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Pak not invited to Chicago summit: NATO

india has also not been invited according to the article.

The difference is Pakistan wants to be there India doesn't. Paksitan boasts of an alliance/friendship with US whilst India still very much clings to its non-aligned stance.India has actually been approached by NATO officially to cooperate in numerous military programs but it is India that is reluctant. If India wanted they probably could bag an invite with little effort.

But anyway this is not major news nor is it surprising, these imperialists are going to do whatever they can to get others to submit to their plans.
even if u choose winning side ( USA over USSR) doesn't mean that u will win eg 1971.

by keeping hindustany influence (the 'influence' that involves compromising on our national security interests and our other interests in the region) i'd say we are very much winning and it will be a winning scenario in the long-term which we are envisioning

afterall, we are permanent neighbours with Afghanistan....governments change, but geography never does. We want to ensure that your side won't be in a position to "exploit" this very difficult geographical location to your advantage, and i'd say we're doing a good job of that so far. Plans can go awry, but i think we got this.

The difference is Pakistan wants to be there India doesn't. Paksitan boasts of an alliance/friendship with US whilst India still very much clings to its non-aligned stance.India has actually been approached by NATO officially to cooperate in numerous military programs but it is India that is reluctant. If India wanted they probably could bag an invite with little effort.

Pakistan boy-cotted the Bonn Conference which is much more important in value and significance....this conference is more of a photo-opps than anything else. In lieu of cooperation and mutual respect, they expect that conferences in Chicago (in which most of the invitees are fairly irrelevant) to make a sudden difference which 11 years and trillions of dollars expended couldn't do. :laugh:

Quaid e Azam Jinnah Sahib once said:

Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.

at this critical and very interesting time, this is sound advice.

(Cheng, i know already what your reply will be -- so spare yourself too long of a reply)

But anyway this is not major news nor is it surprising, these imperialists are going to do whatever they can to get others to submit to their plans.

Pakistan will ensure that if those plans conflict with our national security interests, no such "plans" will be going through anytime soon

this is our turf
WASHINGTON, May 13: Pakistan may have to miss future Nato consultations as well if it failed to attend the organisation’s May 20-21 summit in Chicago, US and Nato officials said.

In a statement issued by the summit headquarters in Chicago on Sunday, Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen noted that 2014 would mark the end of Nato’s combat role, but not the end of its engagement with Afghanistan.

“Nato is committed to an enduring partnership with Afghanistan, and to providing the training which the Afghan forces will still need, beyond 2014,” he said.

“At the Chicago summit, we will take the decisions which will shape that future training mission.”

The summit will be the largest meeting Nato has ever organised, with around 60 countries and organisations represented.

The Nato secretary-general has met several alliance leaders, including US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron, in the run-up to the summit.

Nato members agreed at the Lisbon summit two years ago to complete transition to Afghan security by the end of 2014.

“In Chicago, we will also start to spell out our commitment to help finance the Afghan security forces of the future, as part of an international community effort, and together with the Afghans themselves,” Mr Rasmussen said.

After the Chicago summit, Nato will hold an expanded Isaf meeting including 22 non-Nato partners and a separate meeting with a group of 13 partner nations to recognise their important contributions to the current and recent Nato missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo and Libya.

“We are planning on having a meeting in Isaf format, which is with the participants in the Afghanistan mission and the countries that support that. So that brings in Afghanistan, its neighbours, all of the countries like the UAE, et cetera, that participate in Isaf,” said US State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland.

“There is going to be a second special meeting, Nato plus countries we’re calling the Chicago partners, and these are a group of 13 countries who are some of Nato’s most active partners in terms of working in operations,” she added.

The 13 are Australia, Austria, Finland, Georgia, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Qatar, Sweden, Switzerland and the UAE. Each of those countries has participated in at least one Nato operation, and many of them have participated in two or more.
Pakistan faces risk of missing all Nato events | DAWN.COM
Obama has already made the strategic pact with Karzai excluding Pakistan. I mean what's the fuss about this summit on our side. Pakistan support or not, in future USA will sanctioned Pakistan no matter what.
This is "Enforcing the Failure" which NATO and United $hi is trying to do.. let them taste this "MODE" of relationship as well. Pakistan has already paid "Enough" price of participating this war and this is definitely the time when we must pull-out of American fake partnership. We don't have any interests aligning with American interest of the region. So far Pakistan was trying to be neutral but now If they choose to be our adversary, let them be.. they will taste due luck within a year.
It is not Pakistan's war so good riddance. I mean what has this war given to Pakistan or its people? It has definitely given some money to the ruling elite but it has given bad name and tarnished the reputation of the country.

Today Pakistan is in such a situation that the NATO allies dont even bother to think of apology. In fact they order our ruling criminals(includes civilian and military) to open their supply lines. Pakistan is in a great bargaining position but it will only benefit if it has true and honest leadership. Not those who get to the position of power to get more money and hide corruption in the past.
This is not a risk - its a blessing.

Sir jee, Pakistan line per aata hua nazar aa raha hey:

(now let's see what lollipops Pakistan gets in return)

from: Time to

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s foreign minister indicated Monday the time has come to reopen the country’s Afghan border to Nato troop supplies, saying the government had made its point by closing the route for nearly six months in retaliation for deadly US airstrikes on its troops.

“It was important to make a point, Pakistan has made a point and we now need to move on and go into a positive zone and try to conduct our relations,” Khar said during a press conference in Islamabad when asked whether she believed Pakistan should reopen the supply route.

Asked whether Pakistan would allow a resumption of Nato supplies, Information minister Qamar Zaman Kaira, who was also spoke alongside the foreign minister, said a decision would be made in the coming days.

“There are a lot of sensitivities,” he told reporters. “How we can share things with you which are under discussion? We will share it in the next three to four days.”

The ministers’ comments offered the clearest indication yet that Pakistan is ready to reopen supply lines, even though Washington has so far refused to apologise for last year’s attack and end drone strikes in the country as demanded by Pakistan’s parliament.

Speaking to media representatives, the foreign minister said Pakistan was negotiating with the US and Nato on the same terms that were approved by the parliament for the process of re-engagement.

Moreover, the minister said that the parliamentary recommendations had proved that only a minority of Pakistanis were opposed to normal relations with the Western world.

Pakistan wants to continue to be a facilitator and enabler for the international community, said Khar, adding that the issue is not just that of relations with the US but with 42 countries that have stakes in Afghanistan.

The government is likely to face domestic backlash for reopening the Nato route given the rampant anti-American sentiment in the country and vocal opposition by hardliners.

The move could also, however, free up over a billion dollars in US military aid that has been frozen for the last year.

Pakistan closed transit routes to Afghanistan after a Nato cross-border air attack last November killed 24 Pakistani soldiers at the Salala checkpost on the Pak-Afghan border.

Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen had hinted on Friday that Pakistan could miss out on the Nato summit in Chicago on May 20-21 if it failed to reopen supply routes in time.

Pakistan is keen to attend the summit that will largely focus on the Afghan war, and an invitation is likely contingent on the country allowing troop supplies to resume.

The conference in Chicago, to be attended by more than 60 leaders and heads of state, is regarded as a crucial summit which will map out a future for Afghanistan after most foreign troops withdraw from the warn-ton country by the end of 2014.
Pakistan should open supply routes.Only our enemies will benefit from this.
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