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Pak Army's 'mother of all battles' might turn futile as Taliban slip away: Locals

Pakistan Armed forces, well their military to be more specific don't have the necessary equipment to fight a guerrilla war of this magnitude but, their is no other way around because your country will be destablizing if you don't proceed with this operation, your casualties will be immense and a severe blow to your military after this operation.. I also read that military said, this operation will be over in 2 months give or take.. LOL, good luck on that wouldn't be surprised if you are their for more than year or two..

-Well God speed, about time you get these miscreants..

*Oops, referring to my segment, yeah I believe that Pentagon just released 200 million dollars worth of equipment to your army, I guess that should help.. =/
Pakistan Armed forces, well their military to be more specific don't have the necessary equipment to fight a guerrilla war of this magnitude but, their is no other way around because your country will be destablizing if you don't proceed with this operation, your casualties will be immense and a severe blow to your military after this operation.. I also read that military said, this operation will be over in 2 months give or take.. LOL, good luck on that wouldn't be surprised if you are their for more than year or two..

-Well God speed, about time you get these miscreants..

*Oops, referring to my segment, yeah I believe that Pentagon just released 200 million dollars worth of equipment to your army, I guess that should help.. =/

Typical american with no brain...considering himself master of all...infact you americans are jack of all master of nothing.

You should start worrying about your own country and pray that Mr. Obama leaves the house before your own country starts disintergrating.:wave:
Pakistan Armed forces, well their military to be more specific don't have the necessary equipment to fight a guerrilla war of this magnitude but, their is no other way around because your country will be destablizing if you don't proceed with this operation, your casualties will be immense and a severe blow to your military after this operation.. I also read that military said, this operation will be over in 2 months give or take.. LOL, good luck on that wouldn't be surprised if you are their for more than year or two..

-Well God speed, about time you get these miscreants..

*Oops, referring to my segment, yeah I believe that Pentagon just released 200 million dollars worth of equipment to your army, I guess that should help.. =/

Yes we dont have dollars to pay taliban as NATO doing in Afghanistan. USA and NATO have been in Afghanistan for f*cking 8 years. Dude you should ask ur gov wtf har you doing when Pakistan managed to swap out talibans in 4 months from Swat . What have they done with there high tec weapons ? Dropping money to Talibans ? lol :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Now wait for few months than we talk. Inshalla after ARMY swap out all taliban we can chat.
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Pakistan Armed forces, well their military to be more specific don't have the necessary equipment to fight a guerrilla war of this magnitude but, their is no other way around because your country will be destablizing if you don't proceed with this operation, your casualties will be immense and a severe blow to your military after this operation.. I also read that military said, this operation will be over in 2 months give or take.. LOL, good luck on that wouldn't be surprised if you are their for more than year or two..

-Well God speed, about time you get these miscreants..

*Oops, referring to my segment, yeah I believe that Pentagon just released 200 million dollars worth of equipment to your army, I guess that should help.. =/

The higlighted part shows the real intent of the American occupiers of neighbouring Afghanistan.

The americans need to worry about the defeat that is staring them in the face in Afghansitan.

Dont worry Pakitan Army is much more reslitant and resourcefull than you might think. We have only comitted a fraction of the oveall man power and equipment in this theatre.
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