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Pakistan: A Flawed Idea - M J Akbar

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I find it little odd...Jinna, a secular, western educated & dressed personality becomes a champion of Muslim cause and created with the creation of a land for Muslims, ask his country to be Secular or Secular principles..
Isn't this what Zia did..using Islam to grab power?
During the 2005 earthquake, male students of the Frontier Medical College were stopped by religious fanatics - their elders - from saving girls from the rubble of their school building. The girls were allowed to die rather than be "polluted" by the male touch. This would be inconceivable in India.

Isnt it obivious?? After all it the land of purest of pures.
How can one live if she is polluted by male touch??

On the day that terrorists attacked Sri Lankan cricketers, I had a previously arranged speaking engagement at a university in Delhi before largely Muslim students. I began with the suggestion that every Indian Muslim should offer a special, public prayer of thanks to the Almighty Allah for His extraordinary benevolence - for the mercy He had shown by preventing us from ending up in Pakistan in 1947. The suggestion was received with startled amusement, instinctive applause and a palpable sense of sheer relief.

Ya ahlla that must have hurt. :lol:
What do you expect from Indian Authors?They hate the very existence of Pakistan but regardless it will continue to exist and will be pain in the *** for Indians.Let me remind you something we will not stay in the current state forever.Pakistan will recover.

Suddenly he becomes an Indian author?? If you have guts say the real thing : Indian Muslim Author.

The muslim whose family chose not to be in pakistan, like many of our muslim people.

Its about time you pakistanis will be screwed as we see the situation unfolding day by day.
"Pakistan, a flawed idea" says an Indian : not worth discussing.

"Pakistan, a flawed idea" says a pakistani : worth discussing.

This gentleman is an Indian, and my thread-worth-o-meter above decides the thread will hit the trashcan soon.

How convininet for you to ignore that he is a muslim as well. Who could have been a potential pakistani had his family chose to leave India for the citadel of islam.
Are the same people? yeah right.

Some Indians are the same people as Pakistanis. These Indians are a tiny fraction of India's total population. So no we are not the same people no matter how much you want us to be Mr. Akbar. The rest is just assuring Indian Hindus that he is loyal to India. Unfortunatly Indian muslims have to assure Hindus of their loyalty every now and then by bashing Pakistan as often as possible. The more they do this, the more "loyal" they are.
I thank Jinnah for taking Pakistan out of India! Wonder...we would have to face the same phase Pakistan is going through right now!I m extremely thankful to Jinnah!
Are the same people? yeah right.

Some Indians are the same people as Pakistanis. These Indians are a tiny fraction of India's total population. So no we are not the same people no matter how much you want us to be Mr. Akbar. The rest is just assuring Indian Hindus that he is loyal to India. Unfortunatly Indian muslims have to assure Hindus of their loyalty every now and then by bashing Pakistan as often as possible. The more they do this, the more "loyal" they are.

All Indians Love to do that Dirty Work! :D
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