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Pak will give up nukes, when India does,too: Haqqani

Why only Asia. The world should be nuclear free and for that US of A should give up its nuke, all other will follow

Its nice to hear in words,but hard to put into actions.

No one gives up nukes,the ultimate weapons of destruction so easily for the sake of some freakish UN resolutions.

As long as one wants to be a dominant power in this multipolar world,he need something powerfull over his contender to show his strengths.

I would love to document is this nuke free world will by implemented by the time my great great great great grand son gets his first kid. :victory::victory::victory::victory:

Hi Buddy if Nuke's make Pakistan and its people safe. Then u can have it,There is basically nothing to worry about but the problem is Pakistan has a tendency to use the nukes

Remember Kargil where India was defending its borders and still u gys wanted to nuke India :what: thats what is the problem

We have a no first use policy.Till this day India gets the best of the western and eastern military tech coz everyone know that India is not an aggressor. Our system dosent allow any agression.
First in First out policy. USA made the first nuke so USA should give up first. And the rest will give up too.
Strategically Pakistan should keep 400 nukes, and sign NPT with a clause that Pakistan will opt out of the NPT treaty if with in 2 years India and Israel do not also sign.

In return for its signitures, Pakistan should get access to

a) Nuclear Safe technology for producing energy 10-20 nuclear plants for energy
b) Water desalination support form world for providing water to its
regions such as Blouchistan & Sarhad
c) Get financing for building new Universites in troubled areas
d) 1 Air craft carrier for defensive reasons
e) Closer ties with NASA to work on space projects

Pakistan would be option to replace its old Nuke arsenal even 10 years. With new ones and thus we would need support to disable 10 nukes per year and replace then with new ones.

I think this is entriely doable - and would also encourage India to also spend on its public then on army
Thats quite a wishlist!!
It ain't happening to be honest. :pakistan:

I mean that is where a competent negotiator comes in any one who can't negotiate shoudl go back to selling fish in fish market as my old physics teacher used to say to students in class who could not define newton's laws of physics

I think once we have 400 nuclears war heads in our arsenel , we dont need to pile up more, we can negotiate a peaceful , coodination with other nations to promote safe
Nuclear usage for energy production and initiatives to promote education in R&D.

The timing is perfect

a) 1 of US aircrafts carriers is going to be deactivated soon , it can be given to pakistan
b) US has just given , Nuclear technology to India if we sign NPT , with clause
of action to India and Israel they will be forced to do same with no more excuses left

Israel has already has peace agreements with Egypt/Jordan

Saudia + Other middleeast nations have already proposed them look we will have
full ties provided second state is formed , and Obama is also sponsoring same idea

c) US is already interste in removing madrasas with university , and frankly
pakistani ppl also want Universities with (both eductions)

d) The water desalination project is a important project - for growth of blouchistan
and sarhad area (This would be a deal maker) -

If packaged correctly - I am sure, ppl in US congress would sleep happy theer are no arms race fro nucs , and also that kids are going to schools and universities and
no more madrassas, thridly , as a nation Pakistan will gain alot when water issue is resolved

Its all really a win win situation -
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Strategically Pakistan should keep 400 nukes, and sign NPT with a clause that Pakistan will opt out of the NPT treaty if with in 2 years India and Israel do not also sign.

In return for its signitures, Pakistan should get access to

a) Nuclear Safe technology for producing energy 10-20 nuclear plants for energy
b) Water desalination support form world for providing water to its
regions such as Blouchistan & Sarhad
c) Get financing for building new Universites in troubled areas
d) 1 Air craft carrier for defensive reasons
e) Closer ties with NASA to work on space projects

Pakistan would be option to replace its old Nuke arsenal even 10 years. With new ones and thus we would need support to disable 10 nukes per year and replace then with new ones.

I think this is entriely doable - and would also encourage India to also spend on its public then on army

Hows an Aircraft carrier helps encouraging India to spend on its public than Army?? :what:
Well a aircraft carrier would help stop any one going on boats from Pakistan and entering Indian territories, as the logical and air support will allow pakistan army to better patrol water shores and also work againt pirates in waters off Oman -

We are forgetting - one possible use could be if lets say Indian + Pakisan + Iran ever agree on moving the oil piple line from sea, so perhaps the carrier could act as a defensive structure in water to make sure rouge boats are not where they should be and able to send out fighter planes to stop any one close to the pipe lines

And also it could act as a defensive area for protecting .. seas base rouge elements from entering neighbouring countries

The mumbia attacks not only obviously ruined things in India , it also sabotaged the extremely good relations India and Pakistan were developing and there was a strong chance may be , we could have relation like Canada/USA have which would have been great to form a greater - united South Asia (Economic zone) comparable to European Union.

The local Indian media of course branded it on all on Pakitistan, that it was intentional act , so all the good work of last 10 years was wasted by some 5-7 taliban douchebags, and lets not forget right after India opted out a very LUCURATIVE deal with Iran gas piple line which would have provided region with clean energy alternative (clean technology)

I mean the region suffers with polution and other harmful issues which will be great issue, and lets not forget global warming will be reducing water levels greatly in next 10-20 years, and this could raise famine levels and trouble for nations so water desalination would play a vital role in future of nations

Ideally , the carrier , could launch , aircrafts deep in the seas to run fast patrols over the shores , and their radars could detect , possible intruding boats and share the knowledge with central command -

Since the carrier has 30-40 planes, the patrols can be run 24 hours a day or every 2 hours , this was no one can just ride a boat off to neighbouring country

There are also alot of defenisve uses of a carrier -

Pakistan is also active memebr with UN army and perhaps the movable carrier can used to support initiatieves to help UN , curb militias in Africa - who wage war and kill civilians in Africa

Pakistan already sends its armed forces in Africa to protect civilians against militias there and with a air craft carrier, perhaps we can also lend our support to UN forces , to take out malitia men , who rape/kill villages

Well obviously - if Pakistan had the carrier or the AWACS already we could have prevented alot of things ... so its a point to validate need for carrier.

And also , the carrier can carry alot of supplied to a natural desaster site ...or help personel on desaster relief efforts - via sea route

Lets not forget smuggling of Opume from Afghanistan that is funneled via sea , to support talian and wars , can be curbed out if Pakistan had a STRONG carrier to project its seas from smugglers, if they had fast boats the jets can be launched to take out the boats at sea
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Remember Kargil where India was defending its borders and still u gys wanted to nuke India :what: thats what is the problem

There is no border between Indian Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan's Azad Kashmir, there's only a Line of Control (LoC). Line of Control never was, never is, and never will be International Borders.
Strategically Pakistan should keep 400 nukes, and sign NPT with a clause that Pakistan will opt out of the NPT treaty if with in 2 years India and Israel do not also sign.

In return for its signitures, Pakistan should get access to

a) Nuclear Safe technology for producing energy 10-20 nuclear plants for energy
b) Water desalination support form world for providing water to its
regions such as Blouchistan & Sarhad
c) Get financing for building new Universites in troubled areas
d) 1 Air craft carrier for defensive reasons
e) Closer ties with NASA to work on space projects

Pakistan would be option to replace its old Nuke arsenal even 10 years. With new ones and thus we would need support to disable 10 nukes per year and replace then with new ones.

I think this is entriely doable - and would also encourage India to also spend on its public then on army

Mr r u completely nuts!!!
fill some sense into u'r *** hole

I'm glad for you,u'r getting my tax $, I'm pissed off at my senators.

and u go on and ask for a white fanny. take a break.

enjoy with my $:usflag:
Strategically Pakistan should keep 400 nukes, and sign NPT with a clause that Pakistan will opt out of the NPT treaty if with in 2 years India and Israel do not also sign.

In return for its signitures, Pakistan should get access to

a) Nuclear Safe technology for producing energy 10-20 nuclear plants for energy
b) Water desalination support form world for providing water to its
regions such as Blouchistan & Sarhad
c) Get financing for building new Universites in troubled areas
d) 1 Air craft carrier for defensive reasons
e) Closer ties with NASA to work on space projects

Pakistan would be option to replace its old Nuke arsenal even 10 years. With new ones and thus we would need support to disable 10 nukes per year and replace then with new ones.

I think this is entriely doable - and would also encourage India to also spend on its public then on army

Even a father - in - law would not accept / agree to such ' doable' terms.
Mr r u completely nuts!!!
fill some sense into u'r *** hole

I'm glad for you,u'r getting my tax $, I'm pissed off at my senators.

and u go on and ask for a white fanny. take a break.

enjoy with my $:usflag:

lol ^_^ man ... come on its the nukes I am talking about giving up

:coffee: its not , a fire cracker lets trade ..

Come think about - no more madrassas , no more taliban , no more uneducated
crazy folk , all educated , rock listening graduates form balouch univerity

Is that a bad deal ... its not , and plus Pakistan signs NPT ...

And then india is forced to sign it too - and Israel -

Peace in whole region , and no more arms race ...

Al Baradi can come , and eat biryani with AQ Khan and then leave - no more profileration .....

Unlike North Korea who don't listen , or Iran who don't listen , Pakistan willing to be a full time partner ^_^ almost like a marrige when we sign that NPT contract .. is that not what US congress wants ? ? ?

And just to make the trade fair, al baradi can manage the 10 nuclear station in Pakistan ? ? ? Pakistan at this stage just need the energy ... and think about 10 contracts for nuclaer plants for US companies to build more jobs ...

And we are talking about an old used air craft naval carier not even top of the line nuclear one .... just something we can use to may be fly off , drones or helicopters
Since we don't have F15 ???

I mean come on , will we ever fly our JF 17 thunders of that ? ? Well ok may be but
in time may be 9 year later .. etc

But this is a fair trade for no more nuclear arsenel expansion

Other wise, you know Saudia want Nuclear weapons, Iran wants em North Korea wants them too for their missiles , and they are willing to pay 100 billion a pop for 5-6 units , from each country ? I mean that is alot of money ... if you know what I mean , we can eliminate all our debt

I mean you know those Saudi kings when they want something they like they pay good money , for it , I heard they have 396 billion dollars in reserve , what is a 100 billion to them ? nothing they can make it in 1-2 years

Should we head in that direction ? I don't think its good for each other
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Stupid Statement by virtue of common sensibility and a tactical statement by diplomacy really from our American Ambassador. Because;

Pakistan will give up if India will...

India will give up if China will...

China will give up if US will...

US will give up if Russia will...

Iran will give up if Israel will... (though Israel would not give up even if anyone will..)

North Korea will give up if US will...

UK, France and other EU nations will give up if everyone else will...

round and round we go.........wheeeeeeeeeeeee! :cheesy:
Hi Buddy if Nuke's make Pakistan and its people safe. Then u can have it,There is basically nothing to worry about but the problem is Pakistan has a tendency to use the nukes

Remember Kargil where India was defending its borders and still u gys wanted to nuke India :what: thats what is the problem

We have a no first use policy.Till this day India gets the best of the western and eastern military tech coz everyone know that India is not an aggressor. Our system dosent allow any agression.


Are the Indian Nukes and Missiles for 'Disco Dandi' and Dewali fireworks?

India not the aggressor? Siachin, Pokaharan Nuke Tests are all Pakistan-exclusive acts of sheer aggression. Why don't you explode a few nukes for testing near the Chinese Border or fire your 'Peaceful' missiles! I would love to see how China responds to your peaceful advances.

You have a no-first use policy for your own strategic and tactical reason and we have our first use policy for our strategic reasons. This does not makes us the aggressor and you a peace-nik!!

So before you open that zip on your mouth to speak again, go do some homework instead of just blabbering like a certified idiot! :devil:
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