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Pakistan and Second-strike

thanks for the invite ! If u can guarantee my safety I will definitely come there. I like the beautiful valleys there ! As for indian army presence, could you pull up the stats of the army numbers presence before 1990s when the insurgency started ?

we were sleeping while you were developing nukes ? Hello dear !!!

remember a year called 1974 ! google it to see what india did that time.
I don't recall you stopping Pakistan from developing nukes in 1974.
thanks for the invite ! If u can guarantee my safety I will definitely come there. I like the beautiful valleys there ! As for indian army presence, could you pull up the stats of the army numbers presence before 1990s when the insurgency started ?

we were sleeping while you were developing nukes ? Hello dear !!!

remember a year called 1974 ! google it to see what india did that time.
Cmon don't start that. You need hundreds of thousands of troops to repel fireign insurgents?
We have trouble in tribal areas and a few thousand troops are enough. Don't be so naive to accept this narrative. That insurgency have public support that's why u need so much army to hold kashmir:

And dont be rediculous. there is nothing wrong in Pakistani Kashmir. Its in the tribal areas where afghan sponsored pigs do all the damage and in punjab. there have not been a single Sucide attack in kashmir. Come and see for your self. Always welcome neibours. compare people killed in indian kashmir by indian army to deaths in Pakistan kashmir
Cmon don't start that. You need hundreds of thousands of troops to repel fireign insurgents?
We have trouble in tribal areas and a few thousand troops are enough. Don't be so naive to accept this narrative. That insurgency have public support that's why u need so much army to hold kashmir:

And dont be rediculous. there is nothing wrong in Pakistani Kashmir. Its in the tribal areas where afghan sponsored pigs do all the damage and in punjab. there have not been a single Sucide attack in kashmir. Come and see for your self. Always welcome neibours. compare people killed in indian kashmir by indian army to deaths in Pakistan kashmir

few thousands u need to bomb the place. We are not exactly bombing kashmir !
Don't try to be so cute. A nuclear war means no india no Pakistan.
Stop this chest thumping. we have developed tactical battlefield for the same reason to avoid its use on civ populations.
2nd strike is just a myth. you can never practically stop retaliation from a nuclear armed state. Be it Pakostan or India. I pray such time never comes.
There is nothing "tactical" about a nuclear weapon. Do you think if you launch your "tactical" nuclear weapon and Nasr against a military target India will not retaliate with massive second strike to decapacitate Pakistan ?

Don't forget we have excellent Satellite coverage of Pakistan. In case of war we will be looking with keen eyes for any activity near your missile bases. Before your first missile can take off our second strike will be ready. Our BMD systems will also be activated to prevent catastrophe

And regarding NASR what are your redlines for using it? Indian land forces threatening to overtake your cities? Given its range you will become the first and only country in the world to nuke its own nation
There is nothing "tactical" about a nuclear weapon. Do you think if you launch your "tactical" nuclear weapon and Nasr against a military target India will not retaliate with massive second strike to decapacitate Pakistan ?

Don't forget we have excellent Satellite coverage of Pakistan. In case of war we will be looking with keen eyes for any activity near your missile bases. Before your first missile can take off our second strike will be ready. Our BMD systems will also be activated to prevent catastrophe

And regarding NASR what are your redlines for using it? Indian land forces threatening to overtake your cities? Given its range you will become the first and only country in the world to nuke its own nation

Do you understand what NASR is ? ( rhetorical question)
Apart from India you need second strike against which country? China will not attack you if US or other western countries attack you with nukes then also your country's existence will be in danger

how do you know about the future, always be prepared for the worst, even from your friends

yeah we will be sleeping while you mate the delivery systems and the nukes of all of the hundred whatever nukes you have right ?

read your post, yes this same post, as my reply to you
I don't think pakistan will have a proper second strike capability unless and until it develops SLBMs and acquires SLBM capable submarines.

I don't think pakistan will have a proper second strike capability unless and until it develops SLBMs and acquires SLBM capable submarines.

I'd say that is spot on.

In the meantime Pakistan can launch nuclear equipped cruise missiles, as a "poor man's second strike".
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