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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

The Indian Army had to cremate those dead body with full military honours as per the Islamic rituals. SHAMELESS COUNTRY, SHAMELESS PEOPLE!!

You guys buried the dead bodies of ultras of Hizb ul Mjahideen and Lashkar e Taiba. We appreciate that. The fact is all the bodies of soldiers(not ultras) which we received were conferred military honors and awards. Now you guys should continue your tradition and any militant of Lashkar e Taiba and Hizb ul Mujahiden who dies in IOK, Indian army should bury them according to Islamic tradition with full honors like Kargil.

We will appreciate you in the future too. :)
The aim of the Kargil was to cut Srinagar Drass highway to cut India from Siachin Glacier which failed miserably. After the conflict Kashmir was never highlighted internationally but Pakistan surely had a military coup. ;)

You again focused on the means and ignored the objective.
You are throwing your words blindly , That initial intrusion was started by freedom fighters. There is nothing to lie in it. still I don't find reason of IAF jet fighters intruding in Pakistan's Air space when they were launched against inflatrators on Indian side of border. Well ! still those intruded jet fighters were shot downed and probably they fell into Pakistan's area. Yea! that shows NLI involvement but in Wat? In defending its own territory. even MI-17 was also targeted in Pakistan's area , I guess that crew was sended to check inflatrators in their own area but but looks like they were searching NLI's at then, no doubt they find them but in Pakistan's region. Wat do you think this repeatedly intrusion of Pakistan's air space and presence of heavily indian militry hadn't increased the insecurity of that region. Blaming straight forwardly as an easier attempt but conclusions says that even it was a failure of indian agencies too. That war had been stoped by international stake holders. but indeed those criticizers don't have a better track record when it comes on stoping conflicts in all around world.

You are making a fool out yourself by thinking you can fool others by producing this cockamamie fairytale!!

A couple of yrs back Pakistan army officially accepted, that was its own soldiers who were the infiltrators on Kargil peaks ..infact int released the names of some 350 NLI soldiers who died in Kargil, on its official website..what do you think..all these soldiers died in Pakistani territory and NLI was never deployed on Indian side of LOC??...even when the entire war was fought on Indian side of LOC...How?
Internet Indians are gloating at the fact that they got spanked by Pakistan. What could be funnier than this??

Whats funnier is some Pakistani's thinking that their army wasnt beaten in war and their politicians in diplomacy ;)

Your Prime Minister says that around 4000-5000 soldiers died and numerous ex generals and PM's have said Kargil to be the biggest mistake ever for Pakistan to the extent to even comparing it to the 'loss' of East Pakistan and yet some Pakistani's trying to think that they could never lose a war with India!

At the end of the day, Im happy if you think Pakistan won Kargil, because that means that they are liable to repeat such a fantastic performance again!

What Pakistani Army wanted:
To have the entire Kargil Dras sector with Pakistani flag flying
To show a raging domestic insurgency in Kashmir
To internationalize the Kashmir dispute

Their actual performance :
Loss of 4000+ soldiers,
International Humiliation,
International Isolation even from 'allied' country - like China!
A Military Coup in their own country,
Showing the world that 'mujahideen' are nothing but Pakistani infiltrators!
And still more importantly making the LoC a border which has international sanctity and now considered inviolable by the rest of the world as well !

In exchange for:

Hold it - 1 Peak! Which also lies on the LoC itself!

While the rest of Kargil still hoists the Tricolour!
Sure, im sure many would quite like Pakistan to repeat such a stellar performance! ;)

Bodies of NLI soldiers killed in the fighting were taken back to their villages during the night, usually with just one soldier accompanying the body, and dumped outside their family’s house at all hours. Sometimes the soldiers were out of uniform. The bodies were not even washed and properly dressed in uniform. The Herald speaks of two cousins who lay in their coffins dressed in tracksuits. A soldier who served in the same unit as another whose body was returned told the family that at their post only some kilograms of sugar was left by way of food. The dead soldier's father told the Herald that the youngster still had sugar on his mouth. So now we not only have a violation of military honor, we have a complete disregard for religion and human decency.

:disagree: :disagree:
General Ziauddin **** Ex Pakistan ISI Chief on Kargil war how Pakistan betrayed the india on peace process.

Same General exposing the general pervez musharraf’s Lie

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You guys buried the dead bodies of ultras of Hizb ul Mjahideen and Lashkar e Taiba. We appreciate that. The fact is all the bodies of soldiers(not ultras) which we received were conferred military honors and awards. Now you guys should continue your tradition and any militant of Lashkar e Taiba and Hizb ul Mujahiden who dies in IOK, Indian army should bury them according to Islamic tradition with full honors like Kargil.

We will appreciate you in the future too. :)

See you are saying "You guys buried the dead bodies of ultras of Hizb ul Mjahideen and Lashkar e Taiba" ur army fought with those people against india...u guys are taking side with THose who kill innocent people in bombay, ahmedabad and where not.... Doesn't that makes you sick??...
What kind of country, transports it's brave soldiers in garbage trucks.

How is it related to Kargil you dumb@$$? Did you attend any school or a by product of madrasa. The thread relates to Kargil misadventure by Pakistan not Naxals.

And yes The 'garbage' made news in India because we care BUT families of NLI soldiers still waiting for their dead bodies which the Great Pak Army refused to accept leaving them to be cremated by their enemy. SHAME ON YOUR HYPOCRITES.
Only because the dead soldiers were Kashmiri from P.O.K and not Pakistani, your army disowned them. The soldiers are turning sides in Indian graves. RIP P.O. Kashmiri soldiers.
The wounded indian soldiers cry's and moans are the most stark things of that conflict - the indians would not allow their medivac.
Because some of them were crying out for water, our Jawans wanted to take a risk and take water out, the absolute worst was when they would cry out for their mothers, it was absolutely heart breaking. :(

Sometimes they would speak in Punjabi, and it was even more poignant.
See you are saying "You guys buried the dead bodies of ultras of Hizb ul Mjahideen and Lashkar e Taiba" ur army fought with those people against india...u guys are taking side with THose who kill innocent people in bombay, ahmedabad and where not.... Doesn't that makes you sick??...

You also fought side by side with Mukti Bahni who was involved in the massacre of many civilians in East Pakistan.

It happens buddy. your country is as sick as you consider Pakistan to be. :)
You are throwing your words blindly , That initial intrusion was started by freedom fighters. There is nothing to lie in it. still I don't find reason of IAF jet fighters intruding in Pakistan's Air space when they were launched against inflatrators on Indian side of border. Well ! still those intruded jet fighters were shot downed and probably they fell into Pakistan's area. Yea! that shows NLI involvement but in Wat? In defending its own territory. even MI-17 was also targeted in Pakistan's area , I guess that crew was sended to check inflatrators in their own area but but looks like they were searching NLI's at then, no doubt they find them but in Pakistan's region. Wat do you think this repeatedly intrusion of Pakistan's air space and presence of heavily indian militry hadn't increased the insecurity of that region. Blaming straight forwardly as an easier attempt but conclusions says that even it was a failure of indian agencies too. That war had been stoped by international stake holders. but indeed those criticizers don't have a better track record when it comes on stoping conflicts in all around world.

How old were you at the time of Kargil... ? Read about the bollywood style episode of Major Sher something of NLI and how he got the gallantry award for Charging Indian forces within the Indian territory.. You may deny all you want, but Mushy just repeated the debacle of Jinnah from 1947. Jinnah's debacle gave India the opportunity to capture a large part of strategic terrain which was all but there in Pakistan's pocket. Mushy's actions killed whatever credibility Pakistan's claim had towards Kashmir

And actually I am glad that Pakistanis do not consider these as mistakes. Because of which they will continue to commit such mistakes again in future.. So enjoy ;) and read the below thread in your free time..

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