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Pakistan accepts 11 IMF conditions


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan accepts 11 IMF conditions

Sunday, November 02, 2008

By Mazhar Tufail

ISLAMABAD: After minor changes in the 11-point agenda of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Pakistan government has agreed to gradually impose the Central Excise Duty (CED) on services and agriculture sectors at the rate of eight to 18 per cent in place of the General Sales Tax (GST), The News learnt here on Saturday.

“In view of the IMF demand, the Pakistani currency will also be devalued after slight changes in the discount rate and exchange rate will be decreased officially by six to seven per cent,” an official in the Ministry of Finance disclosed, wishing to remain anonymous.

Moreover, the official said the release of 60 per cent funds for the next three quarters of the current financial year, under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP), would be reviewed downward to 45 per cent.

According to the official, the foreign assistance flow had already declined by 40 per cent because donors had refused to provide funds for new projects at the federal and provincial levels under the PSDP against the ongoing projects funded by the Japan-IBRD, the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

ìThe IMF proposal received by the federal government in the last week of October contained 16 conditions having 180 points that were discussed in four meetings between Pakistani and IMF officials in Dubai,î the official disclosed.

Eleven of the 16 conditions have been accepted with slight changes,î he added.

The official said that major conditions accepted by the Pakistan government included changes in the Islamic Development Bank loans and differentiation between loans and grants, devaluation of rupee, freezing of non-development expenditure under the defence budget for the last three quarters of the current financial year, non-provision of supplementary grants to government departments, ending subsidy on gas and electricity, 20 per cent reduction in non-development expenditure of civil departments and federal ministries, increase in markup rate of banks and on inter-bank transactions, uniformity in the inter-bank and open market dollar exchange rate and stoppage of government financial intervention in stock markets.

ìUnder the conditions accepted by the government, the IMF will be informed at the time of the issuance of credit line by any international financial institution, including the World Bank or immediately after it,î the official said.

ìThe matters on which the government and its financial managers have differed with the IMF include release of $1.5 billion to$2 billion for the current financial year under the annual assistance package,î he said.

The government wants the IMF to provide $3 billion and another $1.5 billion to $2 billion for adjustment of the loan instalments and maintenance of the balance of payments during the current financial year, said the official.

ìBut the IMF wants to release $2 billion for repayments in the first six months after reaching the agreement for saving Pakistan from default and another $500 million for the stability of the national economy,î he said. ìFor this too, the IMF wants increase in the markup rate on the already approved 600 million World Bank loan and grant,î he added.

The official opined that despite all the tough conditions, objections and differences, Pakistan would be compelled to seek the IMF assistance package because under the IMF pressure on the Friends of Pakistan, no friendly country has so far agreed to extend loan to Islamabad to meet its repayment obligations. ìTherefore, the government has decided to write a letter of intent to the IMF for assistance,î he said.

How Awful was the Musharraf regime, no really, how awful -- oil is now in close ot half it's price, and yet this "democratic" government has needed the prod of international institutions to do what had to be done -- the predictions about the agriculture sectored was not far off the mark.

The structure of taxes Pakistanis must pay ought to be much broader, the politicians seem to fear their international benefactors more than than the so called "jack boots, BAYONETS and nooses" - something is wrong with that picture. .
is their mention of defence cut:undecided: i am too scared to read the awful conditions.
freezing of non-development expenditure under the defence budget for the last three quarters of the current financial year,

I'm not so sure I know what this means "Non-Developmental expenditure.."? Who dat?
I am not happy too sure about the agricultural tax, the only people affected by this will be the poor. Our Agriculturalists are already suffering for lack of availablity of water, urea fertilizer and now this tax will break their backs!
Some info on non development expenditures.


The term nondevelopmental was coined by Congress in 1986 to describe items that were previously developed. Buying items, already developed allows DoD to avoid paying for the development of new systems, components, and items. In this respect all nondevelopmental items, whether developed for the commercial or the military market, provide this benefit. As a result, the statutory definition of nondevelopmental item included commercial items and still does. When they meet defense needs, however, the acquisition of commercial items provides benefits over and above the acquisition of other previously developed items. Because of the size of the commercial market, commercial items offer price advantages resulting from economies of scale and price competition. Additionally, the commercial industrial base is an important resource, both for greater product availability and for access to state-of-the-art technology. Only through increasing our use of commercial products and practices can we take full advantage of our commercial industrial base. These benefits are especially important in the current environment of reduced defense spending.

NDI(nondevelopmental item) refers mainly to R&D. Both civilian and military.

But, here the congress is referring to DoD or the Department of Defense in the US.
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I'm not so sure I know what this means "Non-Developmental expenditure.."? Who dat?

you forgot to include the next condition too.

20 per cent reduction in non-development expenditure of civil departments and federal ministries

Federal Ministries also refers to the Minister of Defense.
I am not happy too sure about the agricultural tax, the only people affected by this will be the poor. Our Agriculturalists are already suffering for lack of availablity of water, urea fertilizer and now this tax will break their backs!

agri tax is for the landlords and jaghirdars who go scot-free without paying anything! this will be difficult to implement as they r all sitting in parliament.
is their mention of defence cut:undecided: i am too scared to read the awful conditions.

i am sure there is because pakistan has accepted 11 of the 16 points presented by the IMF. IMF reportedly wants a 30% reduction in the non-developmental expenditure over the 09-20 period (11 years). this shouldnt be difficult to benchmark to achieve.
so any idea what pakistan's defence budget will be in the next fiscal year? by what percentage will it be lowered?
What the hell? Where are we going with this? Ruppee is already too low, making it any lower is like ending your own currency and that too in a time when local currencies against dollar were getting stronger. I have a bad feeling, however Nation deserves it since they didnt like it when dollar was good old 60 ruppee under musharraf era.
IMF is a trap for the countries with financial troubles like Pakistan. I am amazed at the Pakistani Govt. that why is it going to IMF again despite of the lessons we learnt from the past experiences. What if we go to Iran, Saudi Arabia or to our own foreign settled Pakistanis?:what:

agri tax is for the landlords and jaghirdars who go scot-free without paying anything! this will be difficult to implement as they r all sitting in parliament.

It is better if LAND PROPERTY is taxed rather than PRODUCE. It will remove the burden from farmers and the landlords can be taxed more suitably. Why hit those poor people living on subsistence farming?

Even the business establishments in karachi can be taxed for OWNING real estate.
IMF is a trap for the countries with financial troubles like Pakistan. I am amazed at the Pakistani Govt. that why is it going to IMF again despite of the lessons we learnt from the past experiences. What if we go to Iran, Saudi Arabia or to our own foreign settled Pakistanis?:what:


Paksitan has already tried that and failed. IMF was pakistan's PLAN C. Even the americans and partially the chinese failed to help.
so any idea what pakistan's defence budget will be in the next fiscal year? by what percentage will it be lowered?

How do you expect anyone to answer that??? All we know is there wont be an increment.

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