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Pak denies any 48-hour deadline

Great, no response on the question asked... unfortunately, some guys are here only for Pakistan bashing in whatever way possible, be that insinuations or the schizoid indian media reports......i can hear the retreat drums sounding in the other camp on this thread atleast... but it is not good for the nascent ego of super power like India that its deadlines are rebuked in public by a small country which doesn't give a damn to their barks........ :wave:
Great, no response on the question asked... unfortunately, some guys are here only for Pakistan bashing in whatever way possible, be that insinuations or the schizoid indian media reports......i can hear the retreat drums sounding in the other camp on this thread atleast... but it is not good for the nascent ego of super power like India that its deadlines are rebuked in public by a small country which doesn't give a damn to their barks........ :wave:

Pakistani officials confirmed to Mullen that at least the captured terrorist was Pakistani based on the above mentioned investigations, information he is reported to have shared with India after he left Pakistan.


What does this prove to you?
News aAbout Hoax Call to Zardari and 48 hour deadline for pakistan to Act again LeT, are seems to be originated from Pakistan out of their FEAR of aggressive attack from India


Another thread sunning on this , mate.

As far as deadline and stuff is concerned , it's just hype - only long term commitment will do . India and Pak have to shore up Internal security and the whole of Pak should be under control of Gop , which will be good for India too.

War rehotic is just rubbish , when Pakistan was stable - India was calm too i.e between 03 and 07 . We need more of that , not fake deadlines.
There is no GOD damn 48 deadline or any other deadline wake up !! lol hahaha
War rehotic is just rubbish , when Pakistan was stable - India was calm too i.e between 03 and 07 . We need more of that , not fake deadlines.

What India needs is a lesson in sobriety inside it's own borders first. Pakistan has shown it is committed to rooting out anarchy, while it is flourishing in India. Then when something happens, it is automatically blamed on GoP. This derails our own stability not just India's.
What India needs is a lesson in sobriety inside it's own borders first. Pakistan has shown it is committed to rooting out anarchy, while it is flourishing in India. Then when something happens, it is automatically blamed on GoP. This derails our own stability not just India's.

Anarchy is being rooted out in Pakistan, while it is flourishing in India!!! How very illuminating.
I do not know when u people will come out of this ostrich like attitude?

India is not blaming anything on the current GoP. But India is definitely blaming elements within Pakistan, which your President is terming as non-state actors. But India & the world is insisting that Pakistan do has to take responsibility for them too and act assertively, rather than empty talk. India is also blaming elements from the Pakistan intelligence agencies (ISI...) for supporting & training (covertly & overtly) the above so-called non-state actors.

I cannot understand where the reasonable & rational voices of Pakistan, if any has gone.

As for others I would request them to read "Irfan Husain"s article "Facing the Truth" in his columns on Pakistan national daily "The Dawn".

Not that it would shake any out of their ingrained & long-bred prejudices, but is anyway a chance for introspection for those inclined.
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What would it take for you to change your views?

What if the deadline is really there? What is the LET leaders are actually arrested?

Would that make you change your views?

Vinod, if you have any sense of shame left, you will just shut up and give it up. You've been minced in this thread.

You're jumping from one thing to the other. Clutching at straws.

I always said that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The action appears to have been taken in the 48 hours!

For me that is not so important. What is important is that it has been initiated. Let us see how and whether it is taken to the logical conclusion now.
I always said that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The action appears to have been taken in the 48 hours!

For me that is not so important. What is important is that it has been initiated. Let us see how and whether it is taken to the logical conclusion now.
48 hours expired a good 13 hours before...
48 hours expired a good 13 hours before...

Just to nitpick, not true. A confirmation from our mutual favorite source.

New Delhi: The US-India 48-hour deadline is working. Pakistan on Monday closed down a prominent terror camp run by Lashkar-e-Taiba, and arrested
top LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi.
( Watch )

In an operation backed by army helicopters, Pakistani troops swooped down on the Shawai camp outside Muzaffarabad, and after a scuffle, picked up Lakhvi from among a group of men. While the operation was confirmed by Pakistan army officials, there has been no official reaction from India.

However, privately, government sources said Pakistan needed to "do more". In Washington, the US said there were "some positive steps".

It was the first concrete step from Pakistan to address Indian concerns about terrorist groups like Lashkar, or even to arrest LeT's operational leaders. According to reports, around eight LeT operatives have been picked up. The Indian government will continue to ask for Lakhvi to be tried in India, while maintaining its demand to arrest other LeT commanders like Muzammil and Zarrar Shah, named by the terrorist nabbed in Mumbai.

The Pakistani action, coming after days of immense bellicosity with India and lusty demands for "solid evidence", has clearly come under the influence of US pressure. Given the nature of the Mumbai attack and the confessions of the arrested terrorist, there was little doubt in the minds of US, Indian and other international investigators about who exactly were involved.

In fact, by the time US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice arrived in Delhi, she had with her names and camps of those involved in the attacks, corroborated by US and Indian officials.

India would not have been able to achieve such outcomes by itself, given its lack of levers with Pakistan. But India was very careful not to engage in precipitate action, because it could have threatened the fledgling civilian government, opening it to another military coup, which India did not want.

However, Indian officials said the real action needed to be against the ISI, because closing down a couple of LeT camps was not enough, as long as the ISI retained the ability to create more such outfits. The LeT shares an umbilical relationship with the ISI. Besides, the Jamaat-ud-Dawa remained untouched, though in a separate report, the police chief in Pakistan's Punjab ordered that all religious bodies of banned outfits should be closed. It's unlikely the JuD will be closed because its charity work and schools are popular in Pakistan.

The LeT was banned in 2001 and its chief Hafiz Saeed placed under house arrest after the Parliament attack. But six months down the line, Saeed was out making incendiary speeches against India and recruiting jihadis. Even last Friday, Saeed was at Muridke, delivering a vitriolic speech against India and US.

Further, in an attempt to get India to climb down from its state of anger, the defence committee of the Pakistan cabinet (which is the civilian version of Musharraf's military NSC) asked all Pakistani departments to "act on" information shared by India on the Mumbai terror attacks, adding that Pakistani soil would not be allowed to be used for any "terrorist activity".

It renewed its "offer of full cooperation with India, including intelligence sharing and assistance in investigation as well as setting up of a joint investigative commission", said an official statement. However, it stressed that "all actions taken will be within the ambit of Pakistani law".

Mumbai terror guru captured in Pak raid-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

AFAIK, the deadline was supposed to expire sometime late night yesterday. So it was done in time, punctual as always. ;)

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