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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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In accordance with the Government decision, NPO Saturn in cooperation with other companies of the industry is the developer and manufacturer of the 5th generation engine for the Advanced Front-Line Aviation Complex (PAK FA). 51_0_gen5_.jpg On 22 December 2006, the NPO Saturn Technical Council held the meeting of general designers and technical directors of organizations and companies – developers of the advanced engine, presided by NPO Saturn Technical Director-General Designer Mikhail Kuzmenko, D.Eng.Sc. Representatives of the RF Defense Ministry, Ministry of Power Engineering, Federal Industrial Agency, Sukhoi Design Bureau, as well as general directors of the branch institutes and companies were also present at the meeting. The participants of the meeting stressed that the Joint Aircraft Cooperation (JAC) was formed to unite the companies for the advanced engine development under the head of NPO Saturn. At the meeting, the Target Interdepartmental Draft Program concerning creation of the advanced aircraft engine for PAK FA and other documents to support the specified work were also considered. At present the participants of JAC are: NPO Saturn, OAO UMPO, FGUP NPP Motor, OAO Aviadvigatel, ОАО V.Klimov Plant, FGUP Baranov CIAM, FGUP VIAM, OAO AMNTK Soyuz, OAO Star, OAO F.Korotkov NPO Temp, UNPO Molnia, and others. The JAC is open for cooperation with other aircraft engine-building companies that have not yet joined it at the first stage. The established Cooperation enables retention and development of the Russian engine-building potential, as well as consolidation of intellectual, financial, design and technological resources of the country. This structure, closed for foreign investors and partners, shall concentrate and realize all the latest developments for the Military Industrial Complex, which will later on be implemented in new OAK military engines. The other important socio-politic and economic objective of the Cooperation is concentration of all the state advanced engine finance sources within the framework of various federal target programs. The participants of the meeting unanimously acknowledged the leading role of NPO Saturn which possesses highly qualified engineering staff and powerful production facilities, and has successful experience in design of generation 4, 4+, 5 aircraft engines for military (AL-31F, AL-31FN, AL-31FP, 117С engine) and civil aviation (SaM146) of the country. A very complex task facing the header when solving problems of the participants work organization, financial provision and distribution in due time, coordination of design and engineering matters was emphasized. It is evident that further solving problems of the advanced engine-building creation requires maximum support from the Government and wide branch-wise cooperation. Thus, for the first time in the post-Soviet period goodwill is expressed to unite the largest aircraft engine-building centers of Russia for implementation of a specific break-through project of advanced engines development in the interests of the Military Industrial Complex. Advanced engine family development concept At NPO Saturn, the concept of the advanced common core generation 5 engine family creation has been developed. The created engines will determine the national gas-turbine engine-building potential for the nearest 25-30 years. Creation of the common core engine family enables lead-time and development cost reduction.[/IMG]
Indo-Russian Pak-FA VS F-22/F-35

The F-22 Raptor is the only US fighter design with the stealth, speed and agility to defeat the new Russian PAK-FA design. To be highly effective against the PAK-FA, it will need a range of upgrades, including a new technology infrared sensor. Depicted technicians at the USAF AEDC performing low observables testing on an electro-optical sensor fairing, developed for the AIRST sensor. The AIRST was deleted from the F-22 avionic suite during development as a cost saving measure (US Air Force image).

Imagine an apocryphal story of three fighter pilots meeting in the bar at an air combat conference in Stockholm, in the year 2015. Chuck is a NATO F-22A Raptor pilot based in Germany, Boris an Su-35-1 Flanker E Plus pilot flying from one of the bases protecting Moscow, and Johan, a F-35A Lightning II pilot from the Netherlands. All are masters of their craft and after drinks, “merely to lubricate the vocal chords”, they do what fighter pilots all over the world do – swap stories and make claims about their beloved aircraft.

Chuck starts. “I’m king of the skies,” he claims. “I supercruise at 52,000 feet and Mach 1.7. Boris, I can see you from ~100 nm, and my AIM-120D launch range at this Mach is 70 nm. You are one dead Flanker.” Boris acknowledges the performance of the APG-77 and the Raptor, but replies, “Your missiles are easy to avoid. When you fire, my OLS-35 will see the flare, and I will turn away to out-run the missile.

You need to fire closer than 50 nm – even then at 50,000 feet and Mach 1.2, my Flanker can out-turn your missile. If you are side or rear on I can get a lock-on at ~40 nm and I have a choice of seeker heads, so you might wear an R-77M in the backside.” “No way Boris,” Chuck replies, “I know that game. I’m head on and you can’t see me until about ~15 nm. If I have not killed you at 50 nautical, I’m outa there at the speed of heat.” Boris and Chuck concede that there might be a nil-all draw, with Chuck being untouchable because of the Raptor’s stealth, altitude and speed and the well defended Su-35-1 defeating the Raptor’s missiles [1].

Now Boris makes his point. “Comrade Johan, I have something special for you. My IRBIS-E will see you head-on at ~25nm, but I fly my boys very wide and share the paints on our digital network. At side and rear looks, I see you at ~45 nm and my ramjet RVV-AE-PDs can get you at that range.” “No way”, Johan responds, “my APG-81 radar will see you at ~75 nm and I can launch at 50 nm. If you fire, my DAS will see the missile at launch, so I’ll turn away to break lock”. “And my wingman will see you in the turn, computer network will still know where you are, and we will skewer you in the cross-fire” is Boris’s riposte, “and you will run out of missiles before I do, If I duck your AIM-120D shots, I will win easily”. They bicker about the strengths of their own aircraft and weaknesses of the other’s and Johan grudgingly agrees the Flanker might be the winner.

Chuck and Johan stay in the bar after Boris is unexpectedly ‘called away’ by men in dark coats, and agree that work needs to be done on improving the AIM-120D’s terminal lethality.

Essentially, this is a deadly play between stealth, agility, sensors and missiles. From the front quarter the Raptor’s 0.0001 square meter Radar Cross Section (RCS) and the Lightning II’s 0.001 square metres make them difficult targets. The Flanker-E Plus, while having a reduced radar signature, still has a residual RCS of about 2 square metres, such that the F-22A and the F-35 will see the Su-35-1 way beyond their missile launch range. The Su-35-1 struggles to see the F-22A on radar, but can find the F-35’s 0.01 square metre lower side and rear RCS. The AIM-120D is a fine missile, but the Su-35-1 has finer defences, so the missile kill probabilities are likely to be low. When out of missiles, the F-22 Raptor can escape. The F-35 Lightning II cannot.

A more likely future scenario is that Boris will be banned from subsequent air combat conferences, so we must rely on more conventional air combat operations analyses. If we move forward just a couple of years, say to the year 2017, and the PAK-FA is operational, there is a profound change in air combat engagements.

Suppose the Russians don’t quite master stealth to the degree of the F-22A, but manage a RCS of 0.01 square metres from all aspects. The F-22A’s APG-77 will detect the PAK-FA at ~40 nm and the F-35’s APG-81 at ~30 nm. Passive electronic surveillance might increase detection ranges, but this still makes long-range missile shots problematic, as tracking depends upon the opponent emitting, which smart opponents will try not to do.
The PAK-FA’s radar can be expected to be an improvement on the IRBIS-E so at front-on aspects might detect the F-22A at ~15 nautical miles and the F-35 at ~28 nautical miles; and from side and rear aspects, the F-22A at ~43 nautical miles and the F-35 at ~51 nautical miles.

Infrared sensors are the next growth area in air combat. Every air combat jet has unavoidable infrared signatures – converting kerosene into thrust at prodigious rates does that. The existing OLS-35, developed for the Su-35BM, is credited with the ability to detect a ‘fighter type’ target head on from 27 nautical miles, and from behind at around 50 nautical miles, through a 90° sector. It uses conventional detector technology, and provides similar performance to the Eurofighter Typhoon PIRATE infrared sensor. It is likely the PAK-FA will have infrared signature management as is found on the designs of the YF-23A, B-2A and the F-22A, but not on the F-35 [2].
The emerging technology of Quantum Well Imaging Photodetectors (QWIP) is set to cause an upset in this market sector.

Quantum Imaging Photo detectors.

QWIP based imaging Infra Red Search and Track (IRST) detectors can be “tuned” by design for sensitivity in a particular infrared band, using a fundamentally different detection technique to conventional “band gap” detectors where the material determines the colour sensitivity of the detector. First commercialized by Germany’s AIM/Diehl-BGT, QWIPs have since been adapted for ballistic missile defence applications. QWIPs have also been built to operate not only in the “conventional” midwave and longwave infrared bands, but also in the “very longwave” 15 micron band to detect very cool targets. QWIPs capable of simultaneously imaging in two, three or four infrared bands have also been manufactured and marketed. QWIP technology, therefore, opens up the potential for even greater detection ranges against targets cooler than what current production infrared sensors can track, and provide for much better infrared background rejection.
Consider a QWIP technology “OLS-50M” installed in the PAK-FA. Such a device could be design-optimised for simultaneous detection and tracking of aircraft exhausts, jet-plumes and missile flares to ranges of 70 nm and beyond – the limiting factors are the size of the optics, cooling system and detector area. Russia has decades of experience in the integration of infrared sensors into its weapons systems, and QWIPs could well become the primary sensor and radar the secondary. This means that the F-22A AN/ALR-94 will be denied signals to detect and track the PAK-FA.

The ‘shooting match’ shifts from radar-centric to ‘infrared centric’. The problem here is that the PAK-FA will have it, the F-22A does not, and the ability of the F-35 EOTS and DAS to make long range aircraft detections and guide weapons is at best ‘unproven’. The F-35 systems have not been designed to be highly sensitive at the task of searching and tracking distant aircraft at those infrared colours where aircraft and their jet engines emit most of their infrared energy. An understanding of the physics, or for the ever-hopeful, a simple Developmental Test and Evaluation exercise will demonstrate this.

With the Beyond-Visual-Range (BVR) radar detections being reduced to distances below 60 nautical miles and infrared sensor detection ranges growing beyond 50 nautical miles, a new generation of missiles will be required to dominate the battlespace.

Russian missile companies have shown much more flexibility and adaptability in the design of missiles, so the PAK-FA could have a new-generation of shorter range, but higher agility missiles – a fusion of the ideas in the R-74 and R-77M, with a diverse mix of seeker heads. These missiles will likely be cued by the IRST sensor, be equipped with inertial midcourse guidance and, probably, mid-course guidance update capability transmitted either by radio, or possibly infra-red laser or millimetric wave links.

Expect the PAK-FA to have vectored thrust and high levels of agility like the Flankers it is to either replace or complement. Long missile range requires large rocket or ram-jet motors and these heavy weapons lack the agility to pull high terminal ‘G’, and may be ‘ducked’ by the PAK-FA as easily as by the Su-35-1.

The PAK-FA will use a new super-cruising engine, based on technology from the Al-41F series, so its tactic might be to maintain combat speeds of about Mach 1.5 and use a more compact version of the ramjet RVV-AE-PD. A supersonic launch enables a ramjet to light without a powerful booster – thereby denying an opponent the detection of the usual missile launch flare.

Fights between the F-22A and the PAK-FA will be close, high, fast and lethal. The F-22A may get ‘first look’ with the APG-77, the Advanced Infra Red Search and Track (AIRST) sensor having been deleted to save money, but the PAK-FA may get ‘first look’ using its advanced infrared sensor. Then, the engagement becomes a supersonic equivalent of the Battle of Britain or air combat over North Korea. The outcome will be difficult to predict as it will depend a lot on the combat skills of the pilots and the capabilities of the missiles for end-game kills. However there is a guarantee that the PAK-FA will prevail most of the time.

The fate of the F-35 Lightning II would be far worse in an air combat environment challenged by the PAK-FA. If the Mach 1.5 PAK-FA is using its infrared sensor as the primary sensor and observes radio frequency emission control (EMCON), then the first detection by the F-35’s APG-81 radar could be at ~20 nautical miles or less with a missile launched by the PAK-FA’s infrared sensors already inbound from 60 to 70 nautical miles away. The PAK-FA could easily break to a direction outside the F-35’s AIM-120 engagement zone.

The sustained turning performance of the F-35A Lightning II was recently disclosed as 4.95 G at Mach 0.8 and 15,000 ft. A 1969 F-4E Phantom II could sustain 5.5 Gs at 0.8 Mach with 40 percent internal fuel at 20,000 feet. The F-35 is also much slower than the 1960s F-4E or F-105D. So the F-35A’s aerodynamic performance is ‘retrograde’ when compared with 1960s legacy fighters. The consequence of such inferior JSF performance is that its DAS might detect an incoming missile, but the aircraft lacks the turn-rate to out-fly it. As the F-35 also lacks the performance to engage or escape, repeated ‘freebie’ shots from the PAK-FA could inflict high losses. Expect the exchange rate to be of the order of 4:1 in favour of the PAK-FA, possibly much higher[3].

Russian aerospace companies have demonstrated an ability to outpace US aerospace manufacturers in terms of delivery of an operational capability and also the diversity of the capabilities of their weapons systems. The cumbersome US acquisition system, and marketing rather than technology driven aerospace industry, put the US at a distinct competitive disadvantage in rapidly adapting to an evolving threat environment.

The most dangerous situation the US could face, is where the high and upwardly spiralling development and production costs of the JSF ‘cuckoo’ the available resources, which are needed to develop the advanced capabilities necessary to counter the new Russian PAK-FA, and the generation of new weapons which the PAK-FA will inevitably be armed with.

Complacency is not an option. Having ruled the roost for the decade out to 2015, the F-22A may be knocked off its perch by a newcomer, unless the US invests in new sensors, especially, and advanced technology Infra-Red Search and Track, stealth improvements and a new generation of missiles for the F-22 – assuming it even builds more than the token number of F-22s currently planned. The F-35 has already been neutralised and negated by the Su-35-1/35BM and will be substantively overmatched by the PAK-FA. The West needs to think long, hard and fast about the PAK-FA, as the current and retrograde “F-35 centric” future fighter fleet model guarantees certain defeat in future combat


Nothing new but a recent article nevertheless.....

21/ 04/ 2009

MOSCOW. (Ilya Kramnik, RIA Novosti military commentator) - The development of the fifth-generation jet fighter is one of the most widely discussed issues in Russia's military.

What's more, with its potential involvement in developing the jet fighter, India, one of Russia's long-standing partners in military technical cooperation, confirms its interest in Russia's future project.

The new jet fighter is being developed under the PAK FA (Prospective (promising) Aircraft System of the Frontline Aviation) program to replace fourth-generation models now in service in Russian and Indian air forces.

The Soviet Union launched fifth-generation fighter programs in the 1980s. By the mid-1990s, the Mikoyan Design Bureau developed the Project 1.44 warplane, also known as the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG MFI. The Sukhoi Design Bureau came up with the S-37 Berkut experimental supersonic forward swept-wing jet fighter. The S-37 aircraft was an advanced technology demonstration prototype not intended to be mass-produced as a fighter. However, due to the lack of funding, the Project 1.44 aircraft was not streamlined and never entered production either.

By the late 1990s, it became apparent that existing fifth-generation fighter projects were becoming obsolete, that their production versions would be inferior to the brand new American F-22 Raptor air superiority fighter, and that even if finalized the air force would receive such warplanes a decade too late. (U.S. secret weapon: F-22-A Raptor in action. RIA Novosti video)

As a result, in the early 2000s, the Russian Government made decision to develop an entirely new fifth-generation fighter. The Sukhoi, Mikoyan and Yakovlev Design Bureaus, all renowned for their fighters, offered several warplane versions.

The project was eventually entrusted to Sukhoi, which refers to it internally as the T-50.

Various maiden flight and supply deadlines were discussed from the very beginning. The T-50 was eventually scheduled to perform its first flight somewhere between 2008 and 2010. In late 2008, the commander of the Russian air force announced that the plane would first take off in August 2009.

Mikhail Pogosyan, head of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, confirmed the information. "The progress that has been made by now suggests that we can begin the flight tests within one year," Mr Pogosyan said. Several versions of the aircraft are being discussed, including a two-seater model, and a carrier-based aircraft.

In the summer of 2008, officials said the T-50 design had been approved and prototype aircraft blueprints sent to the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft-building plant (KNAAPO) in Russia's Far East, where jet fighters will be produced. The plant is currently building three prototype T-50 fighters for future tests, due to last five to six years, while mass production will not get underway before 2015.

Although T-50 specifications have not been disclosed, it is known that prototypes and the first production aircraft will be fitted with 117S (upgraded AL-31) turbofan engines from Russian aircraft engine manufacturer Saturn. As a result, the T-50 will be a heavy fighter with a takeoff weight of over 30 metric tons and will have the same dimensions as the well-known Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. The Tikhomirov Institute of Instrument Design, which had developed the Irbis radar for the Su-35BM Flanker, is now working on the T-50 radar. The new fighter's radar and fire-control system will be designs on the basis of the Su-35BM's systems.

India is reportedly more interested in the two-seater version, while Russia, with its developed ground and air fight control system, plans to concentrate on the one-seater fighter. There is a possibility that the Indian version of the Russian fighter will be lighter and smaller, and thus cheaper.

There have been reports in the past few months about the new fighter's exterior design. Judging by photographs of the prototype available online, the T-50 will resemble the American F-22, a fact easily explained by similar parameters on their technical specifications. However, it is yet undecided whether the model will eventually be used as a prototype.

As of now, one can only make general conclusions on what kind of a machine it will be, based on the known parameters of their technical specifications. The new fighter should be:

- multifunctional - capable of successfully hitting air, ground and water targets alike, including small and moving ones, in any weather or time of the day, against an enemy equipped with high-precision weapons;

- super-maneuverable - capable of performing controlled flight at low velocity and large angle of attack;

- largely undetectable by optical, infrared or radio radars; and

- capable of taking off and landing on short runways.

However, the term "fifth-generation" covers more than just the fighters. It also embodies a whole range of equipment to ensure advanced combat capabilities, including weapons, radio-electronic equipment, ground- and air-based supply and control systems.

These elements are also under development, although not all projects are proceeding with equal speed and success. Nevertheless, they are all crucial to the program as a whole. Without them, the new fighter will remain a very expensive toy incapable of boosting the combat capabilities of the air force.

RIA Novosti - Opinion & analysis - Fifth-generation fighter to be developed in joint project
Russia's first post-Soviet warplane to fly in 2009 | Reuters

Russia's first post-Soviet warplane to fly in 2009
Mon May 11, 2009 2:27pm BST

By Oleg Shchedrov

KOMSOMOLSK-ON-AMUR, Russia (Reuters) - Russia's first all-new warplane since the fall of the Soviet Union will make its maiden flight before the end of the year, a senior official said on Monday.

"The prime minister (Vladimir Putin) visited today a section of the aircraft factory where he saw fifth-generation warplanes at the final stage of assembly,":agree: Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov told journalists in Komsomolsk in Russia's Far East, where the Sukhoi military and civilian aircraft maker is based.

"Before the end of the year, this plane will take to the sky."

He gave no further details, and journalists were not admitted to the top-secret part of the factory assembling the jet as Putin visited it.:whistle:

Russia's military program are notorious for delays but if the new Sukhoi warplane does fly this year, it will be the first foreign aircraft to challenge the much-publicized U.S. fifth-generation F-22 "Raptor" jet fighter.

A military commentator for Russia's RIA state news agency said last month that both India and Brazil could be closely involved in Russia's plans to build a fifth-generation jet that would be multi-functional, all-weather and day-and-night.

Other features of the fifth-generation jet, which the Soviet Union first conceived in the 1980s but was developed from scratch in the early years of this century, are its increased maneuverability, its invisibility to all kinds of radar, and its ability to take off and land on short runways.:)

Russia, engaged in a major reform of its armed forces, badly needs to update its weaponry to fight modern, hi-tech wars.

As well as the all-new jet, Ivanov promised that production of existing Soviet-designed fighters would be stepped up.

"It was agreed that the Defense Ministry would increase its orders for Su-27s and Su-30s by several dozens (of units) in three years," Ivanov told journalists.

In the 1980s, the introduction of the Sukhoi Su-27 fighter, codenamed "Flanker-B" by NATO, put the Soviet Union and its communist allies at the level of the U.S. F-15 and F-16 jets.

The Su-30, known as "Flanker-C" to NATO, is a more formidable version of the Su-27. It made its first flight in the days of the Soviet Union but was introduced to service in post-communist Russia in 1996.

(Writing by Dmitry Solovyov; Editing by Michael Stott and Kevin Liffey)
Russian 5th-gen fighter to commence test flights by year-end: Russian Deputy PM

12 May 2009

Komsomolsk-on-Amur: Russian deputy prime minister, Sergei Ivanov, has confirmed that flight tests of a fifth-generation fighter will commence by the end of 2009.

"By the end of this year, the plane will rise into the air and flight tests will begin," Ivanov told journalists in the Russian Far East, adding that serial production will start in 2010.

Russia's advanced multirole fighter, dubbed the PAK-FA, is being developed by the Sukhoi design bureau, part of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), in collaboration with Indian defence and aerospace establishment, the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL).

The collaboration has been made possible through a preliminary inter-governmental agreement signed in October 2007.

The first prototype is expected to make its maiden flight before the end of 2009.


On 28 February 2009 Sukhoi director Mikhail Pogosyan announced that the first prototype of the PAK-FA should be ready by August 2009. The programme is intended to develop a fifth generation fighter aircraft that will match capabilities similar to that of Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II, which are the world's first fifth-generation fighter jets.

It has also been dubbed as the ''Raptorski''.


The aircraft will feature a long combat radius, especially in its Indian twin-seat version, supersonic cruise speed, low radar cross section, super-manoeuvrability, and the ability to make short takeoffs and landings. The PAK-FA or the T-50 (Sukhoi designation) will have a normal take-off weight of 20 tons, which is in between to the average normal takeoff weight of the two American fighters - the F-35 JSF (17.2 tons) and the F-22 (24 tons).

The new fighter is expected to have a traditional wing form, but will incorporate experiences gathered as a result of the Berkut programme. It will incorporate stealth technology and will be equipped with two AL-41F engines. The radar will be an active phased array system and the aircraft will deploy high-precision weapons.

Indian FGFA

The Indian version has been designated the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) and will be a derivative of the PAK FA.

"The Indian FGFA is significantly different from the Russian aircraft because a second pilot means the addition of another dimension, development of wings and control surfaces," according to Ashok Baweja, erstwhile chairman of the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL).

After the meeting of the eighth Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation (IRIGC), Baweja had said that both sides had moved closer towards identifying the key areas of participation in the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA) for which both countries had signed a joint agreement in 2007.

According to him, India would bring into play its expertise in composites, lightweight high-strength materials that significantly bring down the weight of an aeronautical platform.

Listing the capabilities of the aircraft design, Baweja said that it would have stealth features which allow a drastic reduction in the aircraft's radar cross-section or 'signature', and the ability to 'super cruise.' This facility allows engines to fly at supersonic speeds without engaging afterburners, which results in substantial savings in fuel consumption.

The aircraft's embedded weapons will have the capability to engage multiple ground, sea and air targets. The design will also allow seamless communication between the fighter, other aircraft and ground stations.


Baweja said that the first prototype of the FGFA would fly with the AL-37FU engine, but eventually will be powered by an engine with at least 15 to 20 per cent more power.

The FGFA is expected to enter squadron service by 2015 and will replace at least three classes of aircraft in the IAF.:tup:

According to Baweja, HAL will be contributing largely to composites, cockpits and avionics. The software will also be different.

Absolutely Fantastic News. We can do with the additional technologically advanced firepower in the skies. Keep up the good work India.
/\/\/\ guys good news indeed but let me warn you none of the designs available on the net depict the pak-fa ....it might look completely different when the first pics come out ...even resemble the f-22

11 May, 2009

Russia says it will begin testing the long-anticipated ‘fifth-generation’ fighter plane it has co-produced with India by the end of the year. “By the end of this year, the plane will rise into the air and flight tests will begin,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov told RIA Novosti on Monday.

The aircraft is expected to supplant the fourth-generation of the Russian-Indian fighters, and is referred to as T-50 by Russia’s Sukhoi defense producer which is currently working on the plane.

Russian defense authorities, who were alarmed by US plans to develop successors to its fourth-generation fighter jets, came up with the idea of the aircraft in the early 1980s.

Moscow quickened work on the T-50 in 2005 when the F-22 Raptor officially joined the US air fleet.

The T-50 is expected to closely imitate the F-22 in being multifunctional, super-maneuverable and having the ability to evade optical, infrared or radio radars.

T-50 is also capable of performing controlled flights at low velocity and a large angle of attack, the Russian agency had earlier reported.

Three prototypes of the plane are being produced in the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft-building plant (KNAAPO) in Russia’s Far East.

While the prototypes are expected to undergo five to six years of test flights before the aircraft hits the assembly line in 2015, Ivanov said mass production would start in 2010.
"Heat exchanger" equip the new fighters with air-conditioning

JSC "Production and Design Association" heat exchanger "will supply air-conditioning systems for serial production of new Russian fighter T-50 - PAKFA (forward-looking set of front-line aviation aircraft, developed by JSC" Company "Sukhoi" to replace the MiG-29 and Su-27). This is stated in official documents of the company. T-50 is completed with 41 of them re-established, and 11 th serial products "heat exchanger".PAKFA First flight is planned for the summer of 2009, the start of series production of new fighter jets scheduled for 2010, with anticipated construction of 430 machines for domestic and foreign customers. In addition to fighter T-50 "heat exchanger" will also recruit a Russian air-conditioning systems, highly maneuverable multi-purpose all-weather fighter generation "4 + Su-35 (Su-27M, serial code of the T-10M, Flanker-E on the classification of NATO). As part of the serial production of Su-35 Nizhny Novgorod plant will supply 35 and the newly developed 16 series products. Su-35 will be ready for serial production in the 2010-2011 biennium. Assumed the construction of nearly 300 aircraft for domestic and foreign markets.Net profit of "heat exchanger" in the first quarter of 2009 - 33.99 million rubles. (12,8% growth compared to the same period in 2008), sales -305.91 million rubles. (down 7%).

source:????????.Ru ??????? ? ??????
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