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Pak lodges strong protest with Afghan govt on torture of Pakistanis

Pakistan has to end Pathan Nationalism... bomb the hell out of terrorists and ppl like Luffy

first target refugee camps where ppl like luffy eat tax money

Dude calm down. I disagree with most of what Luffy has said, but he has the right to believe in whatever he wants. Saying we should bomb (kill) people is a very inappropriate thing to say!
Regarding Pashtun nationalism, why does it have to run contradictory to Pakistani nationalism? Cant one be a proud Pashtun and Pakistani at the same time? Of course you can.
Dude calm down. I disagree with most of what Luffy has said, but he has the right to believe in whatever he wants. Saying we should bomb (kill) people is a very inappropriate thing to say!
Regarding Pashtun nationalism, why does it have to run contradictory to Pakistani nationalism? Cant one be a proud Pashtun and Pakistani at the same time? Of course you can.

You never cry when army does it to balochis?
Pashtun nationalists are in governament, they have renamed province, have made pashto a compulsory subject and have taken several other steps to pashtunize back the desified KPK....you can only watch from karachi or vent your frustration on poor pashtuns there by killing them and pack them in bori with the help of your MQM target killers.

All with supervision of government of Pakistan which is not Pathan.

You can have Pathan nationalism but it should not exist outside the borders.

:blink::blink::blink: what about PMLN?

I have soft spot for PML-N & PTI.
Pashtun nationalists are in governament, they have renamed province, have made pashto a compulsory subject and have taken several other steps to pashtunize back the desified KPK....you can only watch from karachi or vent your frustration on poor pashtuns there by killing them and pack them in bori with the help of your MQM target killers.

You know Luffy I think that was a wrong move & they should not have done that - the Pashtunization of KPK ! It would have been better if instead of making Pashto compulsory for everyone they should have given the choice of learning any local language to the pupils so that if enough Hindko speakers or enough Farsi speakers or enough Punjabi speakers or enough Pashto speakers are made available to cover the minimum possible overhead costs borne by the Provincial Government, they should be provided with lectures in their language of choosing.

At the same time yes they should promote Pashtun culture & their history by providing proper funding to the Pashtun Academy amongst other institutions that can help paint a more wholesome picture of the Pashtun culture & introduce it more & more to the rest of Pakistan & the world at large. In fact they should have been at the forefront of the struggle to counter the narrative that is spewed by those with ulterior motives who want to project the Pashtuns as a bunch of militant savages who oppress their women & blow themselves up in marketplaces ! But I dunno if they've done anything but play dirty politics with Pashtuns & Pakistanis at large by playing the Pashtun card just like the rest of our ethno-nationalist movements/parties to win more votes instead of taking anything close to concrete steps for the betterment of Pashtuns & Non Pashtuns alike.
Don't get personal.

I hate MQM but I hate ANP & PPP more.

The issue is votes on ethnic basis. Altaf called the partition a mistake... thats the top leader. Here low level guys with no link to Asfandyar are making comments. The potential for another partition of Pakistan lies right under our noses. Right in our attitudes.

Btw after Luffy rotting my brain for a week I must say if Abdul Rehman Khan had seen Luffy he would have ensured Luffy had a sex-change operation and became his wife. :lol:
Or maybe he would have married him as he is. I dunno. :rolleyes:

I am sure Malang would have become a scorned lover.
The issue is votes on ethnic basis. Altaf called the partition a mistake... thats the top leader. Here low level guys with no link to Asfandyar are making comments.

Btw after Luffy rotting my brain for a week I must say if Abdul Rehman Khan had seen Luffy he would have ensured Luffy had a sex-change operation and became his wife. :lol:
Or maybe he would have married him as he is. I dunno
. :rolleyes:

I am sure Malang would have become a scorned lover.

@Hyperion : Yeh Bannu ka Pathan kahaan seeh nikal ayaaa ! :rofl:

:oops: Sorry for the stereotyping I just couldn't help it ! :D
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How did you end up in Malaysia ? :what:

My relatives are there in Indonesia & they love it ! :tup:

Hows Malaysia been treating you ?

- I am doing a PhD in Malaysia.
- Malaysians are great lazy people like Pakistanis, I feel at home here :D

[On a serious note, Malay's are friendly and easy going, you never see anyone shouting or fighting - everyone is at peace]
You know Luffy I think that was a wrong move & they should not have done that - the Pashtunization of KPK ! It would have been better if instead of making Pashto compulsory for everyone they should have given the choice of learning any local language to the pupils so that if enough Hindko speakers or enough Farsi speakers or enough Punjabi speakers or enough Pashto speakers are made available to cover the minimum possible overhead costs borne by the Provincial Government, they should be provided with lectures in their language of choosing.

At the same time yes they should promote Pashtun culture & their history by providing proper funding to the Pashtun Academy amongst other institutions that can help paint a more wholesome picture of the Pashtun culture & introduce it more & more to the rest of Pakistan & the world at large. In fact they should have been at the forefront of the struggle to counter the narrative that is spewed by those with ulterior motives who want to project the Pashtuns as a bunch of militant savages who oppress their women & blow themselves up in marketplaces ! But I dunno if they've done anything but play dirty politics with Pashtuns & Pakistanis at large by playing the Pashtun card just like the rest of our ethno-nationalist movements/parties to win more votes instead of taking anything close to concrete steps for the betterment of Pashtuns & Non Pashtuns alike.

Pashto will not be taught to hindko, seraiki, chitrali and kohistani speaking areas. There respective local langauges will be taught in instead of pashto. Pashto is compulsory subject only in 18 pashtun districts.
Pashto will not be taught to hindko, seraiki, chitrali and kohistani speaking areas. There respective local langauges will be taught in instead of pashto. Pashto is compulsory subject only in 18 pashtun districts.

Are they teaching in Pashto or Pushto is a single subject?
Why we need to pashtunize kpk, read this,
“I recently carried out a sample survey for my research thesis while selecting 200 Schools each from government and private sectors in different KP districts. Only 3 per cent students of grade 7 and 8 knew about our literary, political and social reformers, 90 per cent failed to write correct alphabetic letters oftheir respective mother tongues and only 5 per cent knew as to who were Rahman Baba and Khushhal Khan Khattak .This I think is a great loss to our diverse cultural treasure, heritage and history, if our young generation doesn’t know about ourgreat national heroes how they can preserve it,” maintained Irfan Ali Yousafzai who is doing doctorate from a private University in Peshawar on ‘Cultural representation in the school curriculum’.
@Sher Malang

Are they teaching in Pashto or Pushto is a single subject?

It is a single subject
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In Future Pakistan must held some major exercise along the PAK/AF Border including missile tests (Abdali III A) !

The AF-Government needs some lessons !

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