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Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

Good that PK has not abandoned this burning issue

Both countries should and hopefully would move past "Kashmir"....both countries have bigger issues and if they choose to drag this any longer, it's going to be detrimental for not only them but everyone else as well. India and Pakistan are capable of compromise and friendship, people just have to change their perspectives!

Hope that PK will not do any such compromise that would upset Kashmiris.
2013/14 is not the 1990's. Most will become easy fodder for the IA. That time has come & gone. In any case, they will have plenty to occupy them both in Afghanistan & in Pakistan itself.

I disagree mate.I think we will have our hands bloody in the comming years and the war has just intensified.Just count how many soldiers have we lost this year in attacks and you would realise that Pakistan is upto something and with the US exiting Afghanistan in 2014 things are only bound to get more intense in this part of the world.

Agreed things have changed since the 90s but its still not over yet.
Do you claim everyone to be a Pakistani if they post something negative towards India? Talk about an inferiority complex...

But I have been long enough in this forum to know of false flaggers and there allegiances . But my comment did touched your nerve . Talk about an inferiority complex ....... :wave:
Both countries should and hopefully would move past "Kashmir"....both countries have bigger issues and if they choose to drag this any longer, it's going to be detrimental for not only them but everyone else as well. India and Pakistan are capable of compromise and friendship, people just have to change their perspectives!

Buddy, The problem is it is from Pakistan the terrorists infiltrate into India.... Not the other way around. India is okay with the status quo. Where as Pakistan isn't.

I will also be happy if all Pakistanis think like you, but alas there are some thinktank like RazPAK who think exactly opposite.
2013/14 is not the 1990's. Most will become easy fodder for the IA. That time has come & gone. In any case, they will have plenty to occupy them both in Afghanistan & in Pakistan itself.

Hum reg the underlined part, We are seeing the Ambush in Indian side of LOC and beheading happening on India side...Not the other way around! The spiness Congress leaders ruined the nation for many decades... Still we support them!
Buddy, The problem is it is from Pakistan the terrorists infiltrate into India.... Not the other way around. India is okay with the status quo. Where as Pakistan isn't.

I will also be happy if all Pakistanis think like you, but alas there are some thinktank like RazPAK who think exactly opposite.

There are only few who thinks like Mr ZYXW.

Pakistan and india can't become friends until kashmir issue will not solve.
Don't you get it Indians, it is the locals in Kashmir who are killing your troops.

What do you expect when your soldiers go marching into mosques, abducting children and raping women and little girls.
Don't you get it Indians, it is the locals in Kashmir who are killing your troops.

What do you expect when your soldiers go marching into mosques, abducting children and raping women and little girls.

Are you justifying the killing.
Hum reg the underlined part, We are seeing the Ambush in Indian side of LOC and beheading happening on India side...Not the other way around! The spiness Congress leaders ruined the nation for many decades... Still we support them!

Indian actions are not spoken about, doesn't mean they don't happen. the IA gives as good as it gets, if not more.

My point was more straightforward, Indian capabilities are not like the 1990's. The army is much better equipped to deal with infiltration than before. A few incidents, however tragic, are not the correct barometer.
Indian actions are not spoken about, doesn't mean they don't happen. the IA gives as good as it gets, if not more.

My point was more straightforward, Indian capabilities are not like the 1990's. The army is much better equipped to deal with infiltration than before. A few incidents, however tragic, are not the correct barometer.

I am sorry, I value Indian Soldiers life more... It is more precious than the life of a terrorists...

There are only few who thinks like Mr ZYXW.

Pakistan and india can't become friends until kashmir issue will not solve.

Ha ha ha....No one is looking for Pakistani friendship! Let India concentrate on the economy, everything will fall in place!
Buddy, The problem is it is from Pakistan the terrorists infiltrate into India.... Not the other way around. India is okay with the status quo. Where as Pakistan isn't.

I will also be happy if all Pakistanis think like you, but alas there are some thinktank like RazPAK who think exactly opposite.

I agree...but this political war going on betwn the two states started because of and is maintained by both states. It's not th people, just the politicians. If the politicians change, instead of manipulating into hating, they can manipulate the people into getting along...as for kashmir, I don't think either side is truly happy with the status quo, but in the case of kashmir, what either side thinks shouldn't matter, all that should matter is what the Kashmiris as a whole want :)

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