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Pakistan and Israel should step up as Mutual Friendship and Cooperation

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Quran Says - Al-Ma'idah -

O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another [72] and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide such evildoers. [73]

with respect sir some introspection is needed with regards to your preaching then what are you doing in australia in the first place ? isn't this hypocrisy
Quran Says - Al-Ma'idah -

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ لاَ تَتَّخِذُواْ الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاء بَعْضٍ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُم مِّنكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ (5:51)

O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another [72] and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide such evildoers. [73]

Religion of Peace in action :agree:
I support dialogue between two countries but one thing we must not forget Israel can never be a good friend Israeli only care about its interests and relationship between Pakistan and Israel is impossible until two state solution.

Turkey is secular country and Turkey was one of the best Israeli friendly countries Israeli soldiers attacked flotilla and killed 9 unarmed Turks and relationship is almost over, tomorrow if Indians refuse to accept Israeli demands they will kick em out.:lol:
There you go guys!!! No need to speculate. It has been pre-determined. But then you did forge some sort of friendship with a Christian nation!! :undecided:

These Verses point to those nations, like American & Israelis, who are always at war with Muslims- We don't have any problems with Jews/Christians from congo-uganda-chad etc., - hope you got the difference!
this forum is funny, i really enjoy coming here as there are so many day dreamers here- friendship with Israel---- :woot:
@ graphican

The verse you quoted was probably at the time when the Jewish community in Khyber was conspiring with pagans of Makkah against Muslims.
Na this verse was valid upto day of judgement

(1) Before you start your racist comments against Jewish people, let me remind you that Hazrat Umar (R) was such nice friends with Rabbis in Madinah that whenever there was a revelation of Quran, he would go to the Torah schools and compare the scriptures ( of Jews and Muslims) getting amazed at the closeness of their messages.

(2) Rabbi Mukhayriq was a jewish rabbi of Madinah along with some of his people who fought along side muslims against Pagans in Battle of Uhud despite the fact it was Sabbath that day, just because of the fact that they had entered an agreement of defending Madinah together.Rabbi Mukhayriq announced that if he died in the battle, his entire wealth should go to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Mukhayriq died in battle against the Meccans. And when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) , who was seriously injured in that battle, was informed about that death of Mukhayriq, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "He was the best of Jews."

It is first time i heard about this thing.Reference will be appreciated.
But you forget other incidents
jewish women give poison to Prophet.
They cast spell on Prophet.
They tried to kill Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar ra
what about these incidents,you deliberately ignore all of them.

Throughout after that during Muslim rule in Spain,or during Ottomon rule in North Africa, muslims used to even build synagogues for Jewish people.
see how we treated them and how they are treating us?In spain we give them ministries,under muslim rule they flourish and termed this period as their GOLDEN AGE.but what they did when they got upper hand?Situation of Falesteen is infron of you.

Yes indeed the verse refers to the Jewish tribes in Khyber or one or two of them in and around Madina who conspired with Pagans...but this doesnt mean that you start generalizing it...and tell the world see that muslims are racist.

in order to get NOC from the world don't change the meaning of the verses.

BTW....IF YOU READ THE CHAPTER (SURAH-AL MAIDAH) completely..u just qouted verse 51 out of context...i am quoting verse 69

Holy Quran Chapter 5 (verse 69)

"Surely, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh, in His Messenger Muhammad SAW and all that was revealed to him from Allâh), those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, - whosoever believed in Allâh and the Last Day, and worked
righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
don't act like jews and christians (believe on some part quran and sunnah and do not believe on other which you don't like).
This verse is for people who are faithful before Islam.after the arrival of islam there is no other way for them except to embrace islam.
there is a hadith for this
Prophet saw said if Musa as come second time there is only way to escape from him that he should believe on me.
Islam isn't about racism the way you want to potray it as...these verses you were pointing out are about a particular conditions of that time so that muslims of that state could devise a policy. The chrisitan extremists use these verses just the way u used them to potray Islam as something bad...one verse tells muslims to fight unbelievers and the christian right groups claim that see Islam is agressive...ignoring the fact that it was a commad being given to muslims of Madinah to defend Madinah which would be attacked by Pagans.
i don't understand one thing.when we buy some thing we read its manual and follow the instruction,maintain the desired conditions so the the machine work at its optimum rating.
But when our Creator give us some protocols,some instructions why death come to us?why we start making excuses when we want to follow them?
when Allah said don't trust on jews and christians they are not your friend but friend of each other then case ends here.no if's and but's
see the Americans after 9/11 if did partnership with them.my country get destroyed,our civilians died our soldiers died,but when they get a chance to bite us they humiliated us in the whole world.OBL saga.
And list of the crimes of jews against muslims and humanity is very long so leave them.

I request you to please not to misquote verses from the Quran and defame Muslims.
Why not you educate your self first.thnx
There is no significance of recognizing israel.How can we benefit from them and how they can benefit from us?We will recognise Israel when they move back to pre 1967 position.
-People who say there should be Israeli embassy in Pak,o yara do you people not satisfied with ISI running after CIA people.why burdening poor chaps?
-we will benefit from Israel in terms of military?
Are not we cursing Americans that they installed kill switches in f-16s.
what is the guarantee that Israelis will not give source codes to Indians?
Does not our requirements are met by Chinese,Turks and some other Europeans,so why running towards Israelis?
-Our debit will be cleaned?
tell me one thing who did more good to jews then Americans and Britishers why not jews give them clean chit.After all they own banks?

why we did not learn a single lesson from Madina,spain and break up khilafat?
there is no benefit in it.
LOL Am I actually seeing a conspicuous India love by some Pakistanis in order to bash Israel. ? :cheesy:
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