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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

This deal is a FMS deal, and as per the US Department of Defence Website, the funding is coming out of the Foreign Military Sale Finance,

But is it possible without the approval of Congress ...???

$ 170 million is not a small amount which OBAMA Administration could have approved for Pakistan without notifying Congress ... This is what I am not to able understand
But is it possible without the approval of Congress ...???

$ 170 million is not a small amount which OBAMA Administration could have approved for Pakistan without notifying Congress ... This is what I am not to able understand

lol, because the contract still have not been fulfil, it is just a publicize of the contract that are ready to put into the pipeline, congress require all armament contract to be published, that is just that.

The funding have not yet been approve, the contract have not yet start (Bell have not yet start making the AH-1Z for Pakistan) that is just a notice of the contract approval. The contract have an open ended deadline, and indicated it may not be confirm this year.
Congress can always put a "hold" on prior approvals, whether they are FMS or FMF. many previous examples exist not just for Pakistan but other countries.
Congress can always put a "hold" on prior approvals, whether they are FMS or FMF. many previous examples exist not just for Pakistan but other countries.
Indeed, or even hold back hardware that is already paid for... all depending on the political climate in the USA. And that is rather unpredictable with the current administration in office... But the first three should already be in early stage of manufacturing by now.
Indeed, or even hold back hardware that is already paid for... all depending on the political climate in the USA. And that is rather unpredictable with the current administration in office... But the first three should already be in early stage of manufacturing by now.
First 3 are ready for delivery already.
H125M 2822 (39566).jpg
Brand new H125M (the current commercial name) seen during a recent test flight at Airbus Helicopters in Marseille.
Credit to Spotair.
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