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Pakistan: A superpower by 2050

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first of all pakistan have to get hold of extrimism and root out all the jihadi or extremist in any form - taleban , bloch , let kashmiri terrorist .

then the regional issue they have between punjabi bloch nwfp etc.

and then shia sunni issue

and then political issues or diffrences,

then power issue between isi , army and politicans.

then corruption and crime level.

then hunger and issue of resources.

then education and upliftment of minorities.

etc........ list if long seems too hard on pakistan. althought possible but impossible.

Omar stop trolling if you know how to read -read the topic first ??????
or why act like you cant read english ???? or can you ?

dude its about pakistan dont troll here the thread is not about india. -- stop ruining thread and

tujhse to main baat bhi nahin kar raha tha !!!!

because one just can get it, hence troll and derail the thread. living in your denial and fantasy land.
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^ Separatist Movements in India
See also: Insurgent groups in Northeast India

Andhra Pradesh[citation needed]
Political party: Jai Andhra[1]
Arunachal Pradesh
Rebel organization: Arunachal Dragon Force
Proposed autonomous region: Teola country[2]
See also under Bodoland, Dimasaland, Kamtapur, Karbi below.

Rebel organization: United Liberation Front of Assam, Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam[3]
Political parties: National Democratic Front of Bodoland
Political party: Dima Halim Daogah
Rebel organizations: People's Liberation Front of Meghalaya/Achik National Volunteer Council[4]
Proposed autonomous region: Achikland
Political party: Gondwana Ganatantra Party, seeking to create a Gondi state from parts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra[5]
Political party: Kamtapur Peoples Party (political wing of KLO)
Rebel organizations: Kamtapur Liberation Organisation, Koch-Rajbongshi Liberation Organisation
Karbi[citation needed]
Rebel organization: Karbi National Volunteers, United People’s Democratic Solidarity[6]
Proposed autonomous region: Karbi-Anglong[citation needed]
Proposed State:Tulu Nad,seeking to create a Tulu state from parts of Karnataka
Rebel organizations:Lashkar-e-Toiba, Harkat-ul-mujahideen
Proposed state: Unification with Pakistan
Political organizations:All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Proposed state: Independent State of Kashmir
Rebel organization: National Socialist Council of Nagaland
Government-in-exile: Government of the People’s Republic of Nagaland
Proposed state: Nagalim, or Peoples Republic of Nagaland
Manipur[citation needed]
Rebel organizations: Hmar People's Convention–Democrat, Manipur People’s Liberation Front, United National Liberation Front, Revolutionary People's Front of Manipur, People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak[7]
Mizoram[citation needed]
Rebel organizations: Zomi Revolutionary Organization[citation needed], Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force[citation needed]
Proposed state: Zozam[citation needed]
Proposed state: Khalistan
Rebel organizations: Khalistan Commando Force, Babbar Khalsa International, Khalistan Zindabad Force, International Sikh Youth Federation, Khalistan Liberation Force
Rayalaseema[citation needed]
Tamil Nadu[citation needed]
Rebel organizations: Tamil National Retrieval Troops, Tamil Nadu Liberation Army
Political parties: Telangana Rashtra Samithi, seeking to separate Telangana from Andhra Pradesh state. Various other minor groups such as Jai Telangana Party, Telangana Communist Party, Telangana Janata Party, Telangana Praja Samithi, Telangana Rashtra Party, Telangana Rashtra Sadhana Front, Telangana Rashtra Samithi and Telangana Sadhana Samithi.
Rebel organizations: National Liberation Front of Tripura (two factions operating), All Tripura Tiger Force
Vidarbha[citation needed]
Political parties: Vidarbha Rajya Party, Vidarbha Vikas Party, seeking to separate Vidarbha from Maharashtra.
Zomi[citation needed]
Political parties: Zomi National Congress[citation needed]
Separatist movements of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World Bank estimates that 456 million Indians (42% of the total Indian population) now live under the global poverty line of $1.25 per day (PPP). This means that a third of the global poor now reside in India
Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Electricity losses in India during transmission and distribution are extremely high and vary between 30 to 45%.[10] In 2004-05, electricity demand outstripped supply by 7-11%.[11] Due to shortage of electricity, power cuts are common throughout India and this has adversely effected the country's economic growth.[12][13] Theft of electricity, common in most parts of urban India, amounts to 1.5% of India's GDP.[14][15]

Despite an ambitious rural electrification program,[16] some 400 million Indians still have no access to electricity.[17] While 80 percent of Indian villages have at least an electricity line, just 44 percent of rural households have access to electricity.
Seems like some pakistanis are rather happy to see india crumble and dying than seeing pakistan as a superpower or atleast a regional power......,.not the right approch at all!!!
well jako -thats true and they end up trolling the thread always. killed somany good thread and discussion platform. they giving their B.S about how others are also suffering, even if india do have problem that wont solve pakistan's problem.

but then again some just cant get it!!!!

now the best way is to just - report them and let mods do their job ????

as its surely not the right way to get to same level- they want us to be. and tryign so hard but you and me know how to keep ourself in a healthy and constructive discussion level.

First of all its not - a thread about china .

they can never be superpower wit hthe opression of their own people. the way they goig nabout it - its like calm like a bomb - waitign to explode.

------------as for pakistan - they first need to crush this terrorism and extemism and stop killing each other - pakistan's strongest friend and enemy is same. i.e pakistan. they first need to stop killing each other in the name of - region rleigion and politcial will. first think survival - if pakistan keep going in wrong path- i don't see a pakistan by 2050. forget about superpower pakistan.

pakistan can never rely on anybody - except for them self - so prosperity with help of china is wasted dream.
Bro let me give you advise, If you don't agree pass it and move on. Nothing aginst you, "God's honest truth" What omar bro did is, exactly you do. You believe that China is this and that! Pakistan won't be by 2050!!! Since you don't agree with the other user. Omar did the same. Advise is to leave it and move on policy. II don't know for some reason there is a smell of hate in your posts, just go over your post one by one:smitten: Please change your tone, it's harsh sometimes over nothing . There is a saying this toung of our makes us King and a slave!!!!! thanks :cheers: :pakistan::china::usflag:
------------as for pakistan - they first need to crush this terrorism and extemism and stop killing each other - pakistan's strongest friend and enemy is same. i.e pakistan. they first need to stop killing each other in the name of - region rleigion and politcial will. first think survival - if pakistan keep going in wrong path- i don't see a pakistan by 2050. forget about superpower pakistan.

Take care of your expanding "Indian Red Corridor" first, along with Kashmir and other regions. Then we'll talk.
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