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Pak leader moots common currency for India and Pakistan

Common currency is still a distant dream for South Asia n specially for India n Pak as we have very less trade volume with each other

n Pak is still to allow MFN in practical sense to India even when a whole year is about to pass since its announcement n will still take atleast 5-7 years to get ready for an FTA with India

I think FTA within SAARC is the first step, common currency will automatically come in with increase in trade volume due to FTA n growth in South Asia...:enjoy:
Jade, you can't fight the economic sense in such an Idea... It helps India as much as it helps a Pakistan or a Bangladesh or Srilanka... A trade bloc gives you a stronger position and a competitive position and above all, given our context, it will eventually make wars and terrorism irrelevant... Rhetoric and religion based division can not fight good economics... It has been establish across the world... Look at Europe... It is the biggest and shiniest example of it... This IDEA is the ULTIMATE reality...

There is huge difference between EU and India-pakistan.

1st fix old stuffs, then think about it..
trade/business can not be accepted in cost of Indian solider and civilians life..
The impact of a devalued IR must not be underestimated when it comes to domestic inflation. It will have a short term effect (hence my earlier questioning whether India will be prepared to bite the bullet). I don't believe that one can compare India's position vis a vis Germany in a common currency introduction. A better comparision would be post apartheid South Africa with the introduction of the Rand as a common trade currency in the SADAC region. India like South Africa is a developing economy and not a first world economy like Germany. In South Africa, the introduction of the Rand as a common trade currency resulted in the immediate devaluation of the Rand and a ten year inflation spiral which hit its people quick and hard
Yeah, without any doubt this suggestion does not deserve keen attention. We already have basket-full of problems. Dont need to invite anymore
There is huge difference between EU and India-pakistan.

1st fix old stuffs, then think about it..
trade/business can not be accepted in cost of Indian solider and civilians life..

Do you know how European countries fixed their 'old stuff'? First it was the world war II (which just killed people and families and economies) and then, after that when everyone was devastated, Americans told them who owns what... Walk in Berlin and you will understand the cost of a war... Don't want to pay that cost under any circumstance... There is only one solution to our two countries' problems and it lies in mutual economic relations... It will take time, but it is the ONLY solution...

If we continue to stick to our guns and they stick to theirs, we will just be like this forever... it might give a lot of a 'sense' of pride to someone sitting far away from the border, but ask a person living along that border (and I grew up right on that border) or the soldier there and you will see that everyone there would want the politicians to ensure an end to fight, so that farms can till the farms and soldiers can join their families... I know it is too early, but if you think rationally, it is the only way...

The impact of a devalued IR must not be underestimated when it comes to domestic inflation. It will have a short term effect (hence my earlier questioning whether India will be prepared to bite the bullet). I don't believe that one can compare India's position vis a vis Germany in a common currency introduction. A better comparision would be post apartheid South Africa with the introduction of the Rand as a common trade currency in the SADAC region. India like South Africa is a developing economy and not a first world economy like Germany. In South Africa, the introduction of the Rand as a common trade currency resulted in the immediate devaluation of the Rand and a ten year inflation spiral which hit its people quick and hard

But no one wants the common currency today... but, at the same time, it is a solid idea worth thinking about for a better future... Remember, Germany was far worse than where India is today and they improved and so shall we... and then, it does make bloody good sense...
Do you know how European countries fixed their 'old stuff'? First it was the world war II (which just killed people and families and economies) and then, after that when everyone was devastated, Americans told them who owns what... Walk in Berlin and you will understand the cost of a war... Don't want to pay that cost under any circumstance... There is only one solution to our two countries' problems and it lies in mutual economic relations... It will take time, but it is the ONLY solution...

If we continue to stick to our guns and they stick to theirs, we will just be like this forever... it might give a lot of a 'sense' of pride to someone sitting far away from the border, but ask a person living along that border (and I grew up right on that border) or the soldier there and you will see that everyone there would want the politicians to ensure an end to fight, so that farms can till the farms and soldiers can join their families... I know it is too early, but if you think rationally, it is the only way...

But no one wants the common currency today... but, at the same time, it is a solid idea worth thinking about for a better future... Remember, Germany was far worse than where India is today and they improved and so shall we... and then, it does make bloody good sense...
Yup it'll happen eventually but PAK & the rest of SAARC need to put their house in order(end terrorism) first & foremost !
But no one wants the common currency today... but, at the same time, it is a solid idea worth thinking about for a better future... Remember, Germany was far worse than where India is today and they improved and so shall we... and then, it does make bloody good sense...
Common currency is a good thing as long as we don't repeat the mistakes of the EU :whistle:
This is stupid.....There is huge confidence deficit between India and Pakistan....How can common currency possible.....it looks like ISI day dreaming ...so the can print more fake currency at will.
This is stupid.....There is huge confidence deficit between India and Pakistan....How can common currency possible.....it looks like ISI day dreaming ...so the can print more fake currency at will.
Look it has nothing to with the ISI per se & most definitely it'll help us with our exports vis-a-vis the currency manipulator nation just to the East !
Jade, you can't fight the economic sense in such an Idea... It helps India as much as it helps a Pakistan or a Bangladesh or Srilanka... A trade bloc gives you a stronger position and a competitive position and above all, given our context, it will eventually make wars and terrorism irrelevant... Rhetoric and religion based division can not fight good economics... It has been establish across the world... Look at Europe... It is the biggest and shiniest example of it... This IDEA is the ULTIMATE reality...

If it is a joint currency, fake currency is as much as pakistan's problem as it is India's problem... that is the key! common successes and failures...

Trade is not the answer for everything. Trade has not stopped China and Japan from fighting over Senkaku islands nor has it removed the suspicion that India and China or US and China have over each other. Free trade is good when there is a coincidence of political ideologies like they have in Europe. India and Pakistan are very different. Our constitution and political base is based on the idea that all religions are equal and religion has no place in the governance, while Pakistan is exactly opposite. Moreover, there is Kashmir, an religious issue. Forming an trade union is easy, but breaking it because of an issue latter would be catastrophic for the all the countries involved. Then there could be issue of free movement of people that I am certain India would not be comfortable

The best thing for India Pakistan would be leave like good neighbours.
No thank you, we've seen how the Euro is faring up in the face of economic sanctions. If there's another recession, foreign investment will go down and Indian economy will take a dip along with the rest of the world. Whereas Pakistan's economy with an agrarian staple will remain afloat. Screw Badar, he's an idiot anyway.
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