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Pakistan admits India attack link

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each and every Pakistani HAS the RIGHT to deny any involvement untill proven otherwise.
That's part of the problem! While I can understand that people have a right not to incriminate themselves if they so wish, I find the assertion that Pakistanis have the right to lie (knowingly or unknowingly) to protect others to be despicable!
That's part of the problem! While I can understand that people have a right not to incriminate themselves if they so wish, I find the assertion that Pakistanis have the right to lie (knowingly or unknowingly) to protect others to be despicable!

And you my friend, are lost in your words.
What I have stated is true, you know that, yet you seem so eager to blame Pakistan or want Pakistan to take the blame in things where the GoP actually has no interests in or would have nothing to gain.
You are turning things around, allegations, claims, fingerpointing, charges, << now these are all lies untill they are proven to be true.
You cannot say so otherwise, and if you do, I would advice you to take a course on judiciary systems or watch law & order on TV or any other crime show.
Party ?over dead bodies..?
We are little relieved that finally a step is taken to give justice to the people who died in those attacks.
It is good for you people if all of those people hanged to death.

The criminals will be put to justice, the case is on-going, have patience I'd say.
I think Pakistan was right to deny everything untill investigation is completed but to bring Bangladesh and other countries into this before the investigation is completed was silly and stupid. I hope they dismental the terrorist network this time.
I am looking forward to the next exuse by Zaid Hamid, may be RAW has taking over some parts of GOP, Aliens have invaded Pakistan and they have taken over some parts of GOP etc.
Party ?over dead bodies..?
We are little relieved that finally a step is taken to give justice to the people who died in those attacks.
It is good for you people if all of those people hanged to death.

ahh shut up. did i asked this to you????
i,m not against hanging these bastards
ahh shut up. did i asked this to you????
i,m not against hanging these bastards

was, please take it easy and counter with more productive posts then this one, even if you're annoyed or slightly unhappy about the whole Mumbai issue and the way Pakistan has been portrayed in the media and in particular the Indian media.
Just keep using your head and don't let them anger you, it is a victory for them and a defeat for us.
Find the bright spots, and leave the dark ones behind.
we want the same to be done by indians on samjauhta bombing were more than 60 pakistani were burnt alive.
we want the same to be done by indians on samjauhta bombing were more than 60 pakistani were burnt alive.

It is the task of our government to push for justice on that front, and I agree that it is also the task of our people to confront Indians about this.
Confront them with strong arguments, you know you won't gain much by insults or by letting anger take over!
I also don't understand why Pakistan hasn't been able or hasn't done much to pressurize India over these bombings on our soil, that's the part that annoys me.
was, please take it easy and counter with more productive posts then this one, even if you're annoyed or slightly unhappy about the whole Mumbai issue and the way Pakistan has been portrayed in the media and in particular the Indian media.
Just keep using your head and don't let them anger you, it is a victory for them and a defeat for us.
Find the bright spots, and leave the dark ones behind.

man one thing i don,t like is point scoring by these indians, you are right we should not take them so serious.
More like finally the investigation is complete and a proper statement based on the investigation can be released - this isn't denial, its called following the proper process and conducting an investigation to confirm, as much as possible, what happened.

Of course we realize that this is an alien concept in India, where investigators are blessed with supernatural powers that allow them to implicate the ISI and Pakistan while en route to the crime scene. :rolleyes:

Mr. Am, you have suggested many times that Pakistan was working on it proper investigation and finally now it is complete. But no where this two article mentions that Pakistan was deligently working towards finallizing the investigation and it is complete. Infact, many articles regarding the mumbai attack it is rarely mention of Pakistan is diligently working towards it personal investigation, few article, but many do not mention of investigation.

Infact from the Pakistan offical it has always been a blatant refusial of India diligence / statements. Never the less, I simply believe that Pakistan has finally spoke the truth because of only international preassure, not because it finally found evidence. And the international preassure has put Gop under a frantic mode, and case in point is Mrs. Sherry response yesterday about the pressure it's been receiving.
whatever this incident proves high quality terror infrastructure provided to terrorist in marine and ground operations.

Do not do us a favor do not do favour to world.
Do it for your self by distorying these infrastructure and training camps in Pak soil.
or else they will be many more FATA,Sawat or attacks in other countries like mumbai.

Pak has done good job in investigation.
what abt India?
why did they find who helped them inside india?
Yes ....pakistan has the right to deny all the allegations till they "fully" investigate matter...all that is ok....but what irked me the most was the amazing and full scale propganda exercise which pakistan's media establishment undertook saying the attackers were HINDU terrosists........R.A.W...MOSSAD etc were responsible. 30 minute news shows 'revealing' the conspiracy of the mumbai attack .....and yes how can i forget the one and only Mr. ZAID HAMID who people looked upto like an angel falling from heaven and enlightning them about how RAW with HINDU terrosists planned the mumbai attacks on various talk shows and a meticulous analysis of the indian dossier pointing out innumerable flaws..Ajmal Kasab was a hindu he conjectured!!!....LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.
People accused the Indian media of making up stories and misrepresenting facts.....except for the isi connection which is still not clear ...each and everything
the indian media said was CORRECT. The boat , the sea route , telephonic conversations....everything.....yes a couple news channels went overboard...... I hope now atleast people realise the true nature of Zaid Hamid ..he's an amazing aggressive orator....speaks passionately....captivating...except for one small thing ....80% of what he says is wrong.

He has many points right,u only dwell on one mistake, his points about band is still unanswered, but we will wait to see what comes out of the case, he has talked about all things that matter to Pakistan and he rightfully apprehensive since he and and we the Pakistani know about previous incidents, So let us hope that India works with Pakistan to settle all disputes in a mature and friendly way based on U.N. international and local laws.

Your media was not any help it jumped the gun much more than Zaid Hamid, let us put the blame where it belongs to the Indian media mostly, now that we have the few facts, let the Indian media show some respect for the law and let it take its course, but keep true info comming for the sake of law and order.
whatever this incident proves high quality terror infrastructure provided to terrorist in marine and ground operations.

Do not do us a favor do not do favour to world.
Do it for your self by distorying these infrastructure and training camps in Pak soil.
or else they will be many more FATA,Sawat or attacks in other countries like mumbai.

Pak has done good job in investigation.
what abt India?
why did they find who helped them inside india?

who is saying that we are doing a favor, u see too many Bollywood ( a strange name for an Indian industry, not an original thing, a bad copy.) movies and speak the dialogues as they do in these silly movies.

All aspects of this case will be visited and taken care of, if u guys keep honest lines of communication open and do not blame or hide or exaggerate thing and blow it out of proportion.

Remember this can be easy or not so easy case depending on the circumstantial evidence you provide. so be professional and not silly.
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whatever this incident proves high quality terror infrastructure provided to terrorist in marine and ground operations.

Do not do us a favor do not do favour to world.
Do it for your self by distorying these infrastructure and training camps in Pak soil.
or else they will be many more FATA,Sawat or attacks in other countries like mumbai.

Pak has done good job in investigation.
what abt India?
why did they find who helped them inside india?

do it for your self stop attrocities in kashmir
And you my friend, are lost in your words. What I have stated is true, you know that -
You aren't being clear. Perhaps you are confusing me with somebody else? You don't seem to be contradicting anything I wrote.
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