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Pakistan and Israel

Indians should be happy Israel is not our friend otherwise we would had been getting top of the line ISRAELI weapons forcing Indians to spend more on their defense to neutralize Pakistani advantage

That is correct, such a scenario would have forced India to spend a little more, something that India's economy can always afford.

But alas! The reality is the other way round... an already cash-strapped Pakistan's economy is suffering badly to keep the defence budget high and keep India at bay.

As far as Israel is concerned, I wonder why would anyone think it may directly attack Pakistan. Such a situation would make Pakistan use its nukes on Israel, and all dreams of that tiny nation might evaporate. Israel will never use a platform where Pakistan has any advantage - ex: size. It would rather use brains, than brawns, to defeat Pakistan in its own way.
Israel is an enemy to every Muslim, and it is absolutely haraam for Muslims to befriend such a nation. This is very clear.

Qur'an has strictly forbidden friendship with nations that fight against and drive Muslims out of their homelands:

As for such [of the unbelievers] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, God loves those who act equitably. (Quran 60:8)

God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of [your] faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid [others] in driving you forth: and as for those [from among you] who turn towards them in friendship; it is they, they who are truly wrongdoers! (Quran 60:9)

However, we can be friends with Jews and Christians who do not oppress Muslims.

For further analysis, please read:

Quran: "...take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends..." - Analysis
That is correct, such a scenario would have forced India to spend a little more, something that India's economy can always afford.

you are right you can always afford to spend more on defense at the expense of poor Indians.
If an Independent Palestinian Flag flies today in Middle east , we will accept the state of Israel the next moment , if not then ... never did never would!
you are right you can always afford to spend more on defense at the expense of poor Indians.

When the Americans make a B-2, worth billions, they do not wonder whether that money could be spent in social security for millions of jobless. It is about the defense of a nation.

The uplift of Indian poor is not hindered by lack of money, but rather by the mismanagement of the money allocated.

The money spent in the defence budget rightly belongs there, and India can afford to pump in way more without touching the money meant for the poor. Example: $25 billion spent by the government on the poor in forgoing the loans taken by the farmers - 1998. No wonder no Indian has ever felt the need to eat grass at the cost of building a nuclear program.
It is about the defense of a nation.

oh come on you are the most powerful nation here in south asia and perhaps even south east asia only second to china.who would attack you?.at least china wouldn't they are mostly geared on economic stuff and you have huge trade with them.so your spending spree is pointless

The uplift of Indian poor is not hindered by lack of money, but rather by the mismanagement of the money allocated.

well although it is also one of the reasons.but still you you allocate way more on defense than is required and because of you we also remain poor.

No wonder no Indian has ever felt the need to eat grass at the cost of building a nuclear program.

yup because if we had not ate grass our future generations would had nothing to eat at all.
Quraan - Aal-e-Imran, verse No. 148-149.
مومنو! اگر تم کافروں کا کہا مان لو گے تو وہ تم کو الٹے پاؤں پھیر کر (مرتد کر) دیں گے پھر تم بڑے خسارے میں پڑ جاؤ گے (۱۴۹) (یہ تمہارے مددگار نہیں ہیں) بلکہ خدا تمہارا مددگار ہے اور وہ سب سے بہتر مددگار ہے

No my friend, we are better off without making friendship with Israel and expecting any assistance in our defense from them. God has stated in the book and there is no one wiser than God.

Translation please?

Here is my say...

Israel=Enemy state...Now and forever.

That kind of attitude wont get you anywear. The Palistinians are Muslims, and naturally other Muslims will support them, however, if the roles were reversed all Muslims would support Israel and denounce Palistine. I can understand you feel simpathy for the Palistinians, however, the Israelis are victoms too...

Warning graphic image: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/static/blogs/20080323092011.jpg

Anyways back to the original poster, why are you so concerned with attacking Israel. During the Six Day War Israel was simultaneously attacked by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Morever, six other countryies provided weapons, men, and money, so in total it was Israel vs 9 countries, and Israel still won. Even if some how, with the grace of god, Israel is attacked and it loses, quess who's coming :usflag: What i'm trying to say is why even think about attacking Israel, nothing good can come of it.
pakistans relationship with israel is interesting to me.

i try to weight up the pro's and con's of every relationship and personally i would not mind somewhat cordial relations with israel, it will have mutual benefits however i cannot get it out of my head that it was israel that tried to bomb pakistans nuclear facilities and its israeli generals who visited kashmir with indian generals, therefore my mind and my heart both tell me that israel are a threat to pakistan, they have to be judged on their actions and these have been to take steps to harm pakistan.

also, israel are very very pro india, it would be hard to have any meaningful relationship with them, but again, cordial relations with israel could be beneficial but i cant see any framework for it and they clearly dont want it so its a non starter.
Let the Arabs solve their own problems. The sons of Pakistan will not be used as weapons in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The day I see Arab countries support Pakistan over India, is the day I will consider sacrificing a drop of Pakistani blood for the Arab cause.
The uplift of Indian poor is not hindered by lack of money, but rather by the mismanagement of the money allocated.

The money spent in the defence budget rightly belongs there, and India can afford to pump in way more without touching the money meant for the poor.

No wonder no Indian has ever felt the need to eat grass at the cost of building a nuclear program.

hahahahahaha, big talk for one of the poorest nation in the world, one of the highest recipiant of aid in the entire world, with more poverty than the entire continent of Africa, with more Aids ridden people than anywhere else in the world.

where, people such as you, cannot wait to get the hell out. (gireban main jhank kay dekho pehlay)

you are right about one thing though. No indian was forced to eat grass at the cost of their nuclear program.

You are having to eat rats.

India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

when you feel you can live in your own country then ill hear your testimonial of how "wealthy" or flush your country is with money. untill then, you are not fooling anybody.
I think Israel and Pakistan have no BEEF against each other the sooner Israel and Pakistan will shake hands the better hopefully something positive can happen

If they would just give Palestinians some place to call home I am sure we can be best of buddies
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