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Pak Army ordered to open fire if the US raids!

Dear Munir,

How easy you find such simple solutions when you live safely In Holland ?

Okay we take it for granted that man to man the Pakistani Armed Forces are the best. Okay ?

Your Navy will last a day against the US Navy.
Your Airforce will last a week against the USAF.
Your Army at the most two weeks.

However your insurgency against the US for a life time if they are stupid enough to put boots on the ground.

I am saying that keeping in my mind that Armed Forces march and win battles when they have fuel, ammunition and food. All three of them are not plentifull in Pakistan. You will be suprised how fast the Ummah will desert u when u take on the USA.


Are you suggesting that those resistive elements in Afghanistan, which are failing US are much more stronger than Pak forces?
Are you suggesting that those resistive elements in Afghanistan, which are failing US are much more stronger than Pak forces?

No Batman,

I am talking on taking on the United States when Pakistan is already so dependant on them and the most unreliable Ummah.

No Batman,

I am talking on taking on the United States when Pakistan is already so dependant on them and the most unreliable Ummah.


Oh, come on this is no gauge. You think those who are not dependent on US can hold back US much longer than Pakistan army?
What was unreliable about Ummah?
I'm infect tired of witnessing that it is only Ummah, always resisting the injustice and crimes against humanity? Why it is Ummah who always have to do the act of humanity following the phase of callousness.
you make me believe that non Ummah are mere wild animals who kill children, women and civilians indiscriminately for securing world resources beyond their legal limits.
You need to review the history, my dear.
Oh, come on this is no gauge. You think those who are not dependent on US can hold back US much longer than Pakistan army?
What was unreliable about Ummah?
I'm infect tired of witnessing that it is only Ummah, always resisting the injustice and crimes against humanity? Why it is Ummah who always have to do the act of humanity following the phase of callousness.
you make me believe that non Ummah are mere wild animals who kill children, women and civilians indiscriminately for securing world resources beyond their legal limits.
You need to review the history, my dear.

Ok Mr Batman please tell me where your fuel will come from when the so called war with US starts. Please remember there is difference between fuel and black gold.

Ok Mr Batman please tell me where your fuel will come from when the so called war with US starts. Please remember there is difference between fuel and black gold.
For get it... we are going in different directions.
BTW, for me more compelling reason for avoiding war is that it will be fought in my country and there will be human lives at stake and there cannot be any justification for that, what soever.
We will have to lose much more than any military fighting out of rubbles of Afghanistan.
FYI, we own more strategic assets than fuel.
When our CoAS has taken stand against all odds (incl. fuel) than it should be clear to all sane how it will conclude or in other words how far reaching implications it may have.
Trust me once our army has the order they will shoot at every possible flying object and if US have brain enough, it will not embark on suicide mission.
Of course risk of all out war is there if US become selfish and think hell with others, his country is far away.
Things are going from bad to worse, I sincerely hope Mullen's unschedulled meeting will be fruitful tonight and put an halt to intensified US' raids on our soil.

Imho we're all underestimating the effects of one single US caualty on the hands of PA. If it happens there's no goung back.
We'll be at war. :tsk:

I dont know how you look at it, but the way i see it, when innocent people get killed in Pak, We are at WAR...

For get it... we are going in different directions.
BTW, for me more compelling reason for avoiding war is that it will be fought in my country and there will be human lives at stake and there cannot be any justification for that, what soever.
We will have to lose much more than any military fighting out of rubbles of Afghanistan.
FYI, we own more strategic assets than fuel.
When our CoAS has taken stand against all odds (incl. fuel) than it should be clear to all sane how it will conclude or in other words how far reaching implications it may have.
Trust me once our army has the order they will shoot at every possible flying object and if US have brain enough, it will not embark on suicide mission.
Of course risk of all out war is there if US become selfish and think hell with others, his country is far away.


However I hope that never happens.


Ps : The US is not going to back down whether u like it or not. Also ur fuel, food, ammunition strategic stocks are negligiable
In a report that first surfaced in The New York Times, the US President was persuaded that the time for tracking was over - the time for action and "boots on the ground" had arrived.

Suddenly the previous rhetoric about "key ally" and "friend in the war on terror" when describing Pakistan was changing.

In the past fortnight, the Mr Bush has described Pakistan as one of the major battlegrounds in the fight against terrorism.

Tension Between Pakistan And America As US Mounts Incursions Into 'Terrorist Havens' | World News | Sky News
My opinion is that we're f*****... the US is firming it's stance and we are being pushed into a corner with no international help.

Someone orchestrated this, and it's pissing me off. We shouldn't be in this mess.
My opinion is that we're f*****... the US is firming it's stance and we are being pushed into a corner with no international help.

Someone orchestrated this, and it's pissing me off. We shouldn't be in this mess.

Someone may have orchestrated it, but we allowed ourselves to be played. My own take is that life will go on as business as usual. Strikes here and there, action against own tribal areas, and the ups and downs of this on again, off again marriage.

There is no clear cut answers for either side. I think the focus should be on bringing the Pashtuns back into the fold in the Afghan government. That means talking with Haqqani, Mehsud and what not.
Someone may have orchestrated it, but we allowed ourselves to be played. My own take is that life will go on as business as usual. Strikes here and there, action against own tribal areas, and the ups and downs of this on again, off again marriage.

There is no clear cut answers for either side. I think the focus should be on bringing the Pashtuns back into the fold in the Afghan government. That means talking with Haqqani, Mehsud and what not.

The people of Pakistan need to light a small torch under the GOP's b***s. I saw this coming in 1996. We need a populist leader.
No Batman,

I am talking on taking on the United States when Pakistan is already so dependant on them and the most unreliable Ummah.

There's a difference.

We're not taking on the United States, rather they are jumping about in our business.

The attitude in Pakistan is, "They are going to keep killing us anyway, might as well take plenty down with us".

If it ever comes down to losing a war to an American invasion, nukes would be flying around much sooner. Sure that would invite the wrath of America, but whats the difference at that point?

Pakistan has a publicly stated first use policy. Just like the United States.
Dear Munir,

How easy you find such simple solutions when you live safely In Holland ?

Okay we take it for granted that man to man the Pakistani Armed Forces are the best. Okay ?

Your Navy will last a day against the US Navy.
Your Airforce will last a week against the USAF.
Your Army at the most two weeks.

However your insurgency against the US for a life time if they are stupid enough to put boots on the ground.

I am saying that keeping in my mind that Armed Forces march and win battles when they have fuel, ammunition and food. All three of them are not plentifull in Pakistan. You will be suprised how fast the Ummah will desert u when u take on the USA.


What makes you think that the logistical supplies of the US forces will be intact once the real show bigins ? Your faith in the capabilities of the US forces is based on the US success in Iraq and Afghanistan; I would like to remind you that Iraq and afghanistan did not have any air or sea power at all and their armies were almost non-existent. Most importantly the entire world (I don't mean the stupid Arabs but China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and Iran)was more or less in favour of the US invasion. This is certainly not the case now, so I suggest you keep your unreasonable fears to yourself.:whistle:
Border forces given green light to 'open fire'

Wednesday, 17 Sep, 2008 | 03:52 AM PKT |

ISLAMABAD: The military has ordered its forces to open fire if U.S. troops launch another air or ground raid across the Afghan border, an army spokesman told Dawn on Tuesday.

The military told field commanders to prevent any similar raids, after U.S. helicopters ferried troops into a militant stronghold in the South Waziristan tribal region, Army spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas was quoted as saying by The Associated Press (AP).

“The orders are clear,” Abbas said in an interview. “In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire.”

When talking to Dawn however, Gen Abbas downplayed the comment saying that this was not something new. “Our policy is that we reserve the right to defend our soldiers and people against any incursion from across the border”, he remarked.

He said he had been quoted out of context by AP, but that the statement credited to him was close to what he meant.

He said he was asked how Pakistan would defend itself in the case of a cross-border raid, and the answer had been: by engaging with those who violate the territorial sovereignty of the country. He said the engagement would mean opening fire when a similar raid was carried out.

The orders, which come in response to a highly unusual Sept. 3 ground attack by U.S. commandos, are certain to heighten tensions between Washington and a key ally against terrorism, according to the AP report.
Although the ground attack was rare, there have been repeated reports of U.S. drone aircraft striking militant targets, most recently on Sept. 12.

Abbas said that Pakistan's military had asked for an explanation but received only a “half-page” of “very vague” information that failed to identify the intended target.

Pakistani officials have said the raid killed about 15 people, and Abbas said they all appeared to be civilians."These were truck drivers, local traders and their families,” he said.

The spokesman also played down suggestions that the instructions had been put into practice before dawn on Monday, when U.S. helicopters reportedly landed near Angoor Ada only to fly away after troops fired warning shots.

Abbas insisted no foreign troops had crossed the border and that “trigger-happy tribesmen” had fired the shots. Pakistani troops based nearby fired flares to see what was going on, he said. The U.S. military in Afghanistan said none of its troops were involved.

Pakistani officials warn that stepped-up cross-border raids will accomplish little while fueling violent religious extremism in nuclear-armed Pakistan. Some complain that the country is a scapegoat for the failure to stabilize Afghanistan.

Pakistan's civilian leaders, who have taken a hard line against Islamic militants since forcing Pervez Musharraf to resign as president last month, have insisted that Pakistan must resolve the dispute with Washington through diplomatic channels.

U.S. military commanders accuse Islamabad of doing too little to prevent the Taliban and other militant groups from recruiting, training and resupplying in Pakistan's wild tribal belt.

Pakistan acknowledges the presence of al-Qaida fugitives and its difficulties in preventing militants from seeping through the mountainous border into Afghanistan.

However, it insists it is doing what it can and paying a heavy price, pointing to its deployment of more then 100,000 troops in its increasingly restive northwest and a wave of suicide bombings across the country.

After talks Tuesday with British officials in London, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said he did not “think there will be any more” cross-border raids by the U.S. He declined to comment on the order to use lethal force against American troops.
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Border forces given green light to 'open fire'

While Gen. Abbas did say that he was quoted out of context, the military does not so far seem to be backing off its statement. Gen. Abbas once again stated that the PA woudl engage forces invading Pakistan.

As Blain suggested though, it was important for Pakistan to draw a line in the sand. The line has been drawn in quite a high profile manner, and with almost a mini diplomatic war, with Mullen rushing to Islamabad, British FM Straw in Islamabad, and Prez. Zardari meeting PM brown.

I hope the suggested international conference on Afghanistan and Pakistan takes place as well where this issue continues to be raised.

Whether any of this will have an impact on the cudgel wielding soldier types in the Pentagon remains to be seen.

However I hope that never happens.


Ps : The US is not going to back down whether u like it or not. Also ur fuel, food, ammunition strategic stocks are negligiable

Vietnam's strategic stock was also negligible, but their will to fight back was not and that decided the rest. Anyway you're doing a fine job for the Great Satan.
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