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Pak to give India railway access to Central Asian states

a lot of those land-locked Central Asian (former communist soviet states) are a lot more open to trade and commercial relations with other countries, especially Pakistan --- except maybe Uzbekistan which is a VERY VERY closed and self-isolated country, with ultra protectionist measures in place.

We have a lot to offer those countries, where other nearby rivals lack or fall behind. It'll just take leadership and being assertive.

india represents little threat if we can focus also more on value-added goods rather than raw textiles.....their goods wont magically appear at Chahbahar port, they still have to ship them over there. Their aircrafts, and their merchandise travelling our railways should no way be allowed near/in this country.

and in the (disturbingly likely) event that this unpatriotic administration allows such 'initiative' to go through, then we should definately not pay for the security of those trains; and it should be clear to indian that they are engaging in a lot of business risk.

There will be people who will keep their eyes out for those trains. Some of them, may be armed. :tup:

What bakwas is this thread? What goods will India send to Central Asia and that through ****** right now our 4000 people in Af are such an issue....This is all hot air...where is the rail line? what are goods being exported that too new orders?.....blah blah blah..why waste time on something that might happen IF ALL goes well...god willing...Fat luck.
a lot of those land-locked Central Asian (former communist soviet states) are a lot more open to trade and commercial relations with other countries, especially Pakistan --- except maybe Uzbekistan which is a VERY VERY closed and self-isolated country, with ultra protectionist measures in place.

We have a lot to offer those countries, where other nearby rivals lack or fall behind. It'll just take leadership and being assertive.

india represents little threat if we can focus also more on value-added goods rather than raw textiles.....their goods wont magically appear at Chahbahar port, they still have to ship them over there. Their aircrafts, and their merchandise travelling our railways should no way be allowed near/in this country.

and in the (disturbingly likely) event that this unpatriotic administration allows such 'initiative' to go through, then we should definately not pay for the security of those trains; and it should be clear to indian that they are engaging in a lot of business risk.

There will be people who will keep their eyes out for those trains. Some of them, may be armed.

And pak army will take care of that, for earning pakistan good revenue and we both get benefit.

we have already wasted 62 years in useless hate and enmity.
And pak army will take care of that, for earning pakistan good revenue and we both get benefit.

we have already wasted 62 years in useless hate and enmity.

While I agree with you and your personal views, unfortunetly your wider populace and the media does not. I just commented on an Indian news story which asks the U.S. to think twice about making a nuclear energy deal with Pakistan the way it did with India. Because ... well you can guess the reasons the newspaper is giving.
Actually I feel I don't think moving goods to Central Asia Via Pakistan is a good idea. People forget that Pakistan doesn't border central asian countries directly. There is Afghanistan in between. There is no railway line linking pakistan-afghanistan border with central asian countries. Afghanistan will not come out of the mess its in now for a long time, for any railway line to be built in near future.
For India, to access central asia, the best option will be via Iran. We have good relationship with Iran. We are developing a deep sea port in Chabar. Iran shares borders with most central asian countries. Chabar is well connected port to central asia. Its easy to transport goods by sea, rather than rail. All the ports in peninsular India can be used to transport the goods. This will not choke the Indian railways which is already over burdened. Using sea to evacuate goods from India is better.
Also, having only one country to pass through will make the goods cheaper when they reach central asia. Every country the goods pass through will make the goods more expensive because of customs duties and taxes every time they pass the borders.
So, even if Pakistan offers rail/road link to central asia, India should say 'Thanks, but no thanks'

Last year China and Pakistan agreed to comperation including plans to extend the Khyber Pass line and build the Spin Boldak line. There is also discussion of a direct China - Pakistan railway. besides

China has also shown interest in early laying a track between the Pakistan border town of Torkham and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, as the Chinese want to use the Pakistan Railways network to transport their goods and equipment for the development of copper mines and various other projects in Afghanistan. Separately, Pakistan Railways has completed a feasibility study for a rail section between Chaman, in Balochistan, and Kandahar in Afghanistan that is part of a proposed link across Afghanistan to Turkmenistan.
Source: Asia Times Online, 2009-09-11
as far as i know we are already doing that......

we have been developing 1 deep sea port @ Chabahar Iran.....

India, Iran and Afghanistan have signed an agreement to give Indian goods, heading for Central Asia and Afghanistan, preferential treatment and tariff reductions at Chabahar

Work on the Chabahar - Milak - Zaranj - Dilaram route from Iran to Afghanistan is in progress. Iran is with Indian aid upgrading the Chabahar-Milak road and constructing a bridge on the route to Zaranj. India's BRO is laying the 213-kilometer Zaranj-Dilaram road. It is a part of aid package to Afghanistan.

Hello there,

Indian goods are by far more competitive than products either from Iran and Pakistan - of course other than China, but China is not that heavily present in Afghanistan. This is despie the fact that Indian products are imported either through Dubai and Iran by land and some cases even by planes. So this should tell you alot. The Afghan market is becoming ever growing and reactive. Indian goods will start penetrating the other CARs soon. Eventually, I would also say that India manifucturing will establish subsidiaries in Afghansitan. I kno people who are already exploring opportunities for potetial joint-venturing with some Indian parent companies. I think once the market is viable (large enough and connected with other CARs+security) for setting up production then Indians are quite shrewed and they will everthing themselves, unless the Afghan government enforces some conditions like the same you have in India on foreign companies coming in on degree of ownership etc.

Other than this Chahbar should be major feat.

I wouldn't worry much aout route through Pakistan for many pragmatic reasons.
Didn't understand Indian policy, they are threatening Pakistan of dire consequences of any insurgency, on the other side of coin asking passage for Indians good. What a hypocrisy. Most probably Govt will charge good amount for transit.
O what happened to CBMs.
Didn't understand Indian policy, they are threatening Pakistan of dire consequences of any insurgency, on the other side of coin asking passage for Indians good. What a hypocrisy. Most probably Govt will charge good amount for transit.
O what happened to CBMs.


why are u mixing two tings

1. India is saying that stop insurgency.

2. We are not asking but if u provide a route it will be good step and CBM.

we can both gain from it.
What bakwas is this thread? What goods will India send to Central Asia and that through ****** right now our 4000 people in Af are such an issue....This is all hot air...where is the rail line? what are goods being exported that too new orders?.....blah blah blah..why waste time on something that might happen IF ALL goes well...god willing...Fat luck.

well the irony is, we received news for the 1,000,001th time that "I-P" pipeline was "signed" and that india finally confessed that they were no longer interested in partaking in the regional pipeline deal -a message aimed at assuaging American concern over india's cooperation with Iran, not to mention a message that Pakistan is not to get leverage or business with hindoostan.

that was whole-heartedly accepted, and little to zero people lost sleep over the issue in Pakistan. That, i can assure you.

weeks later Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul railway network was realized on Pakistan Indepdendence Day Anniversary-2009. This opened up the door for an efficient method of merchandise transport for countries spanning east-west South/Central Asia/Eurasia/Europe.

Suddenly indians were jumping in ---saying they want access to our rail-lines.

so these "time-wasting" indians also seem to be masters of hypocrisy & double-standards, it appears


(based on certain patterns and certain existing psyhological complexes, this should come as little to no surprise)
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WTF is GoP doing. These scumbags are traitors of the highest order and a disgrace for us. A state is funding mass terrorism in your country, killing your citizens, is your enemy, choking your water, basically trying to do whatever it can to make you unstable, and you're doing this to help them. I don't care if it helps them only a small bit. Just don't help these people. Goodness me. WTF is happening.
And pak army will take care of that, for earning pakistan good revenue and we both get benefit..

uhhh I hate to break it to you, but....

no they won't. That isn't even the job or responsibility of the Pakistan Armed Forces
uhhh I hate to break it to you, but....

no they won't. That isn't even the job or responsibility of the Pakistan Armed Forces

If you charge for something then security becomes your liability. :cheers: No lunches are free. We pay you you give the service its simple. :angel:

If you cant provide it or you dont have the capability then let us know Indian armed forces are quite capable of securing the railway line.:yahoo:
well the irony is, we received news for the 1,000,001th time that "I-P" pipeline was "signed" and that india finally confessed that they were no longer interested in partaking in the regional pipeline deal -a message aimed at assuaging American concern over india's cooperation with Iran, not to mention a message that Pakistan is not to get leverage or business with hindoostan.

that was whole-heartedly accepted, and little to zero people lost sleep over the issue in Pakistan. That, i can assure you.

weeks later Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul railway network was realized on Pakistan Indepdendence Day Anniversary-2009. This opened up the door for an efficient method of merchandise transport for countries spanning east-west South/Central Asia/Eurasia/Europe.

Suddenly indians were jumping in ---saying they want access to our rail-lines.

so these "time-wasting" indians also seem to be masters of hypocrisy & double-standards, it appears


(based on certain patterns and certain existing psyhological complexes, this should come as little to no surprise)

While Ive no interest in name calling or this issue or thread but your generalisation of Indians is un necessary and clever.

Why does Pakistan play victim to self inflicted damage?...(of one or the other conspiracy..)...Yes, it might be hypocritical of GOI to talk of pipeline and then drop it...but then Pakistan is the same if not worse..as it talks of pipelines and then funds Taliban then takes money from US to fight its own people but who are actually more fundamentalist then the fundamentalists in Pakistan proper and then there is good Taliban and good Taliban...Kya hai ye sab..its all situational...am sitting in Mumbai and think India is 80% of times correct and you think the same for Pakistan ...All are equal..just humans.

Anyways..let me go back to watching TV....bye..
:rofl: ship to land locked central asian republics??? please elaborate!! Yes typical indian thinking about us using money against india! yup like i said to an indian we are 170 million LeTs & ISI agents!!! :cheesy: run from us or we will come to kill you

"ek baar phir pakistan naay yudh kaa alaan kiya" pakistan naay hindustan kaay paisaay ko istimal kaar kaay pramanaik bomb bana dalaay"! :lol:


as long as this continues no peace no land route can be given!

Elaborate? Sure. We use sea route to Iran and then use land route to the CARs. Anyway, the Indian manufacturing can't compete with the Chinese sector. And while the CARs are an untapped market - they hardly have the buying power of the developed world and even SE Asia.

Read my post again - I specifically said "not give Pakistani govt. money" not general Pakistanis. LOL - if 170 million were ISI and LeT agents you would have a huge problem as well.
If you charge for something then security becomes your liability. :cheers: No lunches are free. We pay you you give the service its simple. :angel:

Mickey Mouse, you fail to convince. In the hypothetical and undesirable event that we do grant access to you -- you are paying for USING our facilities. Security would be a seperate charge on the bill-sheet; and as I said earlier --

this is a very.........unfashionable....... time to help anybody like the indians. At least I'm being very upfront with you. Missing out on a few transit/'security' costs from india would BARELY result in any loss for Pakistan. The number would be quite negligible and shrug-worthy.

If you cant provide it or you dont have the capability then let us know Indian armed forces are quite capable of securing the railway line.:yahoo:

your avatar explains it all. You have a 'chuwwa'-sized brain :rofl::cheers:

first secure the railways lines in your own country, which are being blown up by angry naxalite farmers existing in 1/3 of your country

better yet ----send those million men over and then you can see what would happen. :tup:
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While Ive no interest in name calling or this issue or thread but your generalisation of Indians is un necessary and clever.

Why does Pakistan play victim to self inflicted damage?...(of one or the other conspiracy..)...Yes, it might be hypocritical of GOI to talk of pipeline and then drop it...but then Pakistan is the same if not worse..as it talks of pipelines and then funds Taliban then takes money from US to fight its own people but who are actually more fundamentalist then the fundamentalists in Pakistan proper and then there is good Taliban and good Taliban...Kya hai ye sab..its all situational...am sitting in Mumbai and think India is 80% of times correct and you think the same for Pakistan ...All are equal..just humans.

Anyways..let me go back to watching TV....bye..

Have a nice cool glass of ice-cold water handy. Nobody brought up any "conspiracy" here, we are just talking about National Interests (of Pakistan).

btw, don't just point fingers at us over "good vs. bad taleban".......We arrested a "bad" taleban last week and the Americans (along with UN and Afghan officials) were the ones fuming.

Be mad at the ground realities, dear. We just react, adjust and compromise accordingly . :cheers:

And do that on your own time without derailing or going off-topic in this thread. Better yet, why don't you go right back to watching your TV soap operas ---and be in no rush to switch it off!!! :tup:
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