Translation into English of part of the article
LEOPARD 1A5 - Just over 100 specimens that were placed in the reserve can now be sold. A possible buyer could be the Brazilian Army: A5 variant would already be in use by the Armed Forces of the South American country and Italy enjoys good relations in the field of industrial cooperation / military with Brasilia.
B1 CENTAURO - About 150 specimens This armored tank hunter will be struck off: Jordan always want these means also considering the situation on the border with Syria and Iraq. It could then materialize the sale of forty armored, as almost completely free but given the budgetary constraints of Amman. Concrete interest there would also be part of Senegal, Pakistan, Colombia and Paraguay.
M-113 / VCC-1 - Hundreds of these APC could find buyers in the world view of the widespread use of this model. Several hundred should have already been sold to Pakistan and even some interest was expressed by Jordan.
M-109L - These howitzers were delivered to his time in 221 samples: when 10 were delivered to the Army of Djibouti. Other states, already users of this medium in versions similar and could therefore be affected by the divestitures Italian are: Brazil, Pakistan, Jordan, Chile, Peru and Oman.