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Pak does not wish for prolonged peace in India:Gen Deepak Kapoor

Brother he is Chief General, so there is nothing wrong in his statement. He is waiting for fight :sniper: but we should keep cool down. Both Army Generals and Defense analysis leads hate in our hearts.

Mr.Kapoor is seems to be influenced by source reports submitted to him by RAW. Place a report before Mr. Kapoor that in Bombay Nov 26 2008 incident, the DIG Karkare was killed because he had un earthed a group of retired indian ARmy Officers involved in Terrorism and upon tips he was willing to raid the places for the arrest of some of serving indian army officers involved in terrorism, unfortunately he was killed, but what DIG Karkare did, please see the Samjhota Express report. The indian terrorist organizations are using false flage theories. They are involved in terrorism inside Inida and indian intelligence agencies are preparing false source reports maligning Pakistan. These false reports are placed before Key operatives in India. The indians sacred cows are behind all insuregencies in occupied Kashmir and heavy investments are made in Afghnistan in establishing false muslim militant camps where militants are trained and used in occupied Kashmir areas who targets Hindus just to malign Pakistan. Mr. Kapoor if you have free time please go through the reports pertaining to plans and actions of RSS ABHINOV, AKHUND, Shiv sena, BJP, than decide whether Pak army is behind the insurgencies in India or who else ?
Dont break it down for me dear because our Chinese friends daily break the 62 war for Indians daily even on your own forums :china: and you dont have any answer but to ban them or call them suckers or commies :P
And As far as BD is concern :) we are happy it had made us realise how to sharpen our skills and the sob sob sob BD is like a PIA for India today ;)
Bravo to our Bangladeshi brothers for keeping their country liberated from bhartis.
And oh BTW read your post again as per your own claim Chinese army was "untrained" still it defeated super duper Indian army as per your claim. You also said it was China who did not want to prolong the war and thus after killing you she again injected some oxygen into Indian deadbody by handing you the areas as per your claim.

I see you are incapable of debating without invectives.

Anyhow, I am happy India taught Pakistanis how to sharpen their skills. I believe it was a lesson well learned.

You're welcome. :smitten:
Funny, so you think that your President/PM didnt find anyone else than your COAS to give out the statement on Kashmir? You FM could have done the job well, i supposed.

There is no restriction for our general to disclose his opinion about security of a State (That too only on Kashmir,not about any other state where military has nothing to do) , He is not a bonded labor :)

Our FM will officially release statement if required , May be if any freedom fighter like Kasab very "bravely" fights and kills unarmed civilians to bring freedom to Kashmir our FM will get in.
Bleeding india with thousand cuts...uhhh oops sorry
Brother you need to go back to the reality i don't talk to no one like that but your arrogance forced me to reply, When Russia wanted to reach out to the warm waters through Pakistan and India being the biggest supporter of Russia and India helping the King of Afganistan made Pakistan to take that stance To bleed india to death with 1000 cuts but this stance was changed as soon as Russia and india were defeted In Afganistan. " Russian man power and help of india contects etc" So please you need to go more deep into the issues and i know a lot will jump off of their seats after this but When Indian and russia shaked hands together Pakistan was forced to take help from US help Mujahideens, Creat taliban later. Creat Kalistan movement but That was in 80's its been surely 20 years so knock it off please. Pakistan doesn't want unstable country with over billion people around her shoulder. :pakistan: :police::china::usflag:
Like the one as 1971 :flame:

u came in on the last couple of weeks and took the glory....a bit two guys boxing and in the 12th round just before one of them is going to go down an indian jumps in the ring and throws the final punch and takes the title...:rofl:
Our FM will officially release statement if required , May be if any freedom fighter like Kasab very "bravely" fights and kills unarmed civilians to bring freedom to Kashmir our FM will get in.
So until then you'll let your COAS fart out useless, untrue, provocative, baseless, futile and doltish statements. Bravo!
So until then you'll let your COAS fart out useless, untrue, provocative, baseless, futile and doltish statements. Bravo!

May be he is practicing to get skilled in all these fields you mentioned above.
May be he is practicing to get skilled in all these fields you mentioned above.

Or may be he is like that poor kid who is always bullied by his schoolmates all the times and no one lets him speak anywhere, so that kid starts seeking petty, trivial and piddling 'issues' to talk about just for the sake of showing their bulliers that, hey! look i too have a tongue!!
and when the same team find out PAK army and ISI behind Mumbai attack , you tried running......

Oh man what... you pick Indian police report which favor you and dont which point towards , you, same police also point Dawood in PAK..... hows that

awww but when Kasab confessed your govt refused to take action because Kasab mentioned the involvement of local Indians too.

kasab also refused killing Karkare.

So who killed him?

mystry ehh
I believe it was a lesson well learned.

Yes indeed a well learned lesson "never to trust a bharita baniya" Bagal main churi moon main ram ram.
And then you guys have the audacity to complain over why Pakistan refused to provide a transit route. The reason is because of the lesson well learned.
if some one can do ballot or a poll al pakistanis and indians wants peace ! its the armies my wild guess is who will than buy defence goods !? its big business
Is this your criteria for judging people's wealth.

Well....the question is of roti kapda and makaan .....wealth is different from just leading an average well to do life...

Now if you are gonna tell me that these cart pullers are using mobile phones because it is a fashion or a fad these days....then I can only laugh at you...

These people would only buy mobile phones only if they can feed their stomachs twice a day ...no question of wealth anywhere...

Logically they are not reeling under poverty ...they can manage their food and shelter....

I hope that is logical enough not to make you laugh...thanks
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