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Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

They are not exchange cadets but sent on a deputation course there either as students, and sometimes there are instructor pilots who fly at the Central Flying School on Tucanos. RAF aviation cadets do not attend PAF Academy for flight training hence no concept of exchange cadets.
Long story short- no PAF roundel ever went through the mach loop.
Long story short- no PAF roundel ever went through the mach loop.
I know 2 who have in fast jets but as civilians....both former PAF.

Every where...often on villages and sometimes on smaller cities..I once saw an F16 chasing a Mirage at low alt(best thing i hv ever seen)...Last year 4 ship F16s buzzed very low above my city(a few months after Twining Ceremony of 9 sqn and even during that they flew low)...both time,these were from Mushaf AB.

Also one time a friend of mine(now Mirage operator) flew his K8(Mianwali based) multiple times at very low alt during a night mission over our city(to make his parents proud...not a good way to do but every pilot desires this)
Also seen F7s and even IL78 at low alt.

So yeah low flying is just a normal thing.
Yeah....recall seeing F-7 IPs flying really low at a lake near Mianwali when recovering after a sortie at the range. Saw F-16s low over the canal beside Kamra. My old man flew an F-6 near a family wedding that he couldn't attend. T-37 flyovers from him were common as my grandparents lived close to Risalpur (1989).

Separate one here....Mirage 2000-9s by the coast near Dubai. They were flying about 50 feet above the water...two ship and the best part of all it was during sunset. Beautiful sight.
With domestic #WS20 engine clear for production, #Y20 strategic lifter can offer ample opportunities to Pakistan armed force to enhance its aerial transport capabilities. Currently Pakistan rely on fleet of C130 with much less cargo capacity backed by Il78MRTT. https://t.co/ymn4F9pd7M
With domestic #WS20 engine clear for production, #Y20 strategic lifter can offer ample opportunities to Pakistan armed force to enhance its aerial transport capabilities. Currently Pakistan rely on fleet of C130 with much less cargo capacity backed by Il78MRTT. https://t.co/ymn4F9pd7M
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Would love to see Pak Army formations practicing aerial drops from this bird.
Air Commodore (R) Sattar Alvi presents tail of #Israeli Air Force Mirage to the PAF Chief, Sattar shot down Capt Lutz's Mirage over Golan heights in #Syria during the Arab Israeli conflict 1974. This will be permanently displayed at PAF Museum. https://t.co/8DtHQFWE0U
Air Commodore (R) Sattar Alvi presents tail of #Israeli Air Force Mirage to the PAF Chief, Sattar shot down Capt Lutz's Mirage over Golan heights in #Syria during the Arab Israeli conflict 1974. This will be permanently displayed at PAF Museum. https://t.co/8DtHQFWE0U
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Wow that something new nice.
Would love to see Pak Army formations practicing aerial drops from this bird.
With domestic #WS20 engine clear for production, #Y20 strategic lifter can offer ample opportunities to Pakistan armed force to enhance its aerial transport capabilities. Currently Pakistan rely on fleet of C130 with much less cargo capacity backed by Il78MRTT. https://t.co/ymn4F9pd7M
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In my opinion, I think the PAF should instead keep an eye on the Antonov An-70. Ukraine is working to revive that program - i.e. upgrade its avionics (via the West) and push into serial production. Unlike the IL-76 and Y-20, the An-70 provides that heavy-lift element (47 tons) in hot-and-high environments (e.g. Northern Areas/Kashmir).

The An-70's success rests on scale. It would be nice to see Ukraine, Pakistan and a couple others - e.g. South Africa, a private Chinese freighter firm, etc - form a consortium for the An-70 wherein they pool orders and split production and support work. If successful, we'd have the poor man's A400M.

For the tanker role, it would be best to find some surplus commercial airliners on the market (e.g. A330) and fit them with two hose-and-drogue pods. Basically, consider working with Ukraine to integrate the UPAZ to the A330. This way, the PAF would get a decent long-range tanker with much better fuel efficiency than the guzzlers that are the IL-78. Maybe consider fitting SIGINT equipment to those airliners too ... so whenever they're up in the air doing AAR, they're also picking up frequencies to add to Pakistan's threat library.
What do you think a trubo prop heavy lift offers over the turbo fan heavy lift apart from obvious fuel efficiency??
In my opinion, I think the PAF should instead keep an eye on the Antonov An-70. Ukraine is working to revive that program - i.e. upgrade its avionics (via the West) and push into serial production. Unlike the IL-76 and Y-20, the An-70 provides that heavy-lift element (47 tons) in hot-and-high environments (e.g. Northern Areas/Kashmir).

The An-70's success rests on scale. It would be nice to see Ukraine, Pakistan and a couple others - e.g. South Africa, a private Chinese freighter firm, etc - form a consortium for the An-70 wherein they pool orders and split production and support work. If successful, we'd have the poor man's A400M.

For the tanker role, it would be best to find some surplus commercial airliners on the market (e.g. A330) and fit them with two hose-and-drogue pods. Basically, consider working with Ukraine to integrate the UPAZ to the A330. This way, the PAF would get a decent long-range tanker with much better fuel efficiency than the guzzlers that are the IL-78. Maybe consider fitting SIGINT equipment to those airliners too ... so whenever they're up in the air doing AAR, they're also picking up frequencies to add to Pakistan's threat library.

Also has PAF ever given thought to having smaller cargoes like c-27, casa series, kc-390 in big numbers?? @Windjammer @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
In my opinion, I think the PAF should instead keep an eye on the Antonov An-70. Ukraine is working to revive that program - i.e. upgrade its avionics (via the West) and push into serial production. Unlike the IL-76 and Y-20, the An-70 provides that heavy-lift element (47 tons) in hot-and-high environments (e.g. Northern Areas/Kashmir).

The An-70's success rests on scale. It would be nice to see Ukraine, Pakistan and a couple others - e.g. South Africa, a private Chinese freighter firm, etc - form a consortium for the An-70 wherein they pool orders and split production and support work. If successful, we'd have the poor man's A400M.

For the tanker role, it would be best to find some surplus commercial airliners on the market (e.g. A330) and fit them with two hose-and-drogue pods. Basically, consider working with Ukraine to integrate the UPAZ to the A330. This way, the PAF would get a decent long-range tanker with much better fuel efficiency than the guzzlers that are the IL-78. Maybe consider fitting SIGINT equipment to those airliners too ... so whenever they're up in the air doing AAR, they're also picking up frequencies to add to Pakistan's threat library.
I believe Ukraine has offered JV in this particular area.
What do you think a trubo prop heavy lift offers over the turbo fan heavy lift apart from obvious fuel efficiency??

Also has PAF ever given thought to having smaller cargoes like c-27, casa series, kc-390 in big numbers?? @Windjammer @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
At the end of the day cost is the prohibitive factor.
Time has shown that if armed forces really really need somwthing they find a way to get it.
At the end of the day cost is the prohibitive factor.
What do you think a trubo prop heavy lift offers over the turbo fan heavy lift apart from obvious fuel efficiency??

Also has PAF ever given thought to having smaller cargoes like c-27, casa series, kc-390 in big numbers?? @Windjammer @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Turboprop is better for hot-and-high conditions. Jets don't do well with thin and warm air (in high altitude areas, which are a major facet of Pakistan's operating environment). Furthermore, the An-70 can also take-off from a shorter (and less prepared) runway than a typical jet air-lifter.

As for smaller transports, the PAF had bought the CN235 with the plan of building out the fleet - but other priorities and budget problems shelved that plan. However, as long as that aircraft (CN235) is in service, the infrastructure will be there should the PAF ever decide to buy more.
The J-31 will officially become Pakistan's 5th gen fighter, and China has decided to transfer the technology of the WS-19 to Pakistan.
The J-31 will officially become Pakistan's 5th gen fighter, and China has decided to transfer the technology of the WS-19 to Pakistan.

The J-31 will officially become Pakistan's 5th gen fighter, and China has decided to transfer the technology of the WS-19 to Pakistan.

Is that really official Chinese Tiger ?
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