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Pakistan and Israel

Have you seen war? Israel has captured the land of Palestine and doing massacre of Palestinian Muslims and Children. Israel has come into being with force and they don't allow Muslims to follow their religion over there. You also seem stupid and realize that one day Israel will have to pay for all the atrocities, it is doing against Palestinians. BE PREPARED FOR THAT DAY.

Do you know whats Faadi means in Arabic? it means "nothing"
zero thats what you are if you say "massacre'' etc etc....
its war with 2 sides, the Arab leaders are making their own people loose
war and peace and any ways mind your own atrocities you have lots of it

read some more here:
We know which parasite created this war between Palestinians and split their remaining territories in half, it is out of sheer Israeli influence and infiltration nothing to do with Arab leaders killing their own people. Or it is blamed on Iran, pure nonsense and down with the zionist maggot colony of Israel.
Do you know whats Faadi means in Arabic? it means "nothing"
zero thats what you are if you say "massacre'' etc etc....
its war with 2 sides, the Arab leaders are making their own people loose
war and peace and any ways mind your own atrocities you have lots of it

read some more here:
IDF ARMOR ??? ??????-??"?: IDF Armor in the War of Independence 1948

come on totach
Arab leaders are useless, nothing new under the sun. But you Israelis are playing a dangerous game. We all know what the outcome will be. A Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, that's 22% of what used to be Palestine before 1948, the Palestinians can't give anymore. Why do the Israeli leadership insist on continuing the suffering and conflict, when they, being the occupiers and strongest part, could evacuate the land they occupied, sign a peace deal, leave the Palestinians and let them live for once and take the first breath in 62 years? instead your leadership turned what used to be a conflict about land, into a war between religions? now you are not only alienating yourself in the Arab world but in the entire Muslim world with 1.6 billion Muslims. Isn't it ironic that the so called fundamentalist Hamas, are finding themselves fighting much more dangerous people in Gaza who make Hamas look dovish ? emerging cells of Ultra-radicals is the result of the hideous and appalling situation in Gaza due to the siege imposed by Israel. Why does Israel insist on creating enemies for itself? The siege is weakening Hamas but creating a much more violent and destructive alternative. When will you wake up?
Israel reopening of historic synagogue angers Palestinians

JERUSALEM: Israel on Monday reopened a landmark synagogue in Jerusalem's walled Old City, saying it should symbolise religious tolerance, 62 years after the building was destroyed in fighting with Jordan.

But the rededication came against a backdrop of heightened political and religious tensions in the holy city, with thousands of police deployed after clashes with Palestinian demonstrators.

Palestinian rivals the secular Fatah and Islamist Hamas were united in their condemnation of the move.

Exiled Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal slammed it as "a falsification of history," and warned it could cause the Middle East to "explode."

Hamas also declared Tuesday a "day of rage and alarm" and called on Arabs and Muslims to "come to the aid of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa."

Hatem Abdel Qader, who oversees Jerusalem affairs for Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah, said: "This is not just a synagogue.

"This synagogue will be a prelude to violence, extremism and religious fanaticism, and that will not be limited to extremist Jews but includes members of the Israeli government."

But in a video message because he was unable to attend personally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the synagogue brought a message of coexistence.

"We permit believers of other faiths to conserve their places of worship. We proudly protect our heritage, while at the same time allowing others freedom of religion," he said.

The ceremony was attended by parliament speaker Reuven Rivlin, ministers and the chief rabbis of Israel.

Yona Metzger, the Ashkenazi chief rabbi, placed at the entrance of the synagogue a mezuza — the parchment scroll inscribed with a verse from the Torah and placed in a case which Jewish families hang on door frames.

Monday's ceremony came as Israel barred men under the age of 50 and non-Muslims from entering the Al-Aqsa mosque compound for a fourth day running after clashes between police and Palestinians in and around the site.

Meshaal, the leader of Hamas which rules the Gaza Strip, denounced the ceremony.

"We warn against this action by the Zionist enemy to rebuild and dedicate the Hurva synagogue. It signifies the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque and the building of the temple," he said in Syria.

Al-Aqsa and the rebuilt Hurva synagogue are around 700 metres (yards) apart in the Old City.

The Al-Aqsa compound is Islam's third holiest site after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. It is also Judaism's holiest site because it was the location of the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.

In his statement at a Damascus meeting of leaders of Palestinian groups, Meshaal called the ceremony "a falsification of history and Jerusalem's religious and historic monuments.

"Israel is playing with fire and touching off the first spark to make the region explode," he said.

He urged Palestinians in Gaza and in the Israeli-occupied West Bank to "launch a campaign to protect Jerusalem and Islamic and Christian holy sites there."

The synagogue was first built in 1694 and destroyed 21 years later by Ottoman authorities who held power at the time.

The site lay empty for many years and acquired the name "Hurva," Hebrew for ruin, before being rebuilt in 1864 and becoming a centre for the Jewish community in the Holy Land.

It was blown to pieces in 1948, after Jordan captured the Old City from the newly established state of Israel, during the battle for control of Jerusalem.

The synagogue's latest incarnation is the result of a 20-million-dollar (15-million-euro) government-funded restoration project.

The ceremony was held hot on the heels of a controversial Israeli decision to build 1,600 new Jewish settlements in predominantly Arab east Jerusalem, leading the Palestinians to rule out peace talks until the move is reversed.
Israil's intelligence agency Mosad along with Indian Raw are operating training centers in Afghanistan and they are sending suicide bombers to Pakistan to destablize our country. India and Israil had joint plans to declare the Pakistan as a failed state. but thanks God that we have a Pakistan Army which fought the war on westren borders and cleared these areas from Indian supported millitants.
Israil's intelligence agency Mosad along with Indian Raw are operating training centers in Afghanistan and they are sending suicide bombers to Pakistan to destablize our country. India and Israil had joint plans to declare the Pakistan as a failed state. but thanks God that we have a Pakistan Army which fought the war on westren borders and cleared these areas from Indian supported millitants.
we got nothing to do with zionist jews.
1)jews are friends of each others.
2)after a terrorist jew put fire in holy mosque of aqsa all doors of anything with jews are closed.they were never opened but there was a possibilty to open them.
3)free palestine is the goal of muslims of pakistan because without it our idiealogy hurts.body is pakistan but spirit is islam and spirit is always in holy places of islam.:pakistan::sniper:
we got nothing to do with zionist jews.
1)jews are friends of each others.
2)after a terrorist jew put fire in holy mosque of aqsa all doors of anything with jews are closed.they were never opened but there was a possibilty to open them.
3)free palestine is the goal of muslims of pakistan because without it our idiealogy hurts.body is pakistan but spirit is islam and spirit is always in holy places of islam.:pakistan::sniper:

In other words "hate" "hate" "hate"
it is a true some where there is a hand of israel in pakistani probleum for sure along with indian help
first and last Pak Military is far superior than israeli Military

watch out israelis we Muslims dont even hesitate to strap bomb with our bodies
first and last Pak Military is far superior than israeli Military

watch out israelis we Muslims dont even hesitate to strap bomb with our bodies

I dont think any patriot hesitates to offer his life for his country. Its just that many DONT NEED TO strap bombs to themselves. There are much better delivery systems for explosives. And superior militaries dont use suicide bombers.

And please dont give monopoly of suicide bombing to Muslims alone. Other nonmuslim terrorist organisations like Tamil Tigers have also used it. It is a sign of intense desperation to kill.
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