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Pak successfully fires two missiles

Originally Posted by Imran Khan View Post

Ladies and gentle men troll of year 2010 avard goes to Mr.lionheart001 chearessssssssssssssssssssss
Imran bhai,

sir don't worry about India think about pakistan if one good prime minister tell no first use it does'nt means we don't have the capability if you think it is our weakness then best of luck
what will you do if we change our policy from no first use policy to lunch on warning we have the money to keep our missile at constant state of alert what about you .
Guys, is this really Shaheen-1 or some other missile ?? As look at the nose tip of this missile and then compare it with the older pictures of the Shaheen-1. Is it a new missile or redesigned Shaheen-1 nose or it has something to do with the picture itself. The fins on Shaheen-1 missile are small around the warhead area, and this pic also has no fin shown, that most probably has to do with their small size and the camouflage color of the missile. But the nose tip is very different compared to older ones, or is it an image fault. Even the lower fins, are different if compared to the first testing of Shaheen-1 prototype in the white color scheme and then the other launch pictures. It means Shaheen-1 may have gone through some slight design changes.

Older pictures of Shaheen-1


Guys, is this really Shaheen-1 or some other missile ?? As look at the nose tip of this missile and then compare it with the older pictures of the Shaheen-1. Is it a new missile or redesigned Shaheen-1 nose or it has something to do with the picture itself. The fins on Shaheen-1 missile are small around the warhead area, and this pic also has no fin shown, that most probably has to do with their small size and the camouflage color of the missile. But the nose tip is very different compared to older ones, or is it an image fault. Even the lower fins, are different if compared to the first testing of Shaheen-1 prototype in the white color scheme and then the other launch pictures. It means Shaheen-1 may have gone through some slight design changes.

Both the missiles have been modified as per latest information report i was watching. The launching time for both missiles have been reduced and accuracy further increased as a result of which PM has ordered an extra months pay for the technicians involved. It maybe because of this that we are seeing a different nose.
Let me make One point clear to You sir, You cant expect us to use Nuke first as we have taken up a stand of No first use policy...

But we already have countermeasures to stop your missiles in mid Air, We already have Developments going on with AAD and PAD... And Pakistan cannot damage India by attacking us first to the extent it gets damaged by retaliation... And About your surviving question, Iam sorry If I answer to that I cannot make friends here...

This is the same statement that Bharat Verma like to give. Your missiles won't work and ours will and likewise your nukes won't hurt us but ours will. Good analytical thinking I guess. Sounds like grade 5 argument.

Regarding countering AAD and PAD, you got to study some in this regard and what are chances of hitting an incoming missile with another missile. PLUS you have been testing PAD and AAD on the missiles made in India while you are talking to confront the missiles that are made in Pakistan that carry Nuclear Weapons and for the first time. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by mentioning what is India's success ratio in this regard but let me take some of the arrogance away if which I feel you don't need either and let me add that counter measures do not exist on the Indian side only. :)

We like to see people from India in this forum and you will see there are more Indians in PDF than Pakistanis. Try to be rational as much you can and enjoy your stay.
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^ No need to convince these people.They better believe that India is harmless till the cows come home.It's way better if our enemies underestimate us.
This is the same statement that Bharat Verma like to give. Your missiles won't work and ours will and likewise your nukes won't hurt us but ours will. Good analytical thinking I guess. Sounds like grade 5 argument.

When Did I say Our missiles will work and Yours would not, go a fews pages back, I countered an Indian guy who said AAD and PAD can bring your missiles down easily, I countered that guys statement in a practical way, please read that before comparing me to bharat Verma

Regarding countering AAD and PAD, you got to study some in this regard and what are chances of hitting an incoming missile with another missile. PLUS you have been testing PAD and AAD on the missiles made in India while you are talking to confront the missiles that are made in Pakistan that carry Nuclear Weapons and for the first time. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by mentioning what is India's success ratio in this regard but let me take some of the arrogance away if which I feel you need.

AAD and PAD are tested missiles, I never said that It can blindly hit the Incoming missiles, If Strategically set, and if an enemy missile is in range and correct altitude set to it, then yes your missile cannot escape from it....And Our Success ration is bad, and our Armed forces have Only inducted which has been success....

We like to see people from India in this forum and you will see there are more Indians in PDF than Pakistanis. Try to be rational as much you can and enjoy your stay.

I am neutral, If I wanted to just make Indian friends why Am I here? I want all of You as my friends...
^ No need to convince these people.They better believe that India is harmless till the cows come home.It's way better if our enemies underestimate us.

No one is underestimating pakistan..... Why should we?? You are the one underestimating us, from the very 2nd post, you have been trying to do that...
When Did I say Our missiles will work and Yours would not, go a fews pages back, I countered an Indian guy who said AAD and PAD can bring your missiles down easily, I countered that guys statement in a practical way, please read that before comparing me to bharat Verma

AAD and PAD are tested missiles, I never said that It can blindly hit the Incoming missiles, If Strategically set, and if an enemy missile is in range and correct altitude set to it, then yes your missile cannot escape from it....And Our Success ration is bad, and our Armed forces have Only inducted which has been success....

I am neutral, If I wanted to just make Indian friends why Am I here? I want all of You as my friends...

I know you are senior by age and I have respect for you but finding that senior citizen among us we expect the same level of logic from you. So we apologizes if we (I or anybody from Pakistan) sounds disrespectful but intention is the counter the argument and not the personality. Being an Indian and Senior we have respect for you as we like to offer anybody around in our country.

International resources suggest Pakistan have more nuclear weapons than India does. That means we have more fire-power and more potential to damage India.

Indian Cities and Infrastructure is more densely populated than Pakistan. That means if we attack India, India is sure to loose more muscle than Pakistan would.

Just by having more Fighter Aircrafts of More number of submarines, your logic of giving more damage to Pakistan doesn't make any sense. Point of argument is how much would survive to attack us. We know there will be retaliation but from a country that has faced the nuclear strike already.

In any case, the chapter of nuclear fight will be eventually over and both countries will be left to conventional weapons and we know India is more powerful than Pakistan in this regard. Having known that, we have reason to build more and more nuclear weapons and attack India as brutally as we can so we could also cancel Indian conventional dominance to the degree we can and what I see from the developments in the country, we are already on the way to that.
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Guys, is this really Shaheen-1 or some other missile ?? As look at the nose tip of this missile and then compare it with the older pictures of the Shaheen-1. Is it a new missile or redesigned Shaheen-1 nose or it has something to do with the picture itself. The fins on Shaheen-1 missile are small around the warhead area, and this pic also has no fin shown, that most probably has to do with their small size and the camouflage color of the missile. But the nose tip is very different compared to older ones, or is it an image fault. Even the lower fins, are different if compared to the first testing of Shaheen-1 prototype in the white color scheme and then the other launch pictures. It means Shaheen-1 may have gone through some slight design changes.

Older pictures of Shaheen-1



Good observation Taimi, first take a look at the image of the two stage Shaheen-2 system.


Can you see the separation point between the two stages, same design parameter seems to have been applied on the Shaheen-1.
It seems the war head separates from the main body at the final stage or before the impact.
Good observation Taimi, first take a look at the image of the two stage Shaheen-2 system.


Can you see the separation point between the two stages, same design parameter seems to have been applied on the Shaheen-1.
It seems the war head separates from the main body at the final stage or before the impact.

Well am not sure if Shaheen-1 has a separating warhead like the Shaheen-2, as in previous models and the missiles presented at defence shows and parades did not had anything of that nature, but if this one had, then it means Shaheen-1 is going through lot of changes or went already and this is gonna be a mainstay of the missile force.

Hope we can get a more clear picture of the Shaheen-1 missile in future and this model which we are seeing launched today.

But in the pics posted below, of the Shaheen-1, we can see the same thing, the warhead separation thing you pointed out, just below where the top fins can be seen, the doted appearance of the background.

This, i believe will make Shaheen-1 a more difficult target to get intercepted and targeted.

I agree with your point.. but hey they are brave Pakistani soldiers they can stand any where :pakistan:

they are standing beside danger just like their mates on every check-post across Pakistan while high-up betting on their lives and watching the show from secured bunkers.
A quote from: International Assessment and Strategy Center > Research > Pakistan’s Long Range Ballistic Missiles: A View From IDEAS

One useful new data point was that the Chinese-source missiles were capable of very high accuracy. Published reports have noted that Pakistan’s Shaheen 1, Shaheen 2 and Ghaznavi missiles may have a post-separation booster system to provide course corrections to improve accuracy, or maneuver capability for evading missile defenses. The video confirmed that there is such a system. It was at the Zhuhai Airshow in 1996 that a Chinese source inadvertently disclosed that China was developing a terminal and satellite-navigation-assisted guidance system for its short- to medium-range missiles.
So it seems, Shaheen-1 has a changed design compared to the initial one, which we saw in the white color scheme.

The visible changes we can see are:

The nose of the missile has been changed for better aerodynamic profile.

The forward fins may be removed or may be not, as the latest picture is ambiguous about it.

A separating warhead has been given to Shaheen-1 compared to earlier one piece missile body.

Some other changes, internally would also have been done.

So in other sense, Shaheen-1 is kind of newer missile compared to its predecessor.
they are standing beside danger just like their mates on every check-post across Pakistan while high-up betting on their lives and watching the show from secured bunkers.
Dude the high ups were also once Captain, Major..no one joins Army with 4 star Rank.All of them have gone through this hardship.
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