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PAK-FA : photos and videos

But if I compare turkey and india..
I only see man power more on india.
And plus if theres a full scale war(hope not) the people that get into army arent trained.
but just civils with guns.
SO i think man power dont really play a decisive role.
Ofcourse it will if you have some couple millions of population.
But theres 100million turks all over the world.
With over 50million outside turkey.
Many are in europe and USA.
Where they have better health and education then in india.
weapon stockpile is more on india.
But how advanced are they?
and we got ally.
and many of them.
Turks have exriences since before christus.
Terrain advantage are common in turkey.
They used decisiver rol in the ottoman periods.
and india has them too.
economic is way better on his.
manufacturing is also more on us.
Industry the same.
But india has more(ofcourse).
So i really dont see why comparing turkey to india is tough.
or even pakistan.
or even china and russia.

Are you live in a myth world?

If in future a war starts between india and turkey. No European nation and United States support you with military

only support with dialogue. Every India's true allied european nation(like UK, France, Germany) and United States

knows that if they sent military to support turkey that will hurt him( Even turkey with the NATO) by loosing several

trade agreement with India. And also this destabilize this region.
And you talking about you have best non-nuclear submarine.
But india have nuclear submarine.Around 2-3 submarine india have in 2-3 years(Arihant Class and Nerpa class).
and also by 2017 india have 2-3 scorpene class submarine.

By 2017 india have 3 aircraft carrier(30 fighters in INS Vikrmaditya, 30 fighters in INS Vikraant and around 50

fighters in IAC-II)

What you do when around 110 fighters of india are on postion on your mediterranean sea with all fighters capable to

carry neuclear warhead.

you didn't have stealth frigate like india have shivalik class.
and your nation have no destroyer where india have lots of destroyer(e.g. delhi class, brhamputra class) and in 2-3

years india get stealth kolkata class destroyer.

What you do when su-30 mki fly in your airspace.
don't live on this myth that f-16 superior than su-30mki
su-30 mki far superior than f-16.

what you do when indian miliatry come throug sea.
and how you come to india.
there is a way by which you can come via iran and pakistan.

And you talking about industry give any detail which you are superior than india in manufacturing.

Your automobile sector are at no. 15 in production in 2009 and india at 6. Your economy not in G-15.

Your nation are no.11 in steel production and india at no.5.

you didn't have any space program. And india have a space program to 3 man in space by 2016 and
man at moon by 2019

in 2009 your gdp groth is -5.6% and india's gdp growth at 7%

in world you are at no. 23 in forex reserve list and india at no.5

your biggest company by revenue is Koç Holding by $34.84bn and india's tata group revenue around $70bn

14 Turkish companies were listed in the Forbes Global 2000 list for 2008

34 Indian companies have been listed in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking for 2008
If Syria gets it, what are the chances that India will pass on information on the plane to Israel?

IMHO, the PAK-FA or its Indian counterpart the FGFA are not for export in the near future. These aircraft deploy the latest in military and aviation tech and IMHO both countries will hold on to the tech till majority of the tech becomes technologically obsolete. Only then, may be, the aircraft will be exported and that too a scaled down version of it.
Yup , correct . I think it had more to do with testing of Flying control surfaces and nFCS onboard this machine . So might be possible this is the first time Nozzles were deviated .
LEVCONS/LERX are so huge , i never imagined them so huge , even covering front intakes part

Correct me if I am wrong, but arent these LERX's especially designed, as a secondary role, to act as a diffuser for airflow into engines during supercruise or in supersonic flight?
I think we should just stop replying to this Mustie idiot. Thank you all muchly.
Are you live in a myth world?

If in future a war starts between india and turkey. No European nation and United States support you with military

only support with dialogue. Every India's true allied european nation(like UK, France, Germany) and United States

knows that if they sent military to support turkey that will hurt him( Even turkey with the NATO) by loosing several

trade agreement with India. And also this destabilize this region.
And you talking about you have best non-nuclear submarine.
But india have nuclear submarine.Around 2-3 submarine india have in 2-3 years(Arihant Class and Nerpa class).
and also by 2017 india have 2-3 scorpene class submarine.

By 2017 india have 3 aircraft carrier(30 fighters in INS Vikrmaditya, 30 fighters in INS Vikraant and around 50

fighters in IAC-II)

What you do when around 110 fighters of india are on postion on your mediterranean sea with all fighters capable to

carry neuclear warhead.

you didn't have stealth frigate like india have shivalik class.
and your nation have no destroyer where india have lots of destroyer(e.g. delhi class, brhamputra class) and in 2-3

years india get stealth kolkata class destroyer.

What you do when su-30 mki fly in your airspace.
don't live on this myth that f-16 superior than su-30mki
su-30 mki far superior than f-16.

what you do when indian miliatry come throug sea.
and how you come to india.
there is a way by which you can come via iran and pakistan.

And you talking about industry give any detail which you are superior than india in manufacturing.

Your automobile sector are at no. 15 in production in 2009 and india at 6. Your economy not in G-15.

Your nation are no.11 in steel production and india at no.5.

you didn't have any space program. And india have a space program to 3 man in space by 2016 and
man at moon by 2019

in 2009 your gdp groth is -5.6% and india's gdp growth at 7%

in world you are at no. 23 in forex reserve list and india at no.5

your biggest company by revenue is Koç Holding by $34.84bn and india's tata group revenue around $70bn

14 Turkish companies were listed in the Forbes Global 2000 list for 2008

34 Indian companies have been listed in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking for 2008
You put forward good point man but there is no point in talkin to xMustiiej70
he end up makin a comment like"Turkish F16 are invincible"
or some thin like that so dont waste your time arguing with him
Correct me if I am wrong, but arent these LERX's especially designed, as a secondary role, to act as a diffuser for airflow into engines during supercruise or in supersonic flight?

No , its not , You mean to say those intakes are insufficient for air-flow to compressor fans during super-sonic flight and that is compensated by those LERX .
I dont think so , neither have heard anything like that.
If Sukhoi designers would have felt Air-pressure drop inside they would have added Auxiliary air-intakes either on sides or tail .

What you need for super-cruise is Dry-thrust only ,and those engines apart from Pak-FA are being tested on Su-35 testbed jet where its dry-thrust is sufficient to supercruise Su35 without Lerx acting as diffuser since LEVCONS are absent on su35 .

Their sole and main purpose is Flight control and providing that excellent air-lift to jet.
Correct me if I am wrong, but arent these LERX's especially designed, as a secondary role, to act as a diffuser for airflow into engines during supercruise or in supersonic flight?
If you are thinking something like the F-15's inlet ramps, then it is not possible. Either the movable LERX are dedicated for aerodynamics or they are for inlet air control. Cannot be both because under certain flight conditions, inlet air control computers can demand conflicting surface deflections than flight controls system's. In supersonic flight, the LERX's deflections would be downward to slow down supersonic air prior to the first compressor stage. But that angle would change the air flow at the fuselage-wing connection, possible creating unwanted lift or vortexes or unpredictable airflow. Remember that these later generations of fighters are pretty much lifting bodies.
The t-129 will be using a129 model.
engine from Rah-66 from usa.
and radar from israel(similar but better then the apache radar).
besides that.. ALL OF IT IS TURKISH.
So its like 80% turkish...

also.. 214 subs from germany to turkey.
are german.
But we filled it with turkish recources.
which makes it 60% turkish.

However its designed by germany ofcourse.
Turkey is developing MILGEM frigates/corvettes(very high specs) and destroyers/frigates (some call them warships) TF-2000(Best frigate with stealth).
With better missiles then harpoon from roketsan.
and better radars etc.. from aselsan.
Turkey is developing Altay tank.
Armour from south korea.
the rest is turkish.
a prototype will use 100% turkish recources.
and turkey already developed trainer aircraft.

Also.. I prefer having 60% turkish made and 40% other country but having the best of the world.
or one of the best.
then having typical soviet/russian tech and moderate quality 100% turkish.
just like india has them.
Only thing im impressed of india is.. how they managed to get over 1billion population.
Their entire army is really bad equipped.
These are said by india itself.
They had modernization but still it didn't helped much.
and the training of the turkish armed forces.
are extremely tough and pretty long.

:blink:what?? u have an American engine Israeli Radar and still the heli is 80 % urs??wow..More over U214 are german but u filled it with ls of stuff which makes them 60 % turkish..

On what basis did u calculate 80% ??are u looking in the weight rato??i mean engine 500-600 kgs radar 200 kgs so 800 kgs foreign parts.Total weight of heli 3-4 tons so 800*100/(4*1000)=20 % foreign parts and hence as rest of iron glass rubber weights 80 % of ur heli the heli is 80 % turkish effort???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have a question why russia giving us this stealth technology for only money or india was a good ally of former ussr.
I have a question why russia giving us this stealth technology for only money or india was a good ally of former ussr.

the thing is russia needs $$$ for the production cost, and i heard india will pay some of the cost, so thats why they r giving it to u guyz and ofcourse india is their old pal so...
If you are thinking something like the F-15's inlet ramps, then it is not possible. Either the movable LERX are dedicated for aerodynamics or they are for inlet air control. Cannot be both because under certain flight conditions, inlet air control computers can demand conflicting surface deflections than flight controls system's. In supersonic flight, the LERX's deflections would be downward to slow down supersonic air prior to the first compressor stage. But that angle would change the air flow at the fuselage-wing connection, possible creating unwanted lift or vortexes or unpredictable airflow. Remember that these later generations of fighters are pretty much lifting bodies.

Thanks for the clarification. Another question. Do these play a role something akin to inlet ramps during high AoA? The Sukhoi aircraft do have insane AoA!
the thing is russia needs $$$ for the production cost, and i heard india will pay some of the cost, so thats why they r giving it to u guyz and ofcourse india is their old pal so...

No, i think russia want to invade afganistan together(India and Russia) after total withdraw of NATO-ISAF. and also can also called its other allies.

But i think india not sent its army in afganistan because its cost lots of money and india have lots of internal issue.
No, i think russia want to invade afganistan together(India and Russia) after total withdraw of NATO-ISAF. and also can also called its other allies.

But i think india not sent its army in afganistan because its cost lots of money and india have lots of internal issue.

Oh boy! :disagree:
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