and filled with all sorts of creatures. Or in the worst case scenario the terrorists already have the body.”
“I am well aware of the odds Sir, but at the same time I feel like Sir Gul is waiting for me,” Qasim explained. He couldn’t tell why he said what he had just said with conviction, except that he felt it deep in his soul.

“Very well, do you know who you want to take with you?”
“No Sir, I was hoping we could ask if someone wants to volunteer.”
“Good idea, all three of you see me before leaving,” the CO ordered picking up a file.
Understanding that he was dismissed Qasim stood up and said, “Yes Sir!”
And just as he was about to leave the room after saluting the CO said, “And Qasim be careful, we aren’t hard enough to bear the loss of another son.”
“That is the thing about strength Sir, just when you think it’s lost somehow Allah lifts you up with grace,” Qasim replied with a soft smile which came from his eyes and not his lips.

Three hours had passed since three of them had descended into the heart of the Tirah Valley in search of Maj Gulfam’s body. Qasim could feel that his companions were losing patience, he himself was feeling exhausted. They just had two more hours before sunrise and they needed to get out of there before that. For as soon as the first ray of light touched the top of the hill on the east of the valley they were in danger.

From his spot on the cold rocky ground Qasim tilted his face towards the sky, it was the start of the lunar month and the moon was just a light crescent surrounded by a billion twinkling stars. Qasim had enjoyed star gazing since he was child and after his mother passed away last year watching the stars made him feel closer to her. He often wondered how the heavens above were so peaceful when the earth underneath was filled with so much hate and violence.

Pressing the small button of the wireless device he said, “Hotel 123 scout thirty meter to your northwest and Tango 457 scout thirty meter to your southeast. And if it’s futile start moving towards the hill, over.”

After both men had replied in affirmative, Qasim himself turned around and crept further towards the heart of the valley.
“Sir Gee where are you, a little hint would be appreciated,” he mumbled as a sharp corner of a small rock to his left hit his cheek and broke the skin. Another smile touched his lips as he imagined Sir Gulfam enjoying a dramatic pause.

“Sir this is important and not a time for your dramas,” Qasim mumbled, then shaking his head he added, “But lack of time has never stopped you earlier so take your time.”
“Just try making it quick please I need to report back before sunrise. And you know how angry CO gets when one is late,” he said after five more minutes of searching.

After a few meters his olfactory organ was suddenly jolted by a scent so sweet and unlike anything he had ever smelt before. Qasim’s heart shuddered in his chest for he knew Maj Gulfam was nearby. And not surprisingly a few minutes later his eyes saw something glint in the night's darkness. Something, that looked a lot like Maj Gulfam’s silver wristwatch. Taking a deep breath Qasim prepared himself for whatever he might witness before crawling towards his friend.

The man’s body was hidden in a shrub with the trunk supported against the bark of an old tree stopping its further descend down the valley. His face and clothes were smeared with mud and blood. His glasses had fallen off somewhere but the helmet had protected his head. Qasim untangled Maj Gulfam’s body from around the tree and laid him on a somewhat flat surface, before pressing the button of the wireless and telling his companions about their location.

He then turned to the sleeping man and stared at the still fresh blood trickling down his cheek. And as Qasim watched the man’s closed eyes and soft smiling lips the first tear left his eye. Soon the tears turned into soundless sobs and all that Qasim had held in for the past thirty or so hours became volcanic. Wrapping his arms around the man’s abdomen he buried his face in his friend’s chest and let the tears flow. He cried like he had never before, not even when he had lost his mother.

It was only when he heard his comrades approaching him that he raised his head and wiped away the tears and took a deep breath to gain his composure. When he was sure he would not break down again he stared at Maj Gulfam Hussain Shaheed’s face for the longest while before bending down his proud forehead. And just before raising his head back he whispered, “Congratulations Sir!”
Little did he know that they would soon be united in heavens for all eternity.

To be continued...
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