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Pakistan and Germany cooking something up

i think Eurocopter will be more usefull against terror than U-214........i think we all agree on this :tup:
It's a good move to launch talks and provide Germans the whish list of Pakistan Armed forces. As mentioned in the news PA needs some good weapons in the fight against terror; from drones to assault rifles, artillery, defence arms etc. Maybe we could get also some heli's for transport and assault purposes.

The U boats deal was almost done but the only reason for which the deal was cancelled is only bcz of $$ reason. If PN was alloted what they needed we were having atleast 3 U boats! seems like some people come up with their own BS theories on this matter.
First off, overly exaggerated title. Secondly I doubt you'll be getting submarines to counter terrorism. Maybe a few assault rifles.

If it burns you, you do not have to troll. Assault rifles, we manufactured the 3nut3 in in 1950s.

Back to the topic, Pakistan should pursue German arms and joint ventures. Germany has good quality of arms.
The last time there was a ToT with Germany.. our dear general in charge bought the ToT for the Mp5.. it did not matter to him that everybody in the ordnance test department cried for cancellation of the deal.. that the MP5 was ineffective in the battlefield..tests showed that its projectile was on the ground after 800 meters.. useless on the plains..
Still it was bought.. apparently the man who approved it is now comfortable in his many german luxury cars as well.

When it was introduced.. troops refused to take it.. pick it up for any operation..and we had thousands of SMG's just lying around because troops did not trust the weapon.

As fate would have it.. its day finally came in the WoT.. when CQB needs allowed the MP5 to finally show its capabilities.
Until this "nazi merkel" is on the drivers seat expect very little outcome.. Germany has been traditionally friendly with Pakistan and helped us when we lacked. And let us get our HDW submarines first.
Until this "nazi merkel" is on the drivers seat expect very little outcome.. Germany has been traditionally friendly with Pakistan and helped us when we lacked. And let us get our HDW submarines first.

i have always enjoyed your comments
Pak army is always a big fan of German light armor. Otherwise Pakistan is not interested in their heavy weapon, which is not worth for Pak terrain. Only in heavy machines this APC recently german made is worth for Pak army.

the MP5 was ineffective in the battlefield..tests showed that its projectile was on the ground after 800 meters.. useless on the plains..
What are you on about, it is a machinepistol / submachine gun which fires 9mm pistol rounds (not an assault rifle)...

Max effective ranges
200 m (656 ft) (MP5A2, MP5A3, MP5A4, MP5A5),
100 m (328 ft) (MP5/10, MP5K, MP5KA1, MP5KA4, MP5KA5, MP5K-PDW),
50 m (164 ft) (MP5/40),
Pak army is always a big fan of German light armor. Otherwise Pakistan is not interested in their heavy weapon, which is not worth for Pak terrain. Only in heavy machines this APC recently german made is worth for Pak army.


In which context you said that this APC recently german made is worth for Pak army.? for what reasons?
Pak army is always a big fan of German light armor. Otherwise Pakistan is not interested in their heavy weapon, which is not worth for Pak terrain. Only in heavy machines this APC recently german made is worth for Pak army.


Recently made?! APC?! That's the Marder mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV). The Marder MICV was introduced into German service from 1971 onwards, making this a 40 year old vehicle. After the Russian BMP-1, it was the second MICV to be produced and put into operational service in the world.

From 1976 the Marder was upgraded with Milan ATGW. Marder 1A1 with image intensification entered service in 1979 and by 1982 all were converted. The Marder 1A2 with thermal imaging entered service in 1984 and all were converted by 1989. In 1989 the first Marders were upgraded to 1A3 standard with improved armour and Milan 2.
(from SIPRO online arms transfer database)

Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1950 to 2009:

Supplier/ Year Year(s) No.
recipient (R) No. Weapon Weapon of order/ of delivered/
or licenser (L) ordered designation description licence deliveries produced Comments

S: Germany (FRG)
R: Pakistan

90 F-86F Sabre Fighter aircraft (1965) 1966 90 Ex-FRG; officially bought by Iran, but transferred to Pakistan
(100) UR-416 APC/ISV (1972) 1973-1976 (100) Incl for border guard; incl version with 20mm gun
(40) MPDR-45 Air search radar (1977) 1979-1980 (35) MPDR-45E version; incl MPDR-60
(5) MPDR-90 Air search radar (1977) 1979-1980 (5)
(15) SUT AS/ASW torpedo (1989) 1990-1991 (15) For MG-110 midget submarines
4 MTU-538 Diesel engine (SH) 1990 1997-1999 4 For 2 Jalalat FAC produced in Pakistan; designation uncertain
4 MTU-538 Diesel engine (SH) (2003) 2006 4 For 2 Jalalat FAC produced in Pakistan
59 DM-2A4 Seehecht AS/ASW torpedo 2005 2007-2008 (59) $80 m deal; for Agosta-90B (Khalid) submarines
(30) Luna UAV 2006 2007-2008 (30) For 3 Luna UAV systems; delivery temporarily delayed after Pakistani state of emergency in 2007
4 MTU-4000 Diesel engine (SH) 2006 2007-2008 4 For MRTP-33 FAC delivered by Turkey
(250) M-113 APC (2007) Ex-FRG; status uncertain after German government halted deliveries in late 2007

L: Pakistan (3500) Cobra Anti-tank missile 1963 1965-1979 (3500) Most probably assembled/produced in Pakistan; Cobra-1600 and Cobra-2000 version
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