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Pak denies any 48-hour deadline


Aug 31, 2008
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has agreed to a 48-hour timetable set by India and the United States to formulate a plan to take action against
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and to arrest at least three Pakistanis who Indian authorities say are linked to the multiple attacks in Mumbai, a top US daily reported, citing a top Pakistani official. ( Watch )

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities, said India had also asked Pakistan to arrest and hand over LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi and former chief of Pakistan's spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Hamid Gul, in connection with the probe into the Mumbai carnage, which killed nearly 200 people, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

This development comes in the wake of reports in the Indian media that some top Pakistan military and intelligence officials had admitted that the perpetrators of Mumbai were Pakistani terrorists owing allegiance to the Lashkar. According to the reports, Pakistan officials admitted this in Islamabad before Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chief of Staff, who conveyed it to government officials in India.

The agency report from Washington, quoting the newspaper, said that Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari is expected to consult his nation's top military and intelligence officials on how to follow through on India's demands. "The next 48 hours are critical," the official was quoted as saying by the influential US daily.

A week after the terrorist assault in the Indian financial capital, Indian officials have stepped up their efforts to make a clear case of link between the carnage and Pakistani elements. According to the Post, a high-level source in the Indian government, speaking on condition of anonymity, said India has "clear and incontrovertible proof" that LeT had carried out the attacks and that the group's leaders were trained and supported by Pakistan's ISI.

"We have the names of the handlers. And we know that there is a close relationship between the Lashkar and the ISI," the source said.

Indian and US investigators have identified Yusuf Muzammil, an LeT leader, as the mastermind behind the attacks. US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has already asked Pakistan to turn in Muzammil and other suspects, the report said.

Mullen visited India on Thursday when he is said to have conveyed this to officials in India. He had visited Islamabad before that. In India, he met NSA M K Narayanan, defence minister A K Antony and navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta. "It's possible that in the face of international pressure some of them admitted in a private conversation what we believe is a fact. Even if it is true, we don't think it is enough," said an Indian official.

According to Indian officials, US is convinced about the involvement of Pakistani nationals because it has been able to establish the identity of lone terrorist survivor Ajmal Amir Kasab and his family members living in Pakistan. The US also has access to evidence to prove where some of the perpetrators trained in Pakistan.

Earlier, Mullen had asked Pakistan's top leadership to "investigate aggressively any and all possible ties to groups based in Pakistan", the US embassy had said in a statement. While taking note of the recent success of Pakistani security forces in operations against militants on the Afghan border, Mullen "also encouraged Pakistani leaders to take more and more concerted action against militant extremists elsewhere in the country", the statement said.

link:Pak agrees to 48-hour timetable for action against LeT: Report-USA-World-The Times of India

Pakistan denies 48-hour deadline report
NDTV Correspondent
Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:17 AM (Washington)
Pakistan has denied the report and reacting to the issue of the 48-hour deadline, spokesperson and press secretary to the President of Pakistan, Farhatullah Baber said, "We do not need to respond to each and every provocation expressed in the media."

Former ISI chief General Hamid Gul who said that he has not heard anything about a deadline that has been reportedly imposed on Pakistan by the US and India or that he is one of the people the US wants Pakistan to take action against. He also said India has made a huge mistake by taking a U-turn and allying with the US.

Earlier, India and the United States stepped up pressure on Pakistan to crackdown on terrorist groups operating from its soil, particularly the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT).

The leading US daily Washington Post, quoting a high-ranking Pakistan official, said that Pakistan has agreed to a 48-hour timetable set by India and the United States to formulate a plan to take action against Lashkar and to arrest at least three Pakistanis who Indian authorities say are linked to the assaults.

India has also asked Pakistan to arrest and handover Lashkar commander Zaki ur-Rehman Lakhwi and former ISI director Hamid Gul in connection with the investigation.

A top Pakistani official, on conditions of anonymity, has confirmed the information to the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, Pakistan says it is still awaiting "concrete proof" on suspicions that a Pakistan-based militant group was behind last week's deadly attacks in Mumbai.

"Pakistan is currently doing its own internal investigation and is waiting for concrete proof to be handed over to us. Our position is that we have always been and still are the victims of terrorism," said Pak President Asif Ali Zardari.

Zardari was responding to a question on suspicions that the 10 militants behind the Mumbai attacks belonged to the Lashkar-e-Toiba based in Pakistan.
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This is where Times of India trips on a few shoelaces...

" According to the Post, a high-level source in the Indian government, speaking on condition of anonymity, said India has "clear and incontrovertible proof" that LeT had carried out the attacks and that the group's leaders were trained and supported by Pakistan's ISI. "

So far there is no proof whatsoever that elements of the GoP supported this operation. This is just an ongoing fabrication. What Pakistan should hand to India at this stage is the middle finger and some captured Indian taliban.
The GoP can most probably take the action against Let head Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi, But very much doubtful in the case of Ex ISI chief Hamid Gul. Any action against Gul will suggest the involvement of Pakistan govt as well, for gul being the part ot top authorities in Pakistan.
times of india is your source? seriously???
this thread is going nowhere
The GoP can most probably take the action against Let head Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi, But very much doubtful in the case of Ex ISI chief Hamid Gul. Any action against Gul will suggest the involvement of Pakistan govt as well, for gul being the part ot top authorities in Pakistan.

Pakistan will never hand over a former DG of ISI (keep in mind that Hamid Gul was DG ISI more than 10 years ago). Asking for Hamid Gul is a ploy by India to push the limits and end up with someone from LeT without putting too much on the table. Also Hamid Gul has had nothing to do with any of the governments ever since he was retired by Benazir during her first term.
Pakistan will never hand over a former DG of ISI (keep in mind that Hamid Gul was DG ISI more than 10 years ago). Asking for Hamid Gul is a ploy by India to push the limits and end up with someone from LeT without putting too much on the table. Also Hamid Gul has had nothing to do with any of the governments ever since he was retired by Benazir during her first term.
Asking for anyone is a non starter.

And to provide any kind of list is also a non-starter.

They need to focus on this one incident and try him in Pakistan.
Yeah yeah and what next, maybe ask for president Zardari as well, since he too maybe backing this whole thing up. Seriously times of India sucks but anyways lets wait and watch, but wait like Vinod asked when did the countdown started?
It is not about TOI. The news was carried by "The Washington Post".

It is the Pakistani members who post the most from TOI when it suits them. Let us learn to differentiate between "news" and "opinions".

This is news and is sourced from the news agencies. It will be same all over the world, if reported. Even in Pakistani papers.
It is not about TOI. The news was carried by "The Washington Post".

It is the Pakistani members who post the most from TOI when it suits them. Let us learn to differentiate between "news" and "opinions".

This is news and is sourced from the news agencies. It will be same all over the world, if reported. Even in Pakistani papers.
You should link the news carried out by the Washington post too.
^^^sounds like mere speculation by media esp the sources being quoted are "anonomous"
You should link the news carried out by the Washington post too.

WASHINGTON/ NEW DELHI: Pakistan has agreed to a 48-hour timetable set by India and the United States to formulate a plan to take action against
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and to arrest at least three Pakistanis who Indian authorities say are linked to the multiple attacks in Mumbai, a top US daily reported, citing a top Pakistani official. ( Watch )

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities, said India had also asked Pakistan to arrest and hand over LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhwi and former chief of Pakistan's spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Hamid Gul, in connection with the probe into the Mumbai carnage, which killed nearly 200 people, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.

Pak agrees to 48-hour timetable for action against LeT: Report-USA-World-The Times of India

So unless the TOI is blatantly lying, it is true.

This story from the Washington times is on similar lines.
the story in washigton times too.. so is it genuine?? when s the ultimatum gonna end?
If the ultimatum is genuine, shouldn't it be in the media all over the world?

I am not too sure about it either.

It has been on some news channels since yesterday night. Need some independent verifications before I can trust it fully.

There are some other news too in TOI.

Pak on track to being named terrorist state

WASHINGTON: The United States is dusting off a long-discarded proposal to declare Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. But with the Bush
administration now in its final six weeks in office, a decision in this regard is being left to the incoming Obama government, sources said, contingent on corrective actions taken in the meantime by Islamabad to the satisfaction of India, US and other countries affected by Pakistan's toxic export of death. ( Watch )

US intelligence circles are now re-evaluating Pakistan's
contribution to the war on terror, and the ISI's dominant role in the country and its ties with jihadi outfits, at the behest of the Bush administration. The White House itself lost faith in the Pakistan Army's bonafides several months ago which led to Washington's decision to withdraw support to military ruler Pervez Musharraf and back a new civilian government, officials and congressional aides who spoke on background explained. The decision to dump Musharraf was taken at vice-president Dick Cheney recommendation, they added, because of evidence that Pakistan was continuing to help Taliban elements attacking Nato forces.

Now the Bush administration is even more convinced that the Pakistani Army and its intelligence arm ISI, who still calls the shots in Islamabad, are continuing their toxic policies. But firm action against them is constrained by both the transition phase in Washington and the US dependence on Pakistan to maintain supply lines to its troops in land-locked Afghanistan. Officials are now re-examining options in this regard, particularly US leverage against Islamabad if Pakistan considers interdiction strategies.

Pakistan came close to being named a state sponsor of terrorism in 1992 when then Secretary of State James Baker charged then prime minister Nawaz Sharif of supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. The then US envoy in Islamabad Nicholas Platt conveyed to Sharif that "we (US) are very confident of our information that your intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, and elements of the Army are supporting Kashmiri and Sikh militants who carry out acts of terrorism... This support takes the form of providing weapons, training and assistance in infiltration ... We're talking about direct, covert support from the Government of Pakistan."

In his talking points, Platt continued: "Our information is certain. It does not come from the Indian Government. Please consider the serious consequences to our relationship if this support continues... If the situation persists, the Secretary of State may find himself required by law to place Pakistan in the U.S.G. [United States Government] State sponsors of terrorism list... You must take concrete steps to curtail assistance to militants and not allow their training camps to operate in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir."

The situation was defused by Sharif government removing then D-G of ISI Javed Nasir even as Washington was going through a transition phase (from Bush Sr to Clinton).

But it now appears that the ISI has cranked up its policy from mere infiltration and support to outright commando style attacks.

Despite a soft-line adopted by Bush administration in public to the benefit of doubt to Pakistan's civilian government and spur it into action, Washington has little doubt that the terrorist attack on Mumbai was sponsored and planned with state support, US officials are saying privately. One things is certain; this was not a run-of-the mill LeT operation.

"I think this event looks a lot more like a classical Special Forces or commando-style raid than it does like any terrorist attack we've seen before," David Kilcullen, a counter insurgency military analyst who served as an advisor to Gen. Davis Petraeus tells Fareed Zakaria in the upcoming edition of his program GPS, articulating what US officials are saying in private. "No al-Qaida-linked terrorist group and certainly never Lashkar-e-Taiba has mounted a maritime raid of this type or complexity."

The US intelligence community believes that hijacking a fishing vessel, infiltrating via the sea, via inflatable boat, launching diversionary attacks designed to pull the first responders out of the way of the subsequent follow on groups that struck the Oberoi, the Taj Mahal, the Nariman Center and the equipment the terrorists carried and their attire were all in the vein of a covert special-forces raid rather than a traditional terrorist attack.

I would wait for some more time and other supporting evidence for this too.

There is one more:

McCain warns Pakistan of Indian strikes

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