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Pakistan Air Force - International Media Quotes


Sep 8, 2008
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The following quotes taken from international media sources prove
beyond a shadow of doubt that when it comes to the man behind the
machine, Pakistan's fighter pilots are simply one of the best in the whole
wide world:

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets
and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the
figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and
counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive
dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was
damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "
(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the
General Chuck Yeager, famous USAF test pilot, on deputation in
Pakistan as US Defense Representative. The PAF remains the only
foreign air force in the world to have received Chuck Yeager's
admiration - a
recommendation which the PAF is proud of.

"He was a formidable fellow and I was glad that he was Pakistani and
not Egyptian"
(Israel Air Force chief and ex-President Ezer Weizmen writing about
PAF chief Nur Khan in his autobiography, On Eagles' Wings).

"As an air defence analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air
Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that
the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked
as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the
world". As one senior US defence analyst commented to me in 1991, "it
leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far
-Sergey Vekhov
May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, a reputable
UK-based air defence magazine.

The PAF, although outnumbered by IAF(Indian Air Force), has at least
one qualitative edge over its rival: Pilot Training. The caliber of
Pakistani instructors is acknowledged by numerous air forces, and US
Navy pilots considered them to be highly 'professional' during
exercises flying off the USS Constellation (as co-pilots).

-Jane's International Defense (June 24, 1998)

"By all accounts the courage displayed by the Pakistan Air Force
pilots is reminiscent of the bravery of the few young and dedicated
pilots who saved this country from Nazi invaders in the critical
Battle of Britain during the last war."

Patrick Seale,
The Observer, London,
September 12, 1965.

"Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like 1/3rd the Indian
Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say
that Pakistani pilots have claimed even higher kills than this; but
the Pakistani Air Force are being scrupulously honest in evaluating
these claims. They are crediting Pakistan Air Force only those
killings that can be checked from other sources."

Roy Meloni,
American Broadcasting Corporation
September 15, 1965.

The London Daily Mirror reported: "There is a smell of death in the
burning Pakistan sun. For it was here that India's attacking forces
came to a dead stop.

"During the night they threw in every reinforcement they could find.
But wave after wave of attacks were repulsed by the Pakistanis"

"India", said the London Daily Times, "is being soundly beaten by a
nation which is outnumbered by four and a half to one in population
and three to one in size of armed forces."

In Times reporter Louis Karrar wrote: "Who can defeat a nation which
knows how to play hide and seek with death".
MASHALLAH. this is quality vs quantity. Pakistan was made for purpose, ALLAH willing it will surve it, who knows what it is, except ALLAH.

ISI and PAK army are two institues we are proud of and they wont let us down, count my words on it.
Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the east is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. For Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world, especially the Islamic world, beause they know how to fly and fight.

On one or two occasions, I had the oppertunity to talk with Pakistani instructor pilots, who had served in Iraq. These discussions, didn’t give me great cause to worry. The Russian domination of training prevented the Pakistanis from having any real influence on the Iraqi aircrew training program.

Still, there had to be a few Iraqi pilots, who had observed and listened to their mentors from France and Pakistan and the useless guidence of their inept leaders. It was those few, I was concerned about - the ones with great situational awareness and good eyesight, who had figured out how to effectively use their aircrafts and its weapons to defend their nation.”

(General Chuck Horner (retd) and Tom Clancey. General Chuck commanded the US and allied air assets during Desert shield and desert storm, and was responsible for the design and execution of one of the most devestating air campaigns in the history. He also served as Commander 9th Air Force, Commander US Central Command Air Forces, and Commander in chief, SpaceCom. Book: Every Man A Tiger).
“For the PAF, the 1965 war was as climatic as the Israeli victory over the Arabs in 1967. A further similarity was that Indian air power had an approximately 5:1 numerical superiority at the start of the conflict. Unlike the Middle East conflict, the Pakistani air victory was achieved to a large degree by air-to-air combat rather than on ground. But it was as absolute as that attained by Israel.

USA - Aviation Week & Space Technology - December 1968 issue.
Wonderful! it really makes me feel, we dont need quantity to indians.

sir with due respect to your opinion my observation after speaking to some of the senior members in the forum is that altough pakistan has well trained pilots they are quite short of quality fighter planes.pakistan requires some modern and good planes replacing their old stock if they are to garner more fame in combat.

sir with due respect to your opinion my observation after speaking to some of the senior members in the forum is that altough pakistan has well trained pilots they are quite short of quality fighter planes.pakistan requires some modern and good planes replacing their old stock if they are to garner more fame in combat.


It is being worked on mate, Block 52 on their way (we will learn a lot from this puppy), all falcons are being mid life upgraded as we speak, J-10B has been verified to be procured, JF-17 will number 250-300 within the decade while going through continuous upgrade cycles, overall the future looks very good, right now PAF is doing the best it can with what it has to put up credible stopgaps where needed.
So great i think MM ALAMS record is unbreakable no pilot of no air force can break the reocord of 5 kills in 5 min.
if i am wrong correct me plz
It is being worked on mate, Block 52 on their way (we will learn a lot from this puppy), all falcons are being mid life upgraded as we speak, J-10B has been verified to be procured, JF-17 will number 250-300 within the decade while going through continuous upgrade cycles, overall the future looks very good, right now PAF is doing the best it can with what it has to put up credible stopgaps where needed.

i am well aware of PAF s future plans sir i was only replying to the post which said pakistan does not need quantity of aircraft.
sir with due respect to your opinion my observation after speaking to some of the senior members in the forum is that altough pakistan has well trained pilots they are quite short of quality fighter planes.pakistan requires some modern and good planes replacing their old stock if they are to garner more fame in combat.


Well i totally agree to you, though we have one of the best pilots in the world. But definately we need to present them some stuff to showcase their talent. But i think recently when the 2 indian fighter planes were traced with our f-16 and mirages within 15 seconds of penetration, it shows that PAF still a major threat to the indians with their current fleets.
Thanks for sharing this.

Though i've read half of them before, it never fails to make me feel blessed for having our flying warriors, defending our borders.

Pakistan Army, Air-force, and Navy Zindabad! :pakistan:
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