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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

where the talk about sleeping in pajams go?-
are you out of silly justifications?-
lol- seems like- not yet-
in summer time- the pajams were helping to vent air to some vitals organs then- No?-
:rofl:- they were there to fight not rape- :lol:-

So, what is your version of story.
I dont know why you all blame your Politicians , actually they saved your Army from embarrassment, when peace was signed, PAk

The Indian Navy also prepared to blockade the Pakistani ports (primarily Karachi port)[49] to cut off supply routes.[50] Later, the then-Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif disclosed that Pakistan was left with just six days of fuel to sustain itself if a full-fledged war had broken out.

The Indian Army's first priority was to recapture peaks that were in the immediate vicinity of NH 1D. This resulted in Indian troops first targeting the Tiger Hill and Tololing complex in Dras, which dominated the Srinagar-Leh route. This was soon followed by the Batalik-Turtok sub-sector which provided access to Siachen Glacier. Some of the peaks that were of vital strategic importance to the Pakistani defensive troops were Point 4590 and Point 5353. While 4590 was the nearest point that had a view of NH 1D, point 5353 was the highest feature in the Dras sector, allowing the Pakistani troops to observe NH 1D.The recapture of Point 4590 by Indian troops on June 14

Though most of the posts in the vicinity of the highway were cleared by mid-June,

The Battle of Tololing, among other assaults, slowly tilted the combat in India's favor. The Pakistani troops at Tololing were aided by Pakistani fighters from Kashmir. Some of the posts put up a stiff resistance, including Tiger Hill (Point 5140) that fell only later in the war.

Two months into the conflict, Indian troops had slowly retaken most of the ridges that were encroached by the infiltrator according to official count, an estimated 75%–80% of the intruded area and nearly all high ground was back under Indian control.

Therefore if PAK dose not surrender , then also India take entire area from PAK Army in one more month time. and after 6 days pak are already run out of fuel.
just ask your mountainers what happened to them at tiger hills, i was there friend, frist 3 days & nights?
dont you cut & paste these wrong information, to show up big at least on our fourm?
how long could INDAIN navy had us blocked, & what you think PAKNAVY would hve waited that long???
thats just 5 days , if we had the support of our foreign minstry, we were in kashmir!
where did you killed captin kernal sher khan???
Well that cant be happened now a days dont forget Gwadar Port and Fuel From Iran Side:partay:
even you get all what you want, dont think about starting a new war in the future, because this time if it gets uglier then you'll not have any other option but to take the war to the next level or to say a NUCLEAR war, which is not good for either side.
just ask your mountainers what happened to them at tiger hills, i was there friend, frist 3 days & nights?
dont you cut & paste these wrong information, to show up big at least on our fourm?
how long could INDAIN navy block us, & what you think PAKNAVY would hve waited that long???

just a big LOL.
Neither ur navy nor ur airforce knew about the operation.Only 3-4 top officers in army knew about it.
and indian navy did silent job during kargil war.

Naval Operations

While the Army and the Air Force readied themselves for the battle on the heights of Kargil, Indian Navy began to draw out its plans. Unlike the earlier wars with Pakistan, this time the bringing in of the Navy at the early stages of the conflict served to hasten the end of the conflict in India's favor.

In drawing up its strategy, the Navy was clear that a reply to the Pakistani misadventure had to be two-pronged. While ensuring safety and security of Indian maritime assets from a possible surprise attack by Pakistan, the Indian imperative was that all efforts must be made to deter Pakistan from escalating the conflict into a full scale war. Thus, the Indian Navy was put on a full alert from May 20 onwards, a few days prior to the launch of the Indian retaliatory offensive. Naval and Coast Guard aircraft were put on a continuous surveillance and the units readied up for meeting any challenge at sea.

Time had now come to put pressure on Pakistan, to ensure that the right message went down to the masterminds in that country. Strike elements from the Eastern Fleet were sailed from Visakhapatnam on the East Coast to take part in a major naval exercise called 'SUMMEREX' in the North Arabian Sea. This was envisaged as the largest ever amassing of naval ships in the region. The message had been driven home. Pakistan Navy, in a defensive mood, directed all its units to keep clear of Indian naval ships. As the exercise shifted closer to the Makaran Coast, Pakistan moved all its major combatants out of Karachi. It also shifted its focus to escorting its oil trade from the Gulf in anticipation of attacks by Indian ships.

As the retaliation from the Indian Army and the Air Force gathered momentum and a defeat to Pakistan seemed a close possibility, an outbreak of hostilities became imminent. Thus the naval focus now shifted to the Gulf of Oman. Rapid reaction missile carrying units and ships from the fleet were deployed in the North Arabian Sea for carrying out missile firing, anti-submarine and electronic warfare exercises. In the absence of the only aircraft carrier, Sea Harrier operations from merchant ships were proven. The Navy also readied itself for implementing a blockade of the Pakistani ports, should the need arise. In addition, Naval amphibious forces from the Andaman group of islands were moved to the western sea-board.

In a skilful use of naval power in the form of 'Operation Talwar', the 'Eastern Fleet' joined the 'Western Naval Fleet' and blocked the Arabian sea routes of Pakistan. Apart from a deterrent, the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief later disclosed that Pakistan was left with just six days of fuel (POL) to sustain itself if a full fledged war broke out.
still proud of starting an unnecessary war that resulted in countless loss of life on both sides.
one says it was a briliant idea, other says we would have won. But non of the Pakistani friends feel that was unnecessary to have ignited the war in the first place. GOD know when you guys are going to realize that wars and hate bring destruction to you and others sorrounding you.

we were soliders friend!
we were paid & trainned for war, & it goes to all indian soliders too, we were there to fight not to attend any musical concerts?
if india ever had showen us the intentions that, they are interssted in having a meaningfull dialoge on kashmir, all these wars were never had happened , we still are willing to see , india taking steps, & just belive me , we are ready for that, we want peace but with dignity?
That's the dumbest part of an already stupid post. If the intention is to understand what really happened, then:

For Pakistan: Kargil was a brilliant military plan foiled by political leadership of the country under intense international pressure especially from USA. End result, battles won by soldiers while politicians lost the war.

For India: It was a major intelligence failure & military embarrassment that was swept under the carpet by superb international diplomacy. End result, battles lost by the soldiers while politicians won the war.

Bottom line : Pakistan failed to achieve what it intended to achieve(Capture Kargil etc force International sponsored ceasefire n slice kashmir , India successfully achieved what it intended to achieve (Retain and push back pak intruders thru sheer force and diplomacy )

Any number of excuses wont change the bottomline nor the boundaries of LOC
just a big LOL.
Neither ur navy nor ur airforce knew about the operation.Only 3-4 top officers in army knew about it.
and indian navy did silent job during kargil war.

wrong cut & paste again mate!
its far from reality, ask some naval officers of INF, he will let you know about it?
yes our airairforce was the , weakest of all that time due to sanctions, but thn again you can see, how many IAF we shot down that time?

Bottom line : Pakistan failed to achieve what it intended to achieve(Capture Kargil etc force International sponsored ceasefire n slice kashmir , India successfully achieved what it intended to achieve (Retain and push back pak intruders thru sheer force and diplomacy )

Any number of excuses wont change the bottomline nor the boundaries of LOC
& the real bottom line, is kargill & kashmir still is written as a disputed area between india & pakistan, & no one can change it?
wrong cut & paste again mate!
its far from reality, ask some naval officers of INF, he will let you know about it?
yes our airairforce was the , weakest of all that time due to sanctions, but thn again you can see, how many IAF we shot down that time?

No sir,i am talking about PN,PAF.its truth that only few officers of ur army knew abt that plan.
and its our mistake too that we underestimated the strength and no body knows those shot down fighters killed how many of ur soldiers?? :)

so dont do cherry picking.
Thks for kargil and it has destroyed every effort which both govts could do.Now indian army always take example of kargil to threaten officials in govt and interference from indian army wrt pakistan is increased much..

latest example was of siachin heights where army vetoed it.
wrong cut & paste again mate!
its far from reality, ask some naval officers of INF, he will let you know about it?
yes our airairforce was the , weakest of all that time due to sanctions, but thn again you can see, how many IAF we shot down that time?

& the real bottom line, is kargill & kashmir still is written as a disputed area between india & pakistan, & no one can change it?

Not really much in there for Pakistan, India will keep the Pakistani hope of Kashmir alive till the point that Pakistan says enough is enough we no more want anything to do with Kashmir and that point has already come to an extent. A lot of people - not everybody - in Pakistan sees the futility of it and want to move on.
i laugh at these indian internet warriors..... in a real life war they'd probably hide behind their mummyji's saris

you are an internet warrior too my friend, else what would you be doing on Internet forum

BTW , Laugh is what India did when we drove back the kargil intruders and saw Your leader running to Washington to ask for help :whistle:
the real bottom line, is kargill & kashmir still is written as a disputed area between india & pakistan, & no one can change it?

its u n ur delusions..if u still have not learn then u will never learn..
i wrote abt siachin.india cant leave siachin coz its integral part of kashmir and u r thinking that india will leave kashmir?


just accept our positions every where..or keep it hanging like this...
even now U.S dont take ur side ..so bring russia now :)
we were soliders friend!
we were paid & trainned for war, & it goes to all indian soliders too, we were there to fight not to attend any musical concerts?
if india ever had showen us the intentions that, they are interssted in having a meaningfull dialoge on kashmir, all these wars were never had happened , we still are willing to see , india taking steps, & just belive me , we are ready for that, we want peace but with dignity?
and what is the price for your dignity, you have your piece of Kashmir, we have ours and the Chinese have thiers that you gave them.
settle for what every one has or think about another war.
and taking about solders are to fight, they are not to fight but to protect the nation.
if you think they are paid to die, i am sorry for your attitude towards soldiers who are also humans and have a family to live in peace, and you are forgeting the above fact
& the real bottom line, is kargill & kashmir still is written as a disputed area between india & pakistan, & no one can change it?
Good that you finally realized the truth that no one can change it .... Status quo suits us fine dude , since the last time i checked Kargil is under Indian control :azn:

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