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Pakistan and Israel

indians terrority shows in pakistan and israil terrority shows in palestine
i agree with everything else you said but common enemy? which common enemy do we share with israel?

Pakistan's enemy is india, TTP, and Al-Qaeda!

Israel's enemy is the Palestinians!

i don't see where we are on common ground here?

I can't say about the rest, but I am happy you have started to acknowledge AQ and TTP as enemies.

As for the definition of a terrorist, just google what these 2 organizations are up to, and you would get the answer.

Yes just like Pakistan and Afghanistan, Israel, India the rest of the world is also threatened by a common enemy the TERRORISTS.
But the for the first time probably we are seeing religion being used in such proportions to promote terrorism, and it is understandable the sentiments of people being swayed in their favor.
Kiddo grow up if you cant post something sensible then leave it...and that's it from my side you can rant as long as you like and I am not going to respond if it keeps on being childish as its been so far...
The only person that needs to grow up is you Rumporum.
You only post things that you get work-up on and emotion
You also post nothing but of pure lies to fulfil this degusting propaganda against muslims plus you don’t have any balance view or an honest report on the issue.
You just wanted be right when exterminating on a people whos land have been stolen by your Zionist warmonger terrorist society.

Israel does not murder any Muslims

You see this is what I’m talking about because you can’t get credible facts
You just have to go say something to be rhetoric about it.
Everyone know about the number of death tolls commited by the IDF every news rEpoter has pulished it and its all over youtube.
Its just pathetic and childish I’m sorry you have proven SOCOM last post belatedly
I suppose you got an answer for that too sigh[ really you are just proving to everyone who reads this that you are a sick minded person and need a straight jacket


1st we love life and dont want a fight.

IS that what you said when you commited the Holocaust in Lebanon 1982 and as result created Hezbollah which led you guys to kill more innocent oN 2006 IS THAT WHAT YOU CALLED Masada mentality. IS that used when putting sanction on starving Palisteine children ?
I can’t believe you typed that really ! I think that straight jacket is arrivinig to your doorstep quickly than anticipated

I do not see the any issue regarding Israel and Pakistan. These two states have no issue between them and neither they share common border. There are delusional supporters of so called Brotherhood who consider Israel an enemy just for the sake of a false Brotherhood. They never practice this brotherhood to help the fellow Pakistanis who are in urgent need. Their brotherhood is all about sharing hatred against an enemy who has nothing to do them. Now, the reality is the following : Israel and Pakistan may not be friends but they certainly share a common enemy which is threatening the very foundation of mankind and civilization.

Old School. Israel has already committed an attack on Pakistan Read when Pakistan research on Nuclear. And I’m sorry to even suggest that Pakistan should be friend with Israel is pure suicide and stupid.
Did you ever see the US making friends with the Taliban after 9/11 ?
I swear Old school are you retarded or an Indian whos hiding behind a Pakistan flag ? This incident of ISrael attacking Pakistan was posted at the begining
Israel only looks after Itself no-one else Trust me they will sell The US off when they get the chance. Old school are you that stupid to think that ?
look in every Youtube forum of Israeli settlers, the Zionist Jews in the west and see what they say about Muslim who just want to live in peace.

And to your common enemy comment, well everyone knows Israel is a terrorist state. SO can we say that Pakistan has the right to defend againts such state to save humanity ?

Here something we all need to see: These are children that refuse to join the IDF because what ISrael is doing

I hope there will be more of them and go against this Terrorist state known as Israel.
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The only person that needs to grow up is you Rumporum.
You only post things that you get work-up on and emotion
You also post nothing but of pure lies to fulfil this degusting propaganda against muslims plus you don’t have any balance view or an honest report on the issue.
You just wanted be right when exterminating on a people whos land have been stolen by your Zionist warmonger terrorist society.

You see this is what I’m talking about because you can’t get credible facts
You just have to go say something to be rhetoric about it.
Everyone know about the number of death tolls commited by the IDF every news rEpoter has pulished it and its all over youtube.
Its just pathetic and childish I’m sorry you have proven SOCOM last post belatedly
I suppose you got an answer for that too sigh[ really you are just proving to everyone who reads this that you are a sick minded person and need a straight jacket

IS that what you said when you commited the Holocaust in Lebanon 1982 and as result created Hezbollah which led you guys to kill more innocent oN 2006 IS THAT WHAT YOU CALLED Masada mentality. IS that used when putting sanction on starving Palisteine children ?
I can’t believe you typed that really ! I think that straight jacket is arrivinig to your doorstep quickly than anticipated

Old School. Israel has already committed an attack on Pakistan Read when Pakistan research on Nuclear. And I’m sorry to even suggest that Pakistan should be friend with Israel is pure suicide and stupid.
Did you ever see the US making friends with the Taliban after 9/11 ?
I swear Old school are you retarded or an Indian whos hiding behind a Pakistan flag ? This incident of ISrael attacking Pakistan was posted at the begining
Israel only looks after Itself no-one else Trust me they will sell The US off when they get the chance. Old school are you that stupid to think that ?
look in every Youtube forum of Israeli settlers, the Zionist Jews in the west and see what they say about Muslim who just want to live in peace.

And to your common enemy comment, well everyone knows Israel is a terrorist state. SO can we say that Pakistan has the right to defend againts such state to save humanity ?

Here something we all need to see: These are children that refuse to join the IDF because what ISrael is doing
YouTube- Daughter of Mossad

I hope there will be more of them and go against this Terrorist state known as Israel.

Blame everything on Israel and yes we started the Lebanese civil war you are absolutely right..even Darfur is Israel's responsibility. I guess the problems between Shia and Sunni's is also Israeli fault it was the Mossad that assassinated Husayn ibn Ali.

Dont know who you are and if your English then you guys are the biggest hypocrites..hey but no..... you lot are pure and innocent to the last one to have always believed in the truth since centuries.

you know what..... not worth commenting or talking to who doesn't know the facts. and on top of that wants to teach me about 1982 Lebanese war....Kid I was there... don't write nonsensical things that you don't know about.

Lastly I have always said there must be a two state solution enough is enough there must be compromises from our side however prior to that Hamas must renounce violence else there can be no talks.
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Thekedari le rakhhi hai Pakistan ne sari duniya ki.....Palestine se le kar Bangladesh tak.....sab inka masla hai.....

They worry about everything else other than Pakistan......woh log chahe inko ghas dalte nahi....par bhai hum to jabardasti ke guardian angel bane hue hain.....
I can't say about the rest, but I am happy you have started to acknowledge AQ and TTP as enemies.

Thanks, i never liked AQ or TTP from the beginning!

Yes just like Pakistan and Afghanistan, Israel, India the rest of the world is also threatened by a common enemy the TERRORISTS.

Which terrorist organization is threatening israel? The Palestinians?

I don't know how Hamas or the Palestinians are terrorists, they're only defending their land from illegal occupation! israel continues to build illegal settlements on Palestinian territory!

Every Muslim sees the Palestinians as freedom fighters, not terrorists!

But the for the first time probably we are seeing religion being used in such proportions to promote terrorism,

no, this isn't the first time we're seeing religion being used in such proportions to promote terrorism!

Israel began the occupation of Palestine due to Zionists belief that its their promised land and God gave it to them 3 Millenia ago (3,000 years), so they systematically massacred the Palestinians and kicked them out of their land!

I don't see how it makes sense if i were to go up to someone and kick them out of their home and claim its mine because 3,000 years ago my ancestors lived there?
Pakistan and Israel in many cases is quite similar - Both were founded on bases of religion however Pakistan is far bigger and more legitimate compared to Israel.It is interest of Pakistan to learn some lessons from Israel Re: National Security.Israel has done no harm to Pakistan overtly.Pakistanis are largely obsessed with Israel.In fact many in heart admire Israel and very jealous of it's achievements.
Pakistan and Israel in many cases is quite similar - Both were founded on bases of religion however Pakistan is far bigger and more legitimate compared to Israel.It is interest of Pakistan to learn some lessons from Israel Re: National Security.Israel has done no harm to Pakistan overtly.Pakistanis are largely obsessed with Israel.In fact many in heart admire Israel and very jealous of it's achievements.[/QUOTE

u r not complitly right my dear our HOLY BOOK QURAN PAK says that in Surah An-Nisaa verse 74,75 and 76

74. Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whetherhe is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great(value).

75. And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, andchildren, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose peopleare oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raisefor us from thee one who will help!"

76. Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends ofSatan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

Surah Al-Maidah verse 51

51. O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to eachother. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them.Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

israil palestine main jo zulam ker reha hay kia her muslim ko chahia nahi kay un ki madad keray
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Isreal has not harmed Pakistan,and most Israeli's are normal human beings like you and i.
I have no issue with Israel- as long as they don't harm my Country.

Palestinians and the arabs have not done anything for Pakistan.
When does an arab come out and say "we support you Pakistan" or when has even 1 arab came out and protestd against India?

We have to stop "anti-israel" propoganda in Pakistan,and just start think about our own Country- for a change.
^^^ Please don't use the "Muslim Brotherhood" phrases again,because i'm sick and tired of seeing certain Pakistanis- who seem to care more about "palestine" than their own Country.
All i see is "free palestine","f*** israel" propoganda everywhere.
I mean we can't even talk about our own Country with out seeing "Palestine" or "Muslim Brotherhood" stamped everywhere.
Is it a crime to put Pakistan before out siders??
Blame everything on Israel and yes we started the Lebanese civil war you are absolutely right..even Darfur is Israel's responsibility. I guess the problems between Shia and Sunni's is also Israeli fault it was the Mossad that assassinated Husayn ibn Ali.

No Mossad created Hamas

Hamas is a Creation of Mossad

you lot are pure and innocent to the last one to have always believed in the truth since centuries.
Of course, didn't you know that ?
PLease include True muslim, True Jews and anyone who do good and live in peace.

you know what..... not worth commenting or talking to who doesn't know the facts. and on top of that wants to teach me about 1982 Lebanese war....Kid I was there... don't write nonsensical things that you don't know about.

No you were never there, you post proves this, as it resemble that of lunatic idiot. Whats next Hitler lives in Israel all along...no wait that could be true considering Israel action on Arabs : Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who fight against tyrany and terrorists alike.

We all know why you typed that its because deep down you know we are right and its burning inside you in how pathetically stupid you can be - Thats why you can't answer truthfully with facts and rant with froth forming around your mouth or you can't answer it at all so you hide with" I won't answer you" pathetic

also did any of PAkistani member here taught you that word nonsensical you could learn alot here like how Israel exsistance is the root of all terrorisms like theses vids will explain to you if you care to watch:

(and many more)
its educational but then again you proberbly keep them and have nice wet dreams about them like how Nazi had dreams of ways of killing Jews in WW2

But here something we can all enjoy:

Lastly I have always said there must be a two state solution enough is enough there must be compromises from our side however prior to that Hamas must renounce violence else there can be no talks.

a 2 state soloution could be, but ask your Rabbis and the jewish people if they want even Israel to exist entirley

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^^^ Please don't use the "Muslim Brotherhood" phrases again,because i'm sick and tired of seeing certain Pakistanis- who seem to care more about "palestine" than their own Country.
All i see is "free palestine","f*** israel" propoganda everywhere.
I mean we can't even talk about our own Country with out seeing "Palestine" or "Muslim Brotherhood" stamped everywhere.
Is it a crime to put Pakistan before out siders??

thats a huge debate
but i'll love it on PM really.
Pakistan and Israel in many cases is quite similar - Both were founded on bases of religion however Pakistan is far bigger and more legitimate compared to Israel.It is interest of Pakistan to learn some lessons from Israel Re: National Security.Israel has done no harm to Pakistan overtly.Pakistanis are largely obsessed with Israel.In fact many in heart admire Israel and very jealous of it's achievements.[/QUOTE

u r not complitly right my dear our HOLY BOOK QURAN PAK says that in Surah An-Nisaa verse 74,75 and 76

74. Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whetherhe is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great(value).

75. And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, andchildren, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose peopleare oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raisefor us from thee one who will help!"

76. Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends ofSatan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

Surah Al-Maidah verse 51

51. O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to eachother. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them.Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

israil palestine main jo zulam ker reha hay kia her muslim ko chahia nahi kay un ki madad keray
Give me a big ******* break..Pakistanis are being buthcered right and left by Talibans and no you're worried about Arabs - Why don't you apply your so called Muslim brotherhood here and fight Talibans or your brotherhood applies to Arabs only?I don't understand the philosophy of Pakistanis.We're poverty ridden country in reality within the countries no body gives a **** about brotherhood - All of you how many poor people have you helped?You're all elite of our country trying to suck up to Arabs.You think a poor person who can't afford two times meal will worry about these things ?Why don't you work for improvement of your country so no one sleeps hungry.IMHO that is the biggest Jihad one can do.
No Mossad created Hamas

Hamas is a Creation of Mossad
YouTube - Israel Created Hamas - Ron Paul Admits

Of course, didn't you know that ?
PLease include True muslim, True Jews and anyone who do good and live in peace.

No you were never there, you post proves this, as it resemble that of lunatic idiot. Whats next Hitler lives in Israel all along...no wait that could be true considering Israel action on Arabs : Muslim, Christian and Jewish people who fight against tyrany and terrorists alike.

We all know why you typed that its because deep down you know we are right and its burning inside you in how pathetically stupid you can be - Thats why you can't answer truthfully with facts and rant with froth forming around your mouth or you can't answer it at all so you hide with" I won't answer you" pathetic

also did any of PAkistani member here taught you that word nonsensical you could learn alot here like how Israel exsistance is the root of all terrorisms like theses vids will explain to you if you care to watch:

YouTube- USS Liberty: Israel Attacks America & Kills; Not Muslim Arabs

YouTube- What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

YouTube- We are SHOCKED by Israel's Violence Against Humanitarian Aid Flotilla for Gaza

YouTube- Gaza: The Killing Zone - Israel/Palestine

YouTube- Israel's killing of Palestinians infants.. perfectly ok??

YouTube- killing on air ( watch israeli anchors crying on killing civilian Palestinians on air ) - shocking

YouTube- Israeli Soldiers kill Palestinian mother

YouTube- Israel crimes against kids

YouTube- Israeli soldiers greeting Palestinian women

YouTube- Israeli children attack Palestinians

YouTube- Palestinian Children Beaten by Israeli Soldier

YouTube- Racist Israeli Jews

YouTube- israeli soldiers released a dog to bite a palastinian women

YouTube- Israeli Dog Against Palastinian Civilian

YouTube- Israeli police dog attacks the old

(and many more)
its educational but then again you proberbly keep them and have nice wet dreams about them like how Nazi had dreams of ways of killing Jews in WW2

But here something we can all enjoy:

YouTube- Child Vs. Jewish Soldier

YouTube- Palestinian Woman defeats Israeli Commandos

YouTube- Israeli soldier getting PWND!!! by a kid

YouTube- Israeli Soldiers Refuse To Serve In Palestine: Part 1 (2002)

a 2 state soloution could be, but ask your Rabbis and the jewish people if they want even Israel to exist entirley

YouTube - Haredi Jews Against Israel

YouTube - Israeli Jewish man says Zionism is the cause of the problems

Stop frothing and tell me the point being??? what has all this to do with Pakistan and Israel especially in Military capability?
Comments like yours allways reminds me of President Musharraf speech where he said "Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race," you all should have kept President Musharraf hes only one in Pakistan with the brains and guts to tell you all how things really are.

Bottom line if 911 had not happened would not be there. If we wanted natural resources would have just taken Saudia Arabia.

Oh, are you talking about the same musharraf who is now hiding under the US umbrella, and who doesnt have enough balls to face the pakistani people for selling pakistan to US? the same poorest, illetrate, backward, deprived and weakest people developed the atomic bomb out of nothing against all odds and gave a huge slap on the enemies (US, israel, india). no, 9/11 is not the reason why US is in afghanistan. infact its the 27 MAY 98' nuclear tests the US is here because there leaders dance on the directions of zionists just like our leaders dance on US directions.
and isn't Saudi Arabia already under US control? :undecided: what are so many US bases doing in saudia arabia? what more you need to do to control S.A?
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