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Pakistan and Israel

Who have allowed israelis on PAKISTAN DEFENCE!
ISRALIS have nothing to do their!
Jews are spread over a much lesser set of ethnicities than your faith is and apart from that you are more than a billion. So naturally it is hard to speak in the same voice.

Besides, today's countries are run by economics and realpolitik unlike centuries ago where religion dictated state affairs. The kind of "unity" you are expecting cannot happen with 56 countries operating on different parameters in different conditions.

Even the European Union isn't that United most of the time.

good point Parashuram1
Jews are spread over a much lesser set of ethnicities than your faith is and apart from that you are more than a billion. So naturally it is hard to speak in the same voice.

but i never said ''Muslim'' is a nationality

Besides, today's countries are run by economics and realpolitik unlike centuries ago where religion dictated state affairs. The kind of "unity" you are expecting cannot happen with 56 countries operating on different parameters in different conditions.

there is truth in this. Different parameters and different geo-politics. But it has been a policy of the west to favour one or two or three over others in the interests of promoting divide

good examples of that:

Lebanon/Syria. Saudi Arabia/Iran.

Even the European Union isn't that United most of the time.

the EU may not even exist in 10-15 years. Nationalism seems to be rising in Europe, and the Greece situation has left many disillusioned.

this is one reason, perhaps, why Turkiye is laughing at the EU now and looking towards the ''Orient''
Who have allowed israelis on PAKISTAN DEFENCE!
ISRALIS have nothing to do their!

well if we can allow hindustanys on here (I think there are way too many to begin with) --- i dont see why we cant allow israily

i seldom agree with them, but no harm to get their 'perspective'
but i never said ''Muslim'' is a nationality

The concept of an Islamic country still holds ground in the hearts of Pakistanis isn't it? Despite ethnic differences, these countries governed by principles of your religion still continue to stand united against if/any policies that might have even the slightest tinge of Islamic cultural/religious significance, isn't it?

But it has been a policy of the west to favour one or two or three over others in the interests of promoting divide

good examples of that:

Lebanon/Syria. Saudi Arabia/Iran.

Don' blame the West for your own sectarian divides. Saudi and Iran operate on the basis of two different sects of your religion and therefore have slight difference that neither group is broad-minded enough to accept as a branch of the main faith, leading to hostilities and disunity. The cause of this: Extreme rigidity between both countries and their branches of your faith, not us of Western world .

During the Cold War, Saudi Arabia and Pehlavi's Iran were both friends to United States. In fact, it was the clerical regime of Iran that chose to break itself away from United States sponsored CENTO. How is West to be blamed for it?

the EU may not even exist in 10-15 years. Nationalism seems to be rising in Europe, and the Greece situation has left many disillusioned.

this is one reason, perhaps, why Turkiye is laughing at the EU now and looking towards the ''Orient''

Technically, I never expected the Union to succeed economically simply because in a Union, in my perspective it has to be one country with one government and one language agreeable to all for inter-ethnic communication while freely maintaining their respective national-state languages. For instance, European Union could have been one country as Europe with the common EU flag and the national capital could have been a country's state that is agreeable to all the members, with France, Germany, Italy etc as provinces of this "country".

That perhaps could have brought more appreciation of each other among European countries and a better control of all members so as to avoid what happened to Greece.

Just as your hypothetically predicted the collapse of the Union, in the same fashion did the Islamic Ottoman Empire collapse. There were too many different states and each had different ethnicity to the other. Religion especially when it is rigid ends up in a situation where one group might feel discriminated against the other even though they might not express it.

Therefore, when the Europeans approached certain states of the Ottoman Empire, they accepted them instead of continued alignment to the Caliphate.

Nations have formed and broken and existed and vanished; simply because people refuse to accept others' perspective as an alternative correctness.

If there was that level of flexibility, the whole world could have existed as one nation.
Forum thread is "Pakistan and Israel"
Not Pakistan & Muslims Countries.
Israil's intelligence agency Mosad along with Indian Raw are operating training centers in Afghanistan and they are sending suicide bombers to Pakistan to destablize our country. India and Israil had joint plans to declare the Pakistan as a failed state. but thanks God that we have a Pakistan Army which fought the war on westren borders and cleared these areas from Indian supported millitants.

U really serious....or is this a joke? This is crap...even India doesn't want to de-stabilise Pakistan forget Israel. Do you think they want a Taliban regime next door?

One the other hand people...seriously wake up we don't care about Pakistan.. majority of the people in Israel don't even know where Pakistan is except that its somewhere near India.

majority of the people in Israel don't even know where Pakistan is except that its somewhere near India.
Do you know , why we (Pakistan & Whole Muslim Community) know Israel ?
Because occupied land of palestine.
Do you know , why we (Pakistan & Whole Muslim Community) know Israel ?
Because occupied land of palestine.

My views on how the future should looks like is clear on the Israel-Palestine issue i.e. there must be a 2 state solution and its inevitable sooner or later.

What I was trying to say that I have come across a lot of cooked up stories that RAW/CIA/Mossad trying to destabilise Pakistan etc....last one I came across was Israeli agents being invited to Indian Embassy or Ambassador in Kabul for media blitz against Pakistan etc.....etc. These are all lies, conspiracy theories started by who knows....and I can tell you that Israel has no interest in Pakistan whatsoever, and we are certainly not training any Taliban, nor are we supporting the Taliban now and have no intention to do so all so in the future.

PS: there is no such thing such as Baluchistan Liberation Army or Fronts office in Tel Aviv either.
Jews are spread over a much lesser set of ethnicities than your faith is and apart from that you are more than a billion. So naturally it is hard to speak in the same voice.

Besides, today's countries are run by economics and realpolitik unlike centuries ago where religion dictated state affairs. The kind of "unity" you are expecting cannot happen with 56 countries operating on different parameters in different conditions.

Even the European Union isn't that United most of the time.

You are absolutely correct on this point. The unions and groups are being made on economical criteria, look at G8 or G20 summit.
They are a conglomerate of all ethnicities and religions, they can turn opinion, they are decision makers. Don't you think its high time you stop thinking purely on religion and get on more with nation building and development? Don't you people think Pakistan should also have been part of that group? An unstable Pakistan is unstable region, and in turn an unstable world.
Attention Everybody !

I have read and heard so many times from some of my internet friends, Blog writers, defence analyst that there will be attack on Pakistan from USA, Israel & India in September 2010 .... so is that true?

If you will ask for written proof I will provide you one. I must want to confirm that there will be sudden attack on Pakistan from these countries USA, Israel & India?

You people have no idea how much I love my country, If I was an Atomic Bomb I drop myself on to Israel or USA or India ......

Please e-mail me your right information about this question and make me satisfy. My e-mail is: Pakistanarmyboy@hotmail.com

Thanks Brothers !
one atom bomb on 3 countries:rofl::rofl::rofl:,there will be no such attack,plz leave those conspiracy theories which daily take birth in those analysts mind.:toast_sign::toast_sign:

pure speculation. Be careful about who you befriend or get your info from :)

just for entertainment purposes, post a link or two from one of these blogs
One the other hand people...seriously wake up we don't care about Pakistan.. majority of the people in Israel don't even know where Pakistan is except that its somewhere near India.

Its really hard to believe that they don't know about 1 & only Muslim country with nuclear assets/weapons .....

BTW u people are way to busy planning on how to decor the homes of Palestinians once u occupy them and erect barriers around them ...

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