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Pakistan: A superpower by 2050

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Oct 23, 2008
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Pakistan: A superpower by 2050

Dr Ali Mohammad

In a recent article, “Turning Challenges into Opportunities” we argued that Pakistanis are a brave, resilient, and highly intelligent people who, under a strong, determined, and patriotic leadership, can surmount any crisis. Furthermore, there are many reasons that Pakistan could become a global superpower within few decades. Of course, in the sublime sense, the only superpower is the Almighty Allah. However, in more mundane terms, a superpower can be defined as having the ability to influence events and project power on a worldwide scale. Unfortunately, the traditional definition of a superpower represents a raw and crude psyche that only exacerbates violence, environmental decay, inequality, tyranny, and instability. We must then redefine “superpower” to emphasize morality, international cooperation, world peace, clean and healthy environment, eradication of poverty, and promotion of equality among nations. Pakistan can take up the challenge under a two-pronged doctrine, namely possessing an effective and successful deterrence against aggression and the will and the means to enhance international cooperation, peace, and prosperity.

The defeatists, uttering doomsday scenarios, will question our proposition. These elements have always infused distress, despondency, and despair among the masses. Pakistan has survived many odds since its birth. To the dismay of its detractors, Pakistan has achieved a reasonable degree of self-sufficiency in food and other essential commodities. The poverty level has declined to 25%, while wealth distribution has been relatively much better compared to many developed and developing countries. In the vital fields of agriculture, science and technology, industry, medicine and engineering, nuclear technology, art and architecture, as well as in sports, cultural, and the literary world, it has won a respectable place in the community of nations. The Pakistani people have courageously defied what the proponents of gloom and doom had wished. At the time of its inception in 1947, the country lacked the basic infrastructure for development, but it had the romance of youth, the diversity of its people, and a kind of mysticism for survival. The birth of Pakistan in less than ten years since the idea of nationhood was conceived in the 1940 Resolution is truly a gift of Allah to the Ummah. And its survival is a miracle!

Many serious analysts believe that with proper management and governance, Pakistan can become the sixth biggest economy within the next fifteen years and one of the most developed economies by 2050 AD. (Adjusting for unreported economic activities and comparative prices, the current GDP estimates can actually be four times higher putting Pakistan in the middle-income category.) Moreover, with an estimated population of 350 million by 2050, it will be fourth largest country in the world. Similarly, the literacy rate, 52% at present, is expected to reach 90% in next twenty years. However, Pakistan’s biggest asset is its 100 million people below the age of 25, a highly productive age, which can play a vital role in the economic development of the country. These young people have entered the phase of their economic life cycle, whereas in many other countries most of the population is aging. Moreover, some ten million overseas Pakistanis, with estimated assets of $500 billion, constitute a huge reserve and strength as well as a source of considerable remittances and investment.

On the geo-physical scene, Pakistan has adequate natural resources. For example, of a total land area of nearly 882,000 sq.km. (ranking fifth among the developed countries while it is larger than France, Germany, Britain, Japan, and Italy), it has over 30 million hectares of land under agriculture. It has rich soils, favorable agro-climatic conditions, one of the most extensive irrigation systems in the world, and a hard-working farming community. Pakistan also has a large population of cattle, buffalo, goats and sheep, camel, and poultry while it ranks among the highest producers of meat, milk, and animal products. In addition, the country has tremendous opportunities for developing fresh water and sea fisheries. With the introduction of improved farming techniques, the country can produce at least 60 million tons of food (wheat, rice, and maize) — enough to meet the nation’s food requirements and for exports. Pakistan can also boost its existing significant production and export of fruits and vegetables. The potential exports of food products alone to the Middleast are estimated at $200 billion per year. Development of the agriculture sector could also release surpluses of income and manpower for the industrialization of the country.

Pakistan has been bestowed with huge deposits of mineral resources and stands among the top ten nations in the world in vital mineral resources such as gold, copper, silver, gas, precious stones, and coal. In the case of energy, the country has immense hydroelectric power generation potentials as well as solar, wind, nuclear, and thermal power and can boost electricity production several times its present levels. For example, Pakistan has the world’s fourth largest coal reserves equivalent to over 600 billion barrels of oil, which can be developed for electricity generation both for domestic and export markets, coal byproducts, gasification, petrochemicals, and many other chemicals.

In terms of its geography, Pakistan enjoys a unique central and strategic setting. It is also a potential hub of trans-regional trade and commerce, and scientific and technological linkages. In addition, its over 1,000 kilometers of coastline has many suitable sites for developing the most modern ports linking all five continents. Pakistan’s proximity to the Islamic world, accessibility to the Indian Ocean and to the markets of East Asia, steadily growing economy, and principled stand in international affairs, good relations with other important neighbors, the PRC, Iran, and Turkey, and its emerging relations with the Central Asian countries and Russia should be a positive force in bringing peace, stability, and prosperity to this region. It could also help integration of the region with the rest of the world, and promote international peace and cooperation. Pakistan could benefit from increased exports to these countries of agricultural, textile, engineering, and steel products, as well as advanced weapons, fighter aircrafts, tanks, UAVs, and ships, electronics, mobile phones, chip, and computers and software.

Pakistan’s armed forces and the ISI have attained global dimensions since the end of the Cold War. It has a million strong, fiercely patriotic, battle-hardened, and highly mobile professional armed forces equipped with advanced weaponry. The country has nearly achieved self-sufficiency in production of arms and ammunition while its nuclear weapons and short and long-range missiles are awesome. For many years, Pakistan’s armed forces have played an important role in the security of its friends and under the aegis of the UNO. While they are capable of deterring any aggression, they could become a force for peace and stability for the region and the world.

Finally, Pakistan’s cultural and historical diversity and a challenging topography truly offer a delight to those seeking the most exciting adventures. The country is blessed with terrain ranging from coastal areas with attractive sea spots to the highest mountain summits. In terms of the beauty and magnificence of its landscape, Pakistan can also rightfully claim to have at least five of its mountains rising above 8,000 meters. There are many other spectacular mountain panoramas, glaciers, treacherous rives, valleys, and gullies containing some of the most dangerous cliffs in the world. Its soil contains the ruins of the Gandhara University, unique historic places such as Mohenjodaro and Taxila, and sites in Balochistan with the oldest civilization (estimated to date back to 4000 BC) known to-date. Its colorful cities, with a beautiful mix of ancient culture and modern habitations, beautiful architecture, mosques and shrines, and cuisine are of great interest to visitors. Finally, Pakistan’s free and vibrant media can play its role in projecting the country’s true image to the world.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that Pakistan can become a superpower by 2050. China, which at the time of its independence in 1949, was behind Pakistan in many vital sectors, has made it to the superpower status. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, with sheer intelligence and will power, created a homeland for the Muslims of the region in less than ten years since the 1940 Lahore Resolution. The greatest strength of 170 million Pakistanis is their strong faith in religion, their glorious history, their culture, their beautiful geography, and their immense natural resources. The birth of Pakistan was the first step; for it to become a formidable force in the world is the ultimate objective of its birth. Much hope for the present and the future rests upon the steely will of the people. With “unity, faith, and discipline,” the people and the leaders of Pakistan can transform the country to its fullest capabilities and superpower status.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article

Surprisingly I don't find much needless browbeating and rhetoric in here , one or two exaggerated things but otherwise it's pretty much in line.

P.S. - sorry if this is the wrong place to put this article.
Yes, if we see that how manifold difficulties it has been confronting during a short period of sixty odd years, it looks that the Pakistani nation is being prepared for a great job in future world.

Coming to the ground, this nation will have to execute some practical measures and plans to claim this place in future world community. Other wise there are many nations in the present world that may be stronger candidate than Pakistan to become a future super power.
Yes but i would say it will be a regional power
Pakistan will achieve greatness, I have no doubt about it. Not only pakistanis but everyone. People used to say Africans are naturally born strong and thus good in athletics. In Imperialism times Europeans prided themselves as being (a) the most intelligent and (b) civilized. And now many people consider Asins as the most intelligent bunch.


Do you know most Africans are small and weak? Do you know must Indians are short? Do you know most Asians and Europeans are not educated?

That is because in the USA Blacks have a history of being 3rd class citizens. Their fathers are either in jail or jobless, so they don't focus on education and instead play ball. They are not impoverished only poor so they develop good sport skills. But we saw in Beijing 2008 the Chinese (and Asians like Korea, Japan) are very athletic, in fact more so. Why? Because they had the OPPORTUNITY!

Sure there may be differences in genetics that gives advantages, but it is VERY MINUTE especially compared with (a) opportunity and (b) effort. We all have (perhaps except some seriously handicaped folks) to shine in intelligence, physical skills, knowledge and creativity.

Pakistan will rise, but she will not be a super power. Why? Because while Pakistan rises so too will all the others who are now neglected. Why can't we all be 'super-powers' together? A multi-polar world is INEVITABLE !!!
Unless Pakistan gets a president who stops begging, and grows a pair, I very much doubt it....

First please stop saying your president is begging, The world world under economic crisis , Most of the countries facing the crisis now, Being a strong country with nukes you need more money to spend, Your president is managing the crisis for this moment properly and if not your country would have gone bankrupt .

But I do not know if he is doing something to avoid this crisis in future like what we did during 1991. If he is really doing some major changes in your policy then I really appreciate him...
First please stop saying your president is begging, The world world under economic crisis , Most of the countries facing the crisis now, Being a strong country with nukes you need more money to spend, Your president is managing the crisis for this moment properly and if not your country would have gone bankrupt .

But I do not know if he is doing something to avoid this crisis in future like what we did during 1991. If he is really doing some major changes in your policy then I really appreciate him...

I think what he is concern about is the 'strings' that comes attached to the 'aid'. Like they say, very few things in life are free. Even love costs money!:argh::pop::devil::china:
If the principles laid down by our founding father were followed to the letter. We would be close to this status. However this country has been hijacked from day one after M.A Jinnah's passing. And will remain so until or unless a revolution occurs and the streets run red.
we have got everything to achieve a glorious place for us in the future.
all we need is peace and gud leadership. both of them are quite hard to come. but im not hopeless. its always chaos which creates some great leaders.
we have got everything to achieve a glorious place for us in the future.
all we need is peace and gud leadership. both of them are quite hard to come. but im not hopeless. its always chaos which creates some great leaders.

Why do you speak like this? One gud leader can NOT rescue an entire nation, but he/she needs a lot of strong support from many people. That is where we come in. I've seen many gud leaders, good principles, good skills but they failed. Why? Because not enough people stood up to support them. What we need is a support structure.:police::argh::tup:
The dream shall come true in to reality one day soon to come inshallah with the grace of Allah !
I feel like a superpower right now, because we won the T20 WorldCup...:tup:
No doubt our country has potential..but first things first, we should eliminate poverty, and for crying out loud...take care of our medical institutions and our public healthcare.
Scope of Political Marketing

Political Marketing Consultancy Services Offer political Marketing Services

Political Marketing is being used and implemented with different names and different shapes since centuries. In 1950 Political Marketing was defined as a separate subject please sees history of Political Marketing for reference and details.

Still this subject is in developing phase and need to do a lot to formally recognize Political Marketing as separate subject. In my point of view Political Marketing is highly significant in all countries especially in democrat governments and more especially to developed countries. Political Marketing is essential for political parties, leaders, government and as well as for general public. Political Marketing brings stability in political culture of a country that in return brings prosperity in national economy at root and gross level. Without Political Marketing or misuse of Political Marketing it is really intricate to better understand public needs and it is so intricate to create and develop good governance in a society.

Visit Political Marketing Consultancy Services for more details

To better understand the scope of Political Marketing I would like to quote two examples. 1st for the country where Political Marketing is being implement since many years and in contrast to this the another country where Political culture is not developed yet in parties as well as political leaders are not aware about Political Marketing.

On 1st hand I will like to quote USA. Where we can see very clear that Americans are implementing Political Marketing since many years in America, before elections the candidates create and develop a philosophy for their election campaign. So they are clear about what they are communicating in their dialogue. At all level their philosophy remains same, their goals, mission and objective does not change, audience to audience and place to place.

What ever they communicate for coalition parties or public, in New York or in any other state, the theme of their communication at all level remains same because they are well prepared, we can’t find any contradiction in their speeches, it builds harmony and trust in public. As a result we can see that in America normally election forecasting is done before elections by survey and pools and election result proofs those predictions.

Visit Political Marketing Consultancy Services for more details

On other hand I would like to quote an example of a developing country where political culture is not as developed yet. We can see that in Pakistan there is political instability, political leaders in Pakistan are not well aware about the importance of Political Marketing due to lack of knowledge. There is no research, no philosophy and no proper developed campaign. One leader is talking and communicating other things compare to other leader of same party, even we can notice very clearly that same leader is communicating in different way with different theme and objective on different occasions and at different territories. Its due to lack of research, lack of proper philosophy and agenda and without preparation of any centralized campaign. As a result public don’t believe their promises and other parties get advantage of their contradictions, however we can see instability, lack of trust inside party and no clear vision.

If we summarize all discussion and keep in mind both examples its clear that without research, developed philosophy and centralized political marketing and election campaign and theme it is impossible to build public trust and harmony at national level. we must give a direction to political activities to get good results for a better future.

For the reason our organization, political marketing services slogan is “VOTE FOR TOMORROW” that describes well all functions of political marketing at all levels, government, political parties, leaders and for public.

To keep in touch with us please join Political Forum at political marketing and election campaign forum - Index

Article written by Mr. Aftab Hussain
Political Marketing Consultancy Services
I think what he is concern about is the 'strings' that comes attached to the 'aid'. Like they say, very few things in life are free. Even love costs money!:argh::pop::devil::china:

I think you may be an indian pretending to be a Chinese.:sniper:
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That makes you the only Chinese who thinks that comrade :)


Just continue following my postings and you will KNOW the answer.
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