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f-16a is a third gen air craft.even the books written abt paf n f-16s call it a third gen aircraft.f-16a is better then jf-17 in range,agility,payload,far more powerful engine n higher twr .jf-17 is better then f-16a in terms of avionics, radar n bvr capability making it a low 4th gen air craft.f-16c is true 4th gen aircraft.jf-17 block 2 will qualify itself to be called as a true 4th gen air craft but still it would be inferior to f-16c in terms of range,payload n agility.
if su 30 mki is called as a 4.5 gen jet then jf-17 block 2 wont be in the same generation as it will be inferior to su30 mki in almost all aspects except the radar may be as it ll be having aesa.
Hmmmf.... Get tiered of reading it...

At one place the Author has cleverly mentioned..

"The AN/APG-68 V9 Radar can pick the Su-30MKI at a range of 120 km under a dense hostile environment. However while flying as an air defense fighter, the Su-30MKI would be easily picked up by the Pakistani land based and aerial based radars and live picture of the battlefield can be relayed to the F-16s via Link-16 datalink systems. Thus the Su-30’s first look advantage can be nullified if PAF utilizes its AEW&C system. "

He forgot that India too has AEW&Cs... :) and second thing, AEW&Cs can't engage target, you still need to come within locking range...
f-16a is a third gen air craft.even the books written abt paf n f-16s call it a third gen aircraft.f-16a is better then jf-17 in range,agility,payload,far more powerful engine n higher twr .jf-17 is better then f-16a in terms of avionics, radar n bvr capability making it a low 4th gen air craft.f-16c is true 4th gen aircraft.jf-17 block 2 will qualify itself to be called as a true 4th gen air craft but still it would be inferior to f-16c in terms of range,payload n agility.
if su 30 mki is called as a 4.5 gen jet then jf-17 block 2 wont be in the same generation as it will be inferior to su30 mki in almost all aspects except the radar may be as it ll be having aesa.

I agree with all your point, still I disagree with most of your points... Su30MKI and F16 are two different class fighter... Infact Ability of fighter plane depends upon its class/usage... Su30MKI Air-superiority is better than Su30MKI ground attack... Air superiority fighters are costliest fighter aircraft. Pakistan use its F16 as Air superiority fighter, while the same F16 is used as point defense for USA....

Not all Indian MKIs are Airsuperiority, not all PAF F16s are Airsuperiority fighter... F16 has no match with heavy class fighetrs (F15, F22, Su27 series, MiG31...), even though one can not claim that F16 are inferior... In point defense Role, they can beat any fighter. In Air superiority role, they can give tough fight...
f-16a is a third gen air craft.even the books written abt paf n f-16s call it a third gen aircraft.f-16a is better then jf-17 in range,agility,payload,far more powerful engine n higher twr .jf-17 is better then f-16a in terms of avionics, radar n bvr capability making it a low 4th gen air craft.f-16c is true 4th gen aircraft.jf-17 block 2 will qualify itself to be called as a true 4th gen air craft but still it would be inferior to f-16c in terms of range,payload n agility.
if su 30 mki is called as a 4.5 gen jet then jf-17 block 2 wont be in the same generation as it will be inferior to su30 mki in almost all aspects except the radar may be as it ll be having aesa.

Well I guess i should just urge you to read anything on the F-16 and quote the sources which call the F-16a a 3rd gen aircraft.
What difference does it make whether you call it whatever generation - so long as it will kill the enemy craft?
Well I guess i should just urge you to read anything on the F-16 and quote the sources which call the F-16a a 3rd gen aircraft.
i fail to understand how a bvrless only daytime fighter(f-16 a) can qualify itself to be included in 4th gen fighter jets list.
see wat r the characteristics of a basic blk 15 f-16 a:
1.only a wvr fighter.
2.no rwr
3.no flir
4. no irst
5.outstanding twr,payload,range n agility.
i fail to understand how a bvrless only daytime fighter(f-16 a) can qualify itself to be included in 4th gen fighter jets list.
see wat r the characteristics of a basic blk 15 f-16 a:
1.only a wvr fighter.
2.no rwr
3.no flir
4. no irst
5.outstanding twr,payload,range n agility.

Correction that was in 1980 , we are 2011 , and things have changed , alot
1980 Mustache was cool and now its not, just like our F16 are block C/D
Even though i love the su30mki minus the massive RCS issue this thread is all about SU30MKI.. and not pride of PAF.. rather misleading title.

For the record a F16/52 in hands of a good pilot has a NEAR 50/50 CHANCE against a su30mki dispite flanker carrying twice as many missles, with different seekers and having TVC and a pesa radar. The F16 has a much lower RCS and MORE ACCURATE missles.
few more information information about aircrafts and its systems ... Situation Awareness

It always good to read more and more about Dog Fights every Dog Fight is different from each other one thing which I have seen is Situational Awareness goes out of the window as soon as you are engaged. You cant be aware of all what is going on in Air in other words SA means depending on each other while **** hits the fan. The reason for this is human limitations most people can handle one job at a time. Many highly skilled and well- trained people (it is hoped that this group includes fighter pilots) can accomplish two tasks concurrently. In air combat this might include maneuvering against a bogey while keeping track of a wingman's position and providing him with some visual defensive coverage.
Fighter pilot simply does not have time to be thinking about optimum techniques of turn and acceleration, or whether the situation calls for a high yo-yo or a barrel-roll Obviously the fighter pilot would prefer to be flying the smallest thing in the sky in order to make the opponent's visual acquisition and tracking tasks as difficult as possible and this is where the F-16 comes in play against the SU.
It always good to read more and more about Dog Fights every Dog Fight is different from each other one thing which I have seen is Situational Awareness goes out of the window as soon as you are engaged. You cant be aware of all what is going on in Air in other words SA means depending on each other while **** hits the fan. The reason for this is human limitations most people can handle one job at a time. Many highly skilled and well- trained people (it is hoped that this group includes fighter pilots) can accomplish two tasks concurrently. In air combat this might include maneuvering against a bogey while keeping track of a wingman's position and providing him with some visual defensive coverage.
Fighter pilot simply does not have time to be thinking about optimum techniques of turn and acceleration, or whether the situation calls for a high yo-yo or a barrel-roll Obviously the fighter pilot would prefer to be flying the smallest thing in the sky in order to make the opponent's visual acquisition and tracking tasks as difficult as possible and this is where the F-16 comes in play against the SU.

Sorry for going off topic. You are BACK and We LOVE you Muwaaaaaa :cheers:
PAF is making great strides But ultimately INDIA,S massive economic and financial investment means this GAP will be retained ESP with MMRCA & pak fa in near future

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