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Pak Army seeking to topple govt: reports

I don't think military coup will take place as US aid will be stopped. But jana ji y r u blaming Indian Orange (still don't know what it means) media.

As she already said that Indian Orange media comes up with such BS reports time and time again. I remember same reports were published by HT (i guess it was HT) in 2008.
Real intention behind publishing such news seems to be to sabotage the reputation of Army in Pakistan.
Army is the real master of Pakistan so it is better they remain at the helm of affairs. One power center is better than two and less confusing for the Indian government.
wat good is this 'so-called' elected democrazic govt other than saving their farms and property to destroy and Kill milliions .

i wish if army takes over they shd atleast put an end to the present leaders by hanging them or just leaving them in public without the security. :devil:
I prefer an military rule in Pakistan.... it was peaceful comparatively and we have significant progress on bilateral relations. Even Pakistan has developed a lot under Musharaf's rule.

Anyways... nothing bad intended ... I saw the good side of it :)
To Uncle Sam: Just take one person out from power and the current government will improve. Replace him with his Son at least he is not corrupts, Just like Jordanian King he is a westerner.
Then just imagine what the voters are like... The voters gave their written consent for this misery, this corruption and this incompetence. We are all duty bound to accept it, no matter what. It is the only way we will learn how to not make any more disastrous voting mistakes.

If we all vote "Destroy Pakistan" then Pakistan is going to be destroyed. It all depends upon what we implement.

Dear Asim, do you really believe in ballots of Pakistan?

Did you not remember how Nawaz Sharif made record of election history in an election conducted under his own supervision.
When he was kicked out, all his voters were no where to be seen, not even his own cabinet supported him..
Point is 20-50% votes in our elections are bogus depending on the area and media coverage.

I still remember when ex Punjab CM Manzoor Watto disclose on national TV about ID card machines, which were owned by Nawaz Sharif and he also brought suit cases full of ID cards to show public.

Forget about the general elections now take for an example elections of President... you will only see selfishness the driving force.

Now take an example of fake degree case, in Sindh HEC officials are officialy victimized.

We can conveniently blame on people but we forget that how (fake) Jurnos, blackcots and mullahs hijacked the society by their stick parades. Irony is most of arrested Jurnos and blackots from any protest were fake.

Now if you remember PPP publicly challenged or threatened to start checking the degrees of judiciary. They even came on media with forgery of Ifitikhar ch. and his son... in financial claims. This is case case closed and this is how unfair democracy in Pakistan is to its people.

Voter hardly ever matters in Pakistan.
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A lot of people are getting ulcers now as Army reputation is sky rocketing Thanks to Flood Rescue Operations.

Army's credibility was always on the rise after Musharaf got removed. Army gains popularity when it performs its own job well. If Army would try to interfere in Government matters because of its higher credibility yet again, results won't be different from what Musharaf left it to.
I don't think military coup will take place as US aid will be stopped. But jana ji y r u blaming Indian Orange (still don't know what it means) media.
Just for the record, there is a provision in the KLL that allows the President to continue Aid if it is determined to be in US national interests or something of the sort.

Depending upon the US need for Pakistani military operations and support for the war in Afghanistan, the US may or may not end aid to Pakistan.

That said, I agree with most of the posters that Gen. Kiyani will not make an overt power grab, and if it happens, will likely be because of impeachment or SC orders because of anarchy or the threat of anarchy.
Another coup deffo not comin...Its not 1999 and kiyani is not musharraf! That said however, one cannot rule out removal of President with the help of judiciary of course!

Brotherz this time coup is not gonna happen but the change of system Inshallah...:woot:
wat good is this 'so-called' elected democrazic govt other than saving their farms and property to destroy and Kill milliions .

i wish if army takes over they shd atleast put an end to the present leaders by hanging them or just leaving them in public without the security. :devil:

Yes u r right bro...:)
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