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Pakistan army capture taliban comander along his fighters

One can understand the sense of anger displayed in posts here.

However, was it necessary to do this in public and have it filmed ? There are a zillion ways to do the same thing.

Here the emphasis seems to be more on filming.

SL is into all sorts of trouble on this account.

Sir, there is an acute difference.....unlike SL, we are still very much in a war like situation.... these very culprits show no remorse on filming everything from beheading to stoning to death an adulterer.... at least the culprits aren't being systematically executed ....sometimes i think it's neccesary to convey a message, even if it's a bit graphic in nature. !!
Sir, there is an acute difference.....unlike SL, we are still very much in a war like situation.... these very culprits show no remorse on filming everything from beheading to stoning to death an adulterer.... at least the culprits aren't being systematically executed ....sometimes i think it's neccesary to convey a message, even if it's a bit graphic in nature. !!

I agree once again & have no love lost either.

However, one would expect the Officers to exercise control and not allow such acts to become public.

Thats all.
LoL.....and i suppose the so called professionals only resort to fake encounters for personal incentives. !!

Here we are dealing with brainwashed idiots who wouldn't think twice about blowing them-self up in a crowded thoroughfare to cause maximum casualties.....on the contrary, hope you understand...Fake encounters = killing innocents. !!

Do you have any idea what you are talking about??

1. BSF caught on camera beating Bangladeshi Pole-Vaulter : The BSF soldiers Suspended.
2. DGP Vanjara suspected in extrajudicial killing of terrorist : Suspended and enquiry goin on..

Whn ever we found any such evidence , we acted..

Its our internal affair kindly do your own work don't poke in others affair.
First clean up your country then talk about others.

Its our internal affair kindly do your own work don't poke in others affair.
First clean up your country then talk about others.

Son it is your personal affair till it remain under your boundary, problem comes when your unprofessional army show its true colour to neighbours and own ppl.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saurabh_Kalia
2. Beheading of Indian soldiers,
3. Headless bodies of Balochs,
4. Extra judicial killing of Balochs and others..

I don't give a sh!t what you are doing with your baloch or Shias, You kill them all I will not say a word, But when same army does cruelity with our soldiers, It hurts..
This is ****. Pakistan Army has completely lost it. You don't fight insurgency like this. They have started behaving like bunch of Bedoins.

Quote me, fine. Be disrespectful in any way, be ready for a whiplash.


Windy, psychological warfare doesn't work like this. These idiots are in dire need of professional help.

Sir, there is an acute difference.....unlike SL, we are still very much in a war like situation.... these very culprits show no remorse on filming everything from beheading to stoning to death an adulterer.... at least the culprits aren't being systematically executed ....sometimes i think it's neccesary to convey a message, even if it's a bit graphic in nature. !!
Do you have any idea what you are talking about??

1. BSF caught on camera beating Bangladeshi Pole-Vaulter : The BSF soldiers Suspended.
2. DGP Vanjara suspected in extrajudicial killing of terrorist : Suspended and enquiry goin on..

Whn ever we found any such evidence , we acted..

Son it is your personal affair till it remain under your boundary, problem comes when your unprofessional army show its true colour to neighbours and own ppl.

1. Saurabh Kalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Beheading of Indian soldiers,
3. Headless bodies of Balochs,
4. Extra judicial killing of Balochs and others..

I don't give a sh!t what you are doing with your baloch or Shias, You kill them all I will not say a word, But when same army does cruelity with our soldiers, It hurts..

Then sorry My uncle, its not about your soldiers and if your in your senses there isn't any execution in this video. understand. have a chill pill and better go to sleep.
good riddance. Now hopefully they can be rehabilitated if not jail them forever.
These terrorists only deserve death, they don't deserve to live, not even for one second.
These scum bags don't deserve any punishment.....just a bullet between the eyes.....justice done. !!
Sure, kill 'em before they have a chance to spill who their accomplices and protectors who haven't been caught yet are. Brilliant!

How many of you guys are such cruel and thoughtless adrenaline addicts? Can't you take up cross-country skiing instead?
@2:58 jawan asking the taliban scum 'gardanain kitni kati hain?'

What a pathetic inhumane behaviour from an unprofessional Army, and what a irresponsible comments from a Pakistani member. These soldiers must be prosecuted for there inhumane behaviour.

inhumane? by which standards, these are hard core killers, beheaders

@2:58 gardanain kitni kaati hain?

do you want to see the INDIAN professional forces?

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i dont think these guys will "turn" after that beating.........wasted opportunity to recruit some infiltrators.
The beatings should come near the end of the process not at the start.
i dont think these guys will "turn" after that beating.........wasted opportunity to recruit some infiltrators.
The beatings should come near the end of the process not at the start.

they are trying to take out information from these guys, do you say lets make them eat halwa and they will easily give out the information?
they are trying to take out information from these guys, do you say lets make them eat halwa and they will easily give out the information?

Actually yes.....give them halva....make them your best friends and send them back into the TTP so they can pass intel.
The ones that dont play game or end up going back to the TTP but double cross you ,give them extreme punishment.
Actually a proper quick-track anti terrorist courts would be best to deal with these dirty animals - some of whom have killed comrades/friends of these soldiers.

A good way to break them down is to demoralize and remove any sense of honor from them. Old rule of most interrogation manuals.

"fear up harsh" as its known

But it shouldn't be done with cameras rolling.

I agree it is not professional for an Army like ours. Easily the enemy can lie and distort truth and claim these were innocent tribals or something like that. I know the Army isn't so stupid to do something like that to regular civilians but emotional illiterate idiots with misguided jihhadi susceptibilities may not know better.
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